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Woke up to a hell of a fight.

Guest ADAM

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Guest mustangdave

folks were mentioning that they were surprised that the yotes didn't tuck tail and run after the first BLAST...as the yote population has come into the "cities" on their scavenging forays...they've pretty much lost their fear of man...and YES luck was on your side...good JOB!

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I hear those things almost every night around my house. You can hear em off in the distance killing something. Never close enough for me to grab the gun and shoot at but I still grab it anyway when looking for the dogs.

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Guest db99wj
folks were mentioning that they were surprised that the yotes didn't tuck tail and run after the first BLAST...as the yote population has come into the "cities" on their scavenging forays...they've pretty much lost their fear of man...and YES luck was on your side...good JOB!

I was thinking the same thing. As a kid, it was hard to see one period, not because they weren't out there, but they stayed away and took off if they heard you coming. We heard them a lot.

Some friends of mine run some out in the Germantown trail system and Shelby Farms in East Memphis, she was running one morning and came around a bend in the woods, and ran up on one, it took off. Scared her. I have seen a few out in that area as well. Cities are not off limits to them either.

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holy crap Adam...glad to hear you and your dog are ok...sounds like he was faring alright...what kind of dog is it?

He is a German Shepard / Lab mixed. Or a 100LB lap dog. And yes we will get steak tonite, since me and him will be bachelors tonite.

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i live in brentwood and was woken up by a pack right next to our house a few weeks back. kinda weirded my wife out (she's a city girl). had to explain this exact scenario could/would occur if they and our dog met so she has to be careful letting him out at night.

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Maybe the "Yankee" guy that posted on the hunting forum a while back will be able to se that, " yes... the coyotes are a nuisance". So glad you were home to save your dog! There's no telling how many other dogs they have killed in the past. Glad you eliminated five of them. Hope your dog checks out OK.

Oops! My bad, he was talking about Bobcats.

Edited by Sidewinder
Oops! My bad, he was talking about Bobcats.
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Guest Oaklands

Glad you and the dog are ok. My cousin lives in a subdivision up Madison Country, KY. It backs up to a heavily wooded area. You can hear them. They keep a close eye on their little dog when letting it out as one of the yotes was eyeing it for lunch one evening.

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Guest jdavis

the coyotes were more than likely not rabid, they wouldnt have ran because all the defense modes they have is fight and flight and they were already in the fight mode until you showed them a new way to fly. you and your pup did good .

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Guest HvyMtl

Um. Not Climate change... There are a few reasons. They eat anything and love garbage - easy pickings... Most other primary predators have long been removed by humans, opening new territory to them. They are also known to hitch hike on human transportation, from trains to trucks. (Looking for the surprise picture of a coyote curled up in a seat on a light rail system out in Colorado...) They easily adapt to change.

I always carry when going to the trash. I know they are in my neighborhood.

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Glad you and your dog are o.k. Coyotes are becoming a very big problem in the cities as well as out in rural areas. I have seen coyotes in the middle of Murfreesboro and someone stated they have been found in the middle of New York city. I doubt they were rabid so don't worry to much about that. A local game warden told me that there are lots of coyotes in west TN but they are becoming a big problem across the state due to less people hunting and trapping them.

Edited by Hunting101
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Yes, they have been spotted in NYC. The wife pointed it out to me when they mentioned it on "Good Morning America" or whatever morning show she was watching as I was leaving for work the other day.

Here is a really good article that explains the rise of the eastern coyotes and how they are actually more dangerous than their western counterparts.

Coyote Attacks | Outside Online

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