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2010 Census


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Guest oldsmobile98
  Jasongar8 said:
Tell them how many people live there and if they want to know more to bring a warrant.:lol: :lol:
  enfield said:
All I've ever told them, since 1980, is the number of people at my address. They don't need anything more to fulfill the Constitutional purpose of the census.

I ain't in jail yet.

These guys nailed it. All the Constitution requires is the number. Nothing else. You can put more, but I would recommend otherwise.

Not-so-fun fact: the census was used to find Japanese-Americans in 1942 so that the government could sequester them in internment camps.

  shspanthers said:
the part about being required by law to respond. didn't know that part, especially with all the commercials basically begging people to respond.

My wife said she was listening to Drake & Zeke (local radio show) this AM and they were talking to a guy from the census bureau. She said he was telling folks that if you didn't respond by mail that they would come to your house and help you fill it out. One of the radio hosts asked what would happen if someone still refused to fill out the form. She said he replied that LE would be called and you would be taken to the local census office to complete the form.

Yeah, that ain't happening. Wish I could have heard the interview. I'm really hoping she mis-heard him.

Guest blackbeltchick

I thought all they needed to know was how many people live in your home. Why do they need to know your phone number, name, birthday, race etc..? Am I wrong, isn't it suppose to be just a head count? :lol:


That's why I asked for Pro's and Con's. They know my taxable income because my wifes Medicare insurance went up 30% because of my 08 tax returns I pay 1300.00+ per month for her secondary insurance she has MS so she is in the high risk pool. Me and my daughter were informed that our insurance was going up 300 per quarter.My wife called to ask why and she was told that it was because many folks in our area were sick and it was not fair to raise ther insurance and not raise ours.

That's what she was told,I did not twist the words.


Haven't received ours.

If I receive it I will put down how many people live in the house and nothing more.

If the census worker comes to the house they will get the exact same information.

There is a $100 fine for not filling it out.

Guest 6.8 AR
  saintsfanbrian said:
Haven't received ours.

If I receive it I will put down how many people live in the house and nothing more.

If the census worker comes to the house they will get the exact same information.

There is a $100 fine for not filling it out.

That fine is ridiculous, too. Mortgage info? Nope.

I got three in the mail, today, so I guess they already know the information they need from me.

Guest jackdm3

Trois? Tres? These expenditures make me want to emot-barf.gif


I answered question number one (how many), stuck it back in the envelope, and mailed that sucker. I had a census worker show up at my door in 2000 for doing the same thing. She said fill it out or I'll call the cops. I handed her my cell phone...

She left and never returned. If they do the same thing this time I'm telling them they have to the count of ten to get off my property or things are going to get real ugly. If they say they will call the cops, I will again hand them my cell phone. There is a 9.8 chance out of 10 that it will be a LEO that I know, and will tell them to get the hell out of there. FWIW, most of the LEO's I know are only answering question 1, also.

The constitution states the census is only for purposes of enumeration. It is SOLELY to appoint the correct number of representatives in Congress. It IS NOT to distribute anyone's "fair share" of federal funds. Maybe, just maybe, if they stopped worrying so damn much about distributing federal funds fairly, we would not have a budget deficit in the trillions of dollars, and interest on that national debt that we will never be able to pay off, and the real threat of losing our AAA bond rating....just saying...

Guest db99wj

I"m going to fill it out. Don't really care if I verify the information they already have. Between the VA loan, professional licenses (Securities, insurance, Real estate), taxes, social security numbers, former military, etc, it's not like they don't know I exist.

Demographics derived from this are used a lot. Companies looking to move into areas look at demographics very closely in order to make sure the area with support their product, or support their employees, or support their logistics. We use it when doing an area analysis of an area in one of our reports. I have a map of the Memphis Metro area taped beside my screen on the wall that has zip codes and income information, color coded.

Oh well.

Guest 270win

Yeah I'm just answering question 1. That is all that is needed for congressional districts. I don't need some dumb ACORN rep digging through my information. It's sad when there is what is as a president (no need to elaborate) and this ACORN trying to get Census information.

