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Bart Gordon in the bag on Obamacare

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Called Gordon's DC office this afternoon and actually got through to a real person first try. She told me he had decided to vote yes on the "deem" measure advancing the health care legislation. Got an email tonight confirming it again.

No reason we can't still bombard him with calls. I also sent him the following reply to his email. I'm really pissed about this whole situation, I can't believe we're where we are. I've got to calm down, I can't get anything else done for thinking about this situation.---- OK, I'm calming down now..... Here's what I sent just because I was so pissed at the time.

Then why are you agreeing to use a less than constitutional method of passage, if this bill is so right for Tennessee and our country?

The "deem" passage method makes my country look like some third world regime rather than the leader of the free world and champion of liberty and justice. Regardless of your opinion of the health care bill itself, you are shameless in you support of this despicable method of circumventing our constitution and the shared powers it put into place by our founding fathers. What else can we expect you to "deem" appropriate?

Your time in congress is soon coming to an end and I say amen. I hope you get a real cushy government job out of the deal in some other state, or preferably, country. Maybe they could use a man like you in South America somewhere because no one in Tennessee with half a brain would ever employ you for honest gain.

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Guest jackdm3

I was SO hoping we/they could drag this out for the rest of his term. That way, maybe no other stupid laws could be enacted, either. THAT would be a nice way to spend the next 3 years.

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Guest redbarron06

What a tool. He needs to just go ahead and resign and have a moving company pack his stuff and bring it to him. He sure as hell is not welcome back in the Volunteer state.

Letter to Jim Cooper (though I know it will do no good)

Dear Represenitive Cooper,

I am writing you tonight considering the possibility of an upcoming vote on the Senates proposed healthcare bill. Like many others in your district and in Tennessee I ask you to oppose the bill. Not only does this bill violate the Constitution by requiring an American citizen to have an insurance policy but it unaffordable. Please check the numbers as it will save some money for the first 10 years because it is only paying out money for 6 of those years but is taking in money for 10. If it takes 10 years worth of money to pay for 6 years worth of service the program can not sustain itself.

I am not really sure what the Democratic party is trying to do to this country but have you not visited Tennessee latley, or turned on the TV. The american people do not want this bill. To force it down our throat at the tip of a sword is no different than the taxes that King George imposed on us a couple hundred years ago.

Futhermore, for the House to try to pass this in some sleezy back room dope deal with the "deem and pass" is as close to treason as our own governemnt can come.

Almsot every policy that the president has gotten through has taken this country more and more toward socialism and Congress does not seem to read the very document they have sworn to defend and uphold. Please read Article 1. Healthcare is not a power that has been reserved for the federal govt. Neither is taking over a private company, funding abortions in other countries, or giving people money to buy cars and golf carts.

The people of Tennessee deserve better than this and deserve more respect that to have a national policy (that violates the Constitution) shoved down our throat.

Unless you have not noticed, unrest is growing in this country. How far is this Congress and this President going to go to devide the citizens of the greatest nation on earth. Though I am not in favor of any type of violence I can tell you that there is a movement growing in that direction. States with talk of secession, the law passed today in Idaho, others laws like the Montanna, Tennessee, and Wyoming firearms freedom acts. The citizens of this country are not happy, and laws and tactics like the ones coming out of two of the three branches of federal govt are not doing anything but adding fuel to the fire. If this was good legislation they why are 37 states (enough to call a Constitutional Convention) at various stages of fighting it?

Understand this sir, If you vote for this bill then you will have lost my support for any upcoming election for any public race.

Thank you for taking the time to listen to my concerns.

Edited by redbarron06
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I have called Gordon's office before; sent e-mails... I am considering sending this. I would appreciate thoughts as to any problem I might not be able to think of in my current state of anger:

Congressman Gordon: I have been polite... respectful... patient... everything I should properly be. Now, I understand you are going to support the "deem" method of buggery? I'm sorry; my gloves are now off. I "deem" you to be one of the most disgusting, odious, putrid sons of a bitch I've ever known. I look forward to facing you in your Gallatin office next time you dare to bring your lame a$$ to town. I want you to look me in the eye and explain your position on disregard for the Constitution of these United States that some of us have sworn to defend from ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.

Good day, "sir."

My Name

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I have called Gordon's office before; sent e-mails... I am considering sending this. I would appreciate thoughts as to any problem I might not be able to think of in my current state of anger:

Congressman Gordon: I have been polite... respectful... patient... everything I should properly be. Now, I understand you are going to support the "deem" method of buggery? I'm sorry; my gloves are now off. I "deem" you to be one of the most disgusting, odious, putrid sons of a bitch I've ever known. I look forward to facing you in your Gallatin office next time you dare to bring your lame a$$ to town. I want you to look me in the eye and explain your position on disregard for the Constitution of these United States that some of us have sworn to defend from ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.

Good day, "sir."

My Name

Send it. Of course, I'm in a state of anger too.

