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Just got a LCP...who has one?

Guest raceman383

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Guest raceman383

I wasnt even seriously looking for a new toy but I made a impulse buy yesterday and picked me up a LCP. I havent got out to the range yet to test it. So anyone here have one? If so what do you think of it? I been carrying a Taurus PT145, but at times even that was a little bulky at times. So did I make a good buy or did I waste my money?

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Guest Sgt. Joe

I finally got to put my hands on one yesterday....Man that thing is small!!!!

I was going to trade for it but bailed on it as it was so small I didnt think I could control it very well.

Today I called back and put one on law away anyway, I figure it will be a good pocket gun and if I dont like it, it should be easy enough to sell as it seems everyone I have heard talk about them that has one loves it.

So I cant really help ya but to say all I have heard about them is that folks love them. I was shocked at the size but on the other had it could be hidden anywhere and with the extended mag it should be easier to hold.

Good luck and let us know what YOU think when you get to shoot it. I really doubt you wasted your money though.

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Guest J.D.D

I have one that I have put around 300 rounds thru it and only 1 FTF and i belive that was a bad round.

I dont have any trouble controling it. Around 100 of the rounds was Gold Dot HP and the rest was Walmart FMJ.

Very easy to clean! I like this little Gun!

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I wasnt even seriously looking for a new toy but I made a impulse buy yesterday and picked me up a LCP. I havent got out to the range yet to test it. So anyone here have one? If so what do you think of it? I been carrying a Taurus PT145, but at times even that was a little bulky at times. So did I make a good buy or did I waste my money?

It is a rascal. Stiff spring, takes a good grip to chamber. Accurate as they

come, but even at that I installed a Crimson Laser. Got the CL from ebay

for $150. The sights are difficult to see except in bright sunlight. Never

have had a FTF or any of that. It fires allright and you can see the fire.

Put a few downrange and then loaded it with cor-bon and now where

is it. Let's see now, which pocket did I put it in. It is so light, I may never

know. Nine point four ounces, 9.4 oz. Yes, I guess we wasted our

money, but not much of it. Half the price of the P238 and just as

accurate. Shoots just as well and is ready to fire at all times without

a safety. Be safe and enjoy.

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I have a PPS. As small as the PPS is, i still find times when i want something smaller. I am jones'n for a LCP. The good reviews in this thread may have just talked me into it. The LCP is so light, it could be in a joggin pants or short pocket.

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Had one for a year or so now and have put 100 or so rounds through it with no problems whatsoever. The sights do suck but obviously, it's not made for the range. I very seldom carry it except when I'm wearing shorts walking with the wife or occasionally to church. The little squirt does have some kick to it. :D

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I finally got a chance to shoot mine last week. We had 4 guns with us, so we only put 50 rounds thru the LCP. It's snappy, but not near as bad as my 637 (airweight snubbie). I was surprised how comfortable it was too shoot. The girlfriend thought it was a little painful, but that was after a few mags. I wouldn't let her shoot the 637. I was also surprised how controllable it was.

It's a keeper. In fact, I even believe it's a good carry gun for my girlfriend. She may not be typical... handles a CZ75 P01 and 1911 without complaining at all.

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I had one, and decided it wash't for me.. I sold it and bought a Sig P238, which I find more accurate and easier to shoot. The extra $ spent and the pistol's (slight) additional weight are worth it to me.

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Crrimson trace and a Blackhawk or uncle Mikes #3 pocket holster ad you do forget it is there. yes on the mag extension but there is just a little less footprint without it. So I have an extra mag without. I bought the P238 for the wife due to the slide on the LCP. However Crimson Trace has not released a laser for the P238 yet.

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The OP said, "So did I make a good buy or did I waste my money?". I gave him my opinion. I should have qualified it by saying that it is fine for a plinker, but with the cost of the ammo, why would you?

I do not own an elsiepea and I never will. I had a P3AT when I didn't know any better and I sold it when I realized that the caliber is not adequate for self defense because it is not a fight stopper. If you want to trust your life to one, be my guest. I won't.

Not trying to start a caliber war. The man asked for opinions; I gave him mine.

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Guest rystine

Now, in order to ensure my post is on topic. To the OP, I would say to shoot FMJ's. Easier to find, cheaper (if .380 is cheap), and will offer better penetration. There's plenty of good pocket holsters out there that will make a LCP disappear. Deep concealment is the name of the game with those tiny autopistols :crazy: .

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Guest walkingdeadman

I am going to look at the Ruger LCP today. It might end up following me home. lol

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Guest dlstewart01

I have two Ruger LCPs. I also have three 9mm, three 38s one 357. I choose to carry the LCP 99.9% of the time. It is very reliable. To me it does not kick that much and it fits in my front pocket so well most of the time I don't even know its there. I believe it represents very good value for the money.


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As for the topic at hand, my wife carries a P3AT, which, as I understand it, it quite similar. While the LCP is probably a better quality firearm, the most important aspect is size - it doesn't matter what you have in the safe, it's what you'll carry. For my wife, it was very important that it be very small and light, so that meant something like the P3AT/LCP.

Not a fun gun to shoot, but better than nothing.

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