On a side note for entertainment, when I lived in North Little Rock, there was a special census and I kept on getting these big packets and would take them out to the dumpster at my apartment and throw them away. My legal residence was another city in Arkansas. The Census turds would keep wasting time and laying these packets and I'd keep finding them when I'd come home from work and walk them to the dumpster. Finally, for fun and entertainment, I called this number on a letter and this Census guy said "Oh we've been looking for you sir!". I said "Well I've been throwing away all your packets and thought you'd get the message by now"...This guy literally got ticked on the phone and started telling me about these laws and stuff and I said "Look man...my residence is another city...I am not a resident of North Little Rock...I don't belong in that special census"...It's like it was such a big deal for him to understand that and that he was playing police. I'll never even call them (don't want my cell showing up on their caller ID) b/c they are such jerks to even reason with when you try to be nice.


I got mine yesterday and filled it out in about 5 minutes. There was really nothing to it. The only issue I have with the form is that they already have every bit of this info and more by looking at my yearly income tax return.

Guest BigNoise

According to census workers I know, the fine is RARELY issued, in fact non of them could remember when it had been. And I'm not talking about seasonal employees.

Guest FroggyOne2


Census threat: $5,000 fines

U.S. congressman slams 'Big Brother' questions

Posted: March 16, 2010

9:09 pm Eastern

By Jerome R. Corsi

© 2010 WorldNetDaily


Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas

How many people live in your home? Are any of them Hispanic? Are the people who live in your home citizens? How big is your home? Do you have difficulty making decisions or climbing stairs? How much do you pay for your sewage system? Are you married? What's your rent or mortgage payment? Do you own an automobile? Are you on food stamps? How much money do you make?

These are just a sample of the highly detailed and personal questions asked in the mandatory American Community Survey the U.S. Census Bureau will send to a sample of some 3 million U.S. households in addition to the 2010 Census.

Refusing to answer the questions or answering them incorrectly will subject citizens to hefty fines.

The U.S. Census website for the American Community Survey warns that under Title 13 of the U.S. Code, Section 221, anyone who refuses to answer the 11-page 48-question survey, or who answers the questions with false information, will be subject to a possible $5,000 fine.

Get "Taking America Back," Joseph Farah's manifesto for sovereignty, self-reliance and moral renewal

As WND reported last year, Rep. Ted Poe, R-Texas, introduced H.R. 3131 to make participation in the extended ACS survey voluntary.

(Story continues below)

In an e-mail to WND, Poe repeated his charge that the American Community Survey amounts to an Obama administration attempt to create a "government dossier on American citizens."

Unable to move the resolution through a Democratic Party-controlled House of Representatives, Poe continues to argue that the law should be changed to make the American Community Survey voluntary.

"The federal government has a constitutional duty to count the number of people in the United States every 10 years," Poe told WND. "But the federal government has no business keeping a comprehensive personal profile on every American citizen.

"The government can take this detailed information about each person who answers the American Community Survey and use that information for its own purposes," he said. "This is Big Brother at its worst. To me, it's an invasion of privacy by the federal government all in the name of taking care of us."

WND has consistently found the Census Department difficult to reach for comment. No media phone number or contact person is published on the home page of the U.S. Census Bureau. By typing, "news" into the Census Bureau homepage search engine, a page displays the phone number 301-763-3030 as the bureau's Public Information Office. Dialing that number, WND received a recording that directed news reporters to dial yet another number, 301-763-3691. Dialing that number, WND encountered voice mail.

After leaving a request for a call on the voice mail, the Census Bureau Public Information Office neglected to return the call.