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Guest redbarron06
I have called Gordon's office before; sent e-mails... I am considering sending this. I would appreciate thoughts as to any problem I might not be able to think of in my current state of anger:

Congressman Gordon: I have been polite... respectful... patient... everything I should properly be. Now, I understand you are going to support the "deem" method of buggery? I'm sorry; my gloves are now off. I "deem" you to be one of the most disgusting, odious, putrid sons of a bitch I've ever known. I look forward to facing you in your Gallatin office next time you dare to bring your lame a$$ to town. I want you to look me in the eye and explain your position on disregard for the Constitution of these United States that some of us have sworn to defend from ALL enemies, foreign AND DOMESTIC.

Good day, "sir."

My Name


I think it is time to call for an Article V Convention, bring back the meaning of 9A, 10A and the rest of the original Constitution. We do it in a way that is above Congress and the President. I know if we call it one puts it all on the line and and some point we have to risk if we want reward. We continue to do what we have done and we will continue to get the results we have gotten. It is time to break the cycle before our country is broken beyond repair. If this bill passes do you really think it will be repealed? You and all of your childrens children will pay for this for the rest of thier life.

He who dares, wins. Our founding fathers risked lives, fortune, and sacred honor for the generations to come. Are we too good to take the same risk? Are we willing to allow a ever increasing federal govt to take away the country our parents and grandparents left us to protect and safeguard? 20 years ago, I swore to put my life on the line for this county, I am still willing to fulfil that promise. To get a country that values freedom back I am still willing to risk all.

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Well, at least he isn't as expensive as Mary Landrieu!

Gordon Says 'Yes' To Health Care Reform - Nashville News Story - WSMV Nashville

NASHVILLE, Tenn. -- Retiring U.S. Rep. Bart Gordon has announced he will add his vote in favor of President Barack Obama’s health care reform bill in Washington, D.C.

According to a letter released to his constituents and the media, Gordon said he is supporting the bill because it “now accomplishes three things: one, it reduces health care costs for families and small business; two, it improves access to affordable care, regardless of pre-existing conditions; three, it lowers our budget deficit.”

The Murfreesboro Democrat, who isn’t seeking another term in Congress this year, backed up his argument by reminding voters that he has repeatedly said he would not support reform unless it did all of those things.

The measure currently before Congress seeks to extend coverage to 32 million uninsured people and the Congressional Budget Office estimates the proposal would cost $940 billion over 10 years

Gordon said it will reduce the deficit by $130 billion over the next 10 years and $1.2 trillion in the 10 years after that.

The Democratic congressman has gone back and forth on the legislation. He supported reform last summer, but voted against the House version of the legislation in November.

“I said I hoped the Senate and House could work out the difference and produce a bill I can support,” said Gordon. “One that takes responsible steps to make health care more affordable for our economy and for our families and small businesses.”

He said if reform is not passed soon, the average family premium in Tennessee will go up “from $11,550 today to $19,700 in 2019.”

According to our news partners at The Daily News Journal, Gordon’s support of the legislation drew harsh criticism from Tennessee Republican Party Chairman Chris Devaney.

“Retiring from Congress doesn’t give Rep. Gordon and excuse to abandon his constituents,” Devaney said in a statement from his Nashville office. “Recent polling here in our state suggests that the majority of Tennesseans want Congress to start over on healthcare.”

In that statement Devaney was referring to a recent MTSU survey which suggested 53 percent of Tennesseans think Congress should scrap the current healthcare legislation and start from scratch, while only 22 percent support passing something similar to the bills currently on the House and Senate floors.

But in his statement released Thursday, Gordon said he thinks reform will be better for Middle Tennesseans, ultimately making health care more affordable today and for generations to come.

Fellow Tennessee Democratic Reps. John Tanner and Lincoln Davis have not said how they will vote on the current bill. They both voted against the previous bill in November.

The House is expected to take a vote Sunday.

What this article leaves out is the bribe, but it shows here: Dems sweeten health bill ahead of vote - Health care reform- msnbc.com

Rep. Bart Gordon of Tennessee, a moderate Democrat who is retiring at the end of the year, announced he would vote in favor of the bill after opposing an earlier version. He did so as Democratic leaders included in their revisions a provision worth an estimated $99 million over two years in higher Medicaid payments to Tennessee hospitals that treat large numbers of uninsured.

I wrote Gordon stating that he's a whore of Mary Landreiu's ilk, and that I'm glad he's retiring because we could use fewer whores in Washington.

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Guest 6.8 AR

I think it is time to call for an Article V Convention, bring back the meaning of 9A, 10A and the rest of the original Constitution. We do it in a way that is above Congress and the President. I know if we call it one puts it all on the line and and some point we have to risk if we want reward. We continue to do what we have done and we will continue to get the results we have gotten. It is time to break the cycle before our country is broken beyond repair. If this bill passes do you really think it will be repealed? You and all of your childrens children will pay for this for the rest of thier life.

He who dares, wins. Our founding fathers risked lives, fortune, and sacred honor for the generations to come. Are we too good to take the same risk? Are we willing to allow a ever increasing federal govt to take away the country our parents and grandparents left us to protect and safeguard? 20 years ago, I swore to put my life on the line for this county, I am still willing to fulfil that promise. To get a country that values freedom back I am still willing to risk all.

