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I went to buy a Glock 22 today......

Will Carry

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Guest The Highlander

I REALLY wanted an XDm when I first read about them. The first one I handled felt great, but very heavy. When I actually compared the XDm to my Glocks, it didn't really come off much better, and since I carry all day every day, that weight was a deal-breaker. Now, for a range gun, I'll sooner or later pick up an XDm-9 for sure. Probably be a good nightstand or truck gun too.

I've also got too big an investment in Glock muscle memory, mags, holsters, etc. to switch and have to start over again.

Don't think you could go wrong with either gun.

Edited by The Highlander
Typo, as usual!
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I am not sure why the 3.8 is sounding popular. For concealing the butt of the gun is what matters and the 3.8 and service model have the same size butt, don't they?

They do. But in a seated position the barrel length can be an issue. I wear my XDM40 all day sometimes though, and I hardly even notice it's there.

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Guest db99wj
They do. But in a seated position the barrel length can be an issue. I wear my XDM40 all day sometimes though, and I hardly even notice it's there.

I'm with Mike. The butt of the gun is more of a printing issue than anything, an additional inch doesn't make that much difference...:koolaid::D

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I bought my XD for several reasons over the Glock the grip angle. The XD guns have the same grip angle albeit different feel than that of a 1911. Same reason I bought my Ruger MKIII in the 22/45 frame vs the standard luger style . So eventually when I graduate to My future 1911 . It will feel more natural for me. As for 9mm cost and availability helped with that decision. I love my XD it shoots great very reliable and quite accurate as well .( I have shot and absolutely loved shooting the Glocks I have had the opportunity to shoot ) And on top of all that I don't have to feel like a conforming :( drinker . (flame me all ya want its a lil chilly in the living room any way ).

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Guest smileyguy

Nice. I've been itching for a XDm9 Tactical for a while. Nothing against Glocks, they are fine guns, but I like the XD line better. They point better (for me) and I think the XD has a better trigger.

Enjoy your new purchase.

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Guest FiddleDog

I just picked up an XDM 3.8 last week. It's like the commander version of the XDM. Ergs are Spot on. Not bagging on the gen4 22. I may need to own that in the future.

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