Among the questions asked on the 11-page American Community Survey are:

  • The first section of the ACS asks for full name of each person living in the household, the total number of people, how the people are related to each other, the date of birth, sex and race of each person and whether any are of Hispanic, Latino or Spanish origin.
  • The second section surveys housing, asking whether the household is a mobile home, a one-family detached home, a one-family home attached to one or more houses, an apartment or a boat, RV or van.
  • Then the ACS asks what year the building was built, when "Person No. 1" in the housing section moved into the home; the size of land the home is on; what agricultural products were sold from the property in the last 12 months; whether the property was used as a business; how many separate rooms are in the house; whether the house has hot and cold running water; whether the house has a flush toilet, a shower or bathtub, a sink with a faucet, a stove or range, a refrigerator and a telephone; how many cars, vans and trucks are kept at the property; and what fuel is most used at the property – gas, electricity, fuel oil or kerosene, coal or coke, wood, solar energy, or "other."
  • Further, the housing section in the ACS asks what was last month's bill for energy, what was the cost of water and sewage for the housing unit in the last year, whether anyone in the household received food stamps in the last year, the monthly rental or mortgage cost of the unit, an estimate of the resale value of the housing unit, the unit's annual property taxes and the annual cost of fire, hazard and flood insurance on the property.
  • The ACS wants to know if Person No. 1 in the household is a citizen, if the person was born in the U.S. or when the person came to the U.S.; whether the person had attended college in the last three years and what is the highest level of education the person has completed; the person's ancestry or ethnic origin; whether the person speaks a language other than English at home, and if yes, what language; whether the person lived in this housing unit or an apartment a year ago; whether the person is covered by health insurance, and if yes, by what type of health insurance.
  • Next, Person No. 1 must answer if he/she is deaf or has difficulty hearing; if the person is blind or has serious difficulty seeing even when wearing glasses; if the person has difficulty concentrating, remembering or making decisions because of a physical, mental or emotional condition; whether the person has serious difficulty walking or climbing stairs; whether the person has difficulty bathing or dressing; whether the person has difficulty doing errands alone such as visiting a doctor's office or shopping because of a physical, mental, or emotional condition; what is the person's marital status; whether the person has given birth to any children in the past 12 months; whether the person has any grandchildren under the age of 18 in the house or apartment; whether the person has ever served on active duty in the U.S. armed forces; whether the person has a VA service-connected disability rating, and if yes, what percentage is the VA disability rating.
  • The ACS also asks whether Person No. 1 worked last week for pay; at what address, town, city and country did the person work last week; how did the person get to work and if by car, bus, railroad, taxi, motorcycle, bicycle or on foot; whether the person, if unemployed, has been actively looking for work in the past four weeks; whether the person, if unemployed, was available to start work if offered a job or recalled to work in the past week; and how many weeks the person worked in the past year and how many hours per week.
  • Finally, Person No. 1 must disclose whether his or her most recent work was for a private for-profit company, a private not-for-profit, a local government, a state government or the federal government, or whether the person was self employed in their own incorporated or not-incorporated business, or whether the person worked without pay in a family business or on the family farm; the name of the employer; the type of business; whether the business was manufacturing, wholesale trade, retail trade; or other; the exact job description of the person and his or her most important duties; his or her income over the past 12 months and the amount of that income that came from wages, salary, commission, bonuses or tips; whether the person received any Social Security or Railroad Retirement benefits, or any other type of public assistance in the past 12 months; and the person's entire income over the past 12 months, both from employment or public welfare sources.

Guest FroggyOne2

March 17, 2010

How to really be accurate on 'race' on the Census

James Lewis

Not many people like to fill in the "race" category on the Census, because we know perfectly well that it comes from the Left, which has found another way to slice and dice the American people, to set us against each other, and to empower the Left. Which happens to be exactly what the National Socialists did under you-know-who. You had to carry papers identifying your race, and your parents' and grandparents' race. Under slavery and segregation the Dixiecrat South did the same thing. But the main point, of course, was to separate the blacks and the whites.

Obama does exactly the same thing, because that's how he thinks. The Democrats are pushing through a renewed Hawaiian native kingdom to slice and dice the state of Hawaii some more for the same nefarious reason. It's really evil.