You said it well, thanks. In total agreement. I saw on SERR8D's blog that Bart may have taken some kind of bribe to change his vote. I'm getting tired of this treason. I wonder what John Tanner will do. Or Cooper?

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I called the local Muffersboro office (couldn't get through to the washington number yesterday). I am not happy.

He took a bribe, he sold his vote, he turned his back on the voters and I wish there was some way he could be brought up on charges.

The only thing I find comforting is that the Republicans are vowing to hold any confirmations to federal appointments for these guys.

But on the other hand... Obama could always appoint him a czar over NASA. :rofl:

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Guest mustangdave

Sorry...No SURPRISE here...move along...this is not the politician we are looking for...move along. You see Luke...the OBAMA can easily manipulate the feeble minded...

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This is the email that I sent him last night after seeing that he changed his vote to yes. I don't think he will have a problem understanding where I stand on the healthcare issue.

"I’ve heard from many Tennesseans in the past year who are struggling to afford health care."

This is a quote from your website.

You obviously didn't listen to all the people that attended your town hall meetings or any of the phone calls or emails to your office that do not want this health care bill to pass or any other government intrusion in our healthcare.

The only thing that I do agree with is the fact that there are some areas that need to be looked into to assist in lowering the cost of healthcare, but this bill is not it.

Creating another entitlement for people does not help this country or its economy. All it does is put more people on the government teet for everyone that pays taxes to pay for. Having entitlement programs such as this do not pursuade people to better themselves. Why should they when the government is going to provide for them, and at what cost.

While it is being called an entitlement, that would infer that one could choose whether or not to be a part of it. Instead the government is forcing its citizens to take something that they don't want. And requires people to buy coverage or be penalized if they choose not to. We want smaller government, not govenment control.

Also after seeing the final bill, I see that your vote of "yes" is just another sweetheart deal in the bill. And since you are going to retire from office this year, what do you care. I am sure you won't be living in Tennessee because you probably can't show your face here again. Since you are a fallguy to get this bill passed, I wouldn't be surprised if you are working for the Obama administration in some capacity.

Mr. Gordon to sum up my rant, this healthcare bill makes me sick. You were elected to your position to represent the majority view of the people in your district, not the minority view. Being a typical politician you constantly say that you listen to your constituents and you have to vote in line to what is in the best interest of us. All you have done is let us down.

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Guest jackdm3
Wow. I can't believe what I'm reading. I am afraid for the future of our country. Now I REALLY wish Ron Paul won.

I'm there with ya. When the election was over, I told everybody not to blame me. 'They said I wasted my vote. Why couldn't I have voted for McCain? I'm the reason for all this. Blah blah blah.' I told them that if every Ron Paul vote went to McCain, he still wouldn't have won. They kept on anyway.

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You said it well, thanks. In total agreement. I saw on SERR8D's blog that Bart may have taken some kind of bribe to change his vote. I'm getting tired of this treason. I wonder what John Tanner will do. Or Cooper?

He did whore out: Wooing waverers, Dems march toward vote - Health care reform- msnbc.com

The White House and Democratic leaders trumpeted two new converts to their cause, as retiring Rep. Bart Gordon, D-Tenn., and first-term Rep. Betsy Markey, D-Colo., announced their support after opposing an earlier version of the legislation last year. Markey cited improved deficit cuts. Gordon said his backing was unrelated to a new provision sending higher Medicaid payments to Tennessee hospitals that treat large numbers of uninsured.

To the tune of $99,000,000.00!

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Rep. Bart Gordon of Tennessee, a moderate Democrat who is retiring at the end of the year, announced he would vote in favor of the bill after opposing an earlier version. He did so as Democratic leaders included in their revisions a provision worth an estimated $99 million over two years in higher Medicaid payments to Tennessee hospitals that treat large numbers of uninsured.



Now Tennessee is going to be included in the same dishonorable sentences as the Cornhusker Kickback, and the Louisiana Purchase... what will they call our dishonor... the Volunteer Victimizations?

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He did so as Democratic leaders included in their revisions a provision worth an estimated $99 million over two years in higher Medicaid payments to Tennessee hospitals that treat large numbers of uninsured.

I bet they are paying $99 million over two years to cover $95 million in higher Medicaid payments to Tennessee hospitals that treat large numbers of uninsured. He'll put a little extra in his pocket to compensate for his "efforts".

Gordon's not selling out for free. This reeks of corruption and personal pocket lining. Too bad he didn't get to ride on Air Force One.

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Guest uofmeet

I am completely disgusted with the federal government. ........................... If this what it takes to get our government back in check, so be it. They obviously don't give two :rofl::poop: about the people that voted them into office anymore.

I am seriously tired of all this damn freeloading the fed gov lets poeple do. .........................

Just getting pissed off like everyone else.

Edited by uofmeet
do not advocate the violent overthrow of the United States Government if you want to stay here.
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