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I went to buy a Glock 22 today......

Will Carry

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but they had this Springfield XD-M 40. After comparing the two pistols I bought the XDM. I liked the Glock sights better and the Glock was lighter. Typical of Glocks it was a no frills simple pistol. But something about the Springfield XD-M caught my favor. The man at the gun shop was a big Glock fan, but admitted that the XD-M, with the match grade barrel, was more accurate and that's why I bought it. It's my first and only 40. I bought a 40 becuase every time I go to Walmart or Dick's, then only thing they have is 40 caliber.

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Guest cheez
Nice... I am considering a .40 and I have G22 4th Gen in mind. Now, I have to see what the XD M 40 looks and feels like. Thanks.

Both are great guns but the edge goes to the Glock simply because the accessory availability for Glocks is second to none. JMHO

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but they had this Springfield XD-M 40. After comparing the two pistols I bought the XDM. I liked the Glock sights better and the Glock was lighter. Typical of Glocks it was a no frills simple pistol. But something about the Springfield XD-M caught my favor. The man at the gun shop was a big Glock fan, but admitted that the XD-M, with the match grade barrel, was more accurate and that's why I bought it. It's my first and only 40. I bought a 40 becuase every time I go to Walmart or Dick's, then only thing they have is 40 caliber.

I have the same gun, in OD and stainless. I love it. I really don't think you'll be disappointed. And even give its size, it's my EDC, with my $26 Don Hume leather IWB holster. The only problem I've ever had with mine was failure to feed, but it was due to a dirty magazine. Other than that, it has eaten everything I have tried in it, from the cheap stuff, to the good stuff, factory and reloads. Good find.

Both are great guns but the edge goes to the Glock simply because the accessory availability for Glocks is second to none. JMHO

Probably true, but most people don't do any more with their carry guns than night sights and maybe a trigger job. And a light is nice to have if you use it as your nightstand gun too. Finally a conversion barrel might be in order if you plan on shooting it a lot, IDPA, etc. All of these are pretty readily available for both guns.

I'd say you can't go wrong either way. Both are great guns.

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My "up close" vision has gone with age. The white U of the Glock back sight is easier for me to see. The XDm sights are dim even for a three dot sight, but that's easy enough to fix. I have put high viz green dot sights on my XD-45 and I can see them well. Even with a blur I can still center the sight picture.

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I like my XD(m) 9. I have plans to install a Springer Precision trigger kit to really get it to my liking. I haven't had too much trouble acquiring 9mm Luger from Walmart recently, so IMO 9mm was the best option.

I carry my G23 in .40 S&W most of the time, but I'm not sure I'll ever buy another weapon chambered in .40 S&W.

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Guest Bronker
I like my XD(m) 9. I have plans to install a Springer Precision trigger kit to really get it to my liking. I haven't had too much trouble acquiring 9mm Luger from Walmart recently, so IMO 9mm was the best option.

I carry my G23 in .40 S&W most of the time, but I'm not sure I'll ever buy another weapon chambered in .40 S&W.

Why is that? Ammo availability?

You can't walk through sporting goods in Dickson Wal-Mart without falling over the .40S&W stacks. Really weird...but lately they have had lots of 9mm, and 40.

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Guest gw2and4
You can't walk through sporting goods in Dickson Wal-Mart without falling over the .40S&W stacks. Really weird...but lately they have had lots of 9mm, and 40.

Yeah, thanks for the tip by the way. Stopped by there on my way back to Franklin from the Dickson IDPA shoot. Got my limit of 6 boxes of 100-round WWB 9mm. :D Wonder why they allow you 6, but the Cool Springs Wal-Mart only lets you have one box per caliber/type...

And on the OP's original topic: I ran my new Glock 22Gen4 at IDPA today. Shoots great. Dig the new spring and slightly shorter length of pull with the new grip profile. Didn't prevent my lack of chops with a shotgun from dragging my times down into the toilet though. ;) Maybe I would've done better with that XD(m) .40 of yours...

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Guest gw2and4
You turd.:P

I went after some 9's tonight, and lo and behold...


Nice... Not to deflect from your entertaining description of my procurement methodology, but who goes to Wal-Mart on a Saturday evening and expects there to be centerfire pistol ammo on the shelves?! I'm just sayin'... LOL :D

In all seriousness--there was 9mm availabile when I left the store. Several more 100-round WWB value packs and a couple other straggler 50-round boxes. Sorry for the frustration. Know it all too well...which is why I decided to stock up when I saw it.

Edited by gw2and4
incomplete post
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Guest Bronker
Nice... Not to deflect from your entertaining description of my procurement methodology, but who goes to Wal-Mart on a Saturday evening and expects there to be centerfire pistol ammo on the shelves?! I'm just sayin'... LOL :D


(:nervous:...Thursday afternoon is the time to go...:P)

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I've got the XD40 compact (before the m came out) and I love it. I carry it a lot and it's very comfortable, even with the extended 12 round mag. I'm not big on pistol accessories, so I am used to point shooting with it. The only pistol I have that is more accurate is my 1911. I think you'll be really happy with this gun.

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Guest mikedwood

I'm a Glock :shrug: fan and not an XD fan, but... I recently saw and fondled the XDM 3.8 and if that had been avalible when I first got my Glock :koolaid: the end result might have been different.

I like the XDM 3.8 very much.

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Guest 70below
I am not sure why the 3.8 is sounding popular. For concealing the butt of the gun is what matters and the 3.8 and service model have the same size butt, don't they?

+1 I wouldn't mind having a fullsize xd-m though.

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Guest davidz71

I bought the XD40 Tactical 5" first but it just didn't feel right. I traded it in on an XD40 bitone 4" and it has been a good gun although the trigger will need some work. I fondled an XDM40 3.8 at one of the last gun shows and really liked it. I kept switching back and forth between my XD40 and the XDM40 3.8, eyes closed, eyes open, having a friend hand me one or the other. I'm really thinking about buying the 3.8. I compared the butt length between my XD40 and the XDM40 3.8 and it was less than 1/2" more for the new pistol.

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I bought the XD40 Tactical 5" first but it just didn't feel right. I traded it in on an XD40 bitone 4" and it has been a good gun although the trigger will need some work. I fondled an XDM40 3.8 at one of the last gun shows and really liked it. I kept switching back and forth between my XD40 and the XDM40 3.8, eyes closed, eyes open, having a friend hand me one or the other. I'm really thinking about buying the 3.8. I compared the butt length between my XD40 and the XDM40 3.8 and it was less than 1/2" more for the new pistol.

I'll probably add a XD 9 tactical one of these days, just to round out the collection (have service and subbie). But I have too much investment in mags to probably ever buy the XDM9.

- OS

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Why is that? Ammo availability?

You can't walk through sporting goods in Dickson Wal-Mart without falling over the .40S&W stacks. Really weird...but lately they have had lots of 9mm, and 40.

Cost of ammunition vs 9mm, no significant benefit over a good 9mm JHP round.

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