But Mr. Science has an answer. If we're going to play race games let's do it scientifically. For example, if you're black that's meaningless unless you specify Bantu, Hutu/Tutsi, San, or any number of other lineages within Africa. Africa has the biggest human variety in the world. Obama looks totally different from the rest of the Black Caucus; it's because he is. He belongs to a different biological lineage. He's not a Bantu. But most American blacks are mixed-race, of course, like Obama himself.

Likewise, if you're pure Irish, your race is Gaelic. If you're Irish-English, you're Gaelic-Caucasian or something close to that. If you look blond, you're likely to be a Northern European. If you're Jewish but you look like a Russian, you are Semitic-Nordic-Slavic. If you're Jewish and you look like a Spaniard, you're Semitic-Hispanic. If you're Jewish from Yemen, you're probably Semitic-Arabic. If you're a pure cohen, you're Semitic back some 3,000 years, especially if you have heritable diseases like Tay-Sachs. But of course going earlier than that, there are plenty of generations back to the human population bottleneck in North Africa, where humans were reduced to some 5,000 individuals. That's the shared founding population for all of us. (And everybody was Black at that time.)

Of course if you're a "white" woman, you can really get detailed, because the female (mitochondrial) lineage of Europe has been traced to less than a dozen original mothers. You can read about it in Nicholas Wade's nice book, Before the Dawn (Wade being a New York Times science writer, and remarkably good). Or any other number of up-to-date books on human genetics.

If you're Asian, of course, you could be anything from Han Chinese, to Malay, to Inuit.

The point being that if the Left really wants us to explain our human lineage -- the "race" that they used to deny meant anything at all -- let's be very truthful. All human beings are Other. There are no Blacks (much too gross and inaccurate a category, and tainted by a horrific history of abuse of the label). There are no Whites (same thing). If you're Jewish, stand up for whatever mixture you are, because that's precisely how the Nazis operated; and if you forget that past, chances are increasingly looking as if you may have to relive it. If you know your parents came from different lineages, say so. If you're Muslim, you're a member of the Ummah -- races are not recognized.

Be scientific. This is a purely political splittist Census question. If you're not sure, you are 99 percent right to call yourself Other. If ever the American people recover from the race-baiting insanity, we will all call ourselves Other. Because we are.


Just got mine,in the bottom left it reads

OMB No.0607-0919-C: Approval Expires 12/31/2011

Then a box with D-1 (12-5-2008) inside it

Just wondering if any of yours has the same #'s

  cjr said:
Just got mine,in the bottom left it reads

OMB No.0607-0919-C: Approval Expires 12/31/2011

Then a box with D-1 (12-5-2008) inside it

Just wondering if any of yours has the same #'s

That's what mine has, think I'll only answer question 1 & 2, the rest they can go look up for themselves. :drool::tough::)

Guest mikedwood
Posted (edited)

Filled mine out as the dutiful citizen I am, but why in the world on question #8 did I have to check "no" to being hispanic. All these Hipanic questions and I HAD to check no. Then the rest of the races were lumped together. Why was Hispanic seperated like that?

"Is this person of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?"

The options offered are:

  • No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
  • Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano
  • Yes, Puerto Rican
  • Yes, Cuban
  • Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

Edited by mikedwood
Guest walkingdeadman
  dats82 said:
Do I really have to put my phone number and name on there?

I put a fake number. I don't want them to be able to contact me that easy.

Guest 6.8 AR
  mikedwood said:
Filled mine out as the dutiful citizen I am, but why in the world on question #8 did I have to check "no" to being hispanic. All these Hipanic questions and I HAD to check no. Then the rest of the races were lumped together. Why was Hispanic seperated like that?

"Is this person of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin?"

The options offered are:

  • No, not of Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin
  • Yes, Mexican, Mexican Am., Chicano
  • Yes, Puerto Rican
  • Yes, Cuban
  • Yes, another Hispanic, Latino, or Spanish origin

Amnesty is about to be a hot issue very soon. Sick, isn't it?

Guest 270win

I just answered question 1 and dropped the thing by the post office. That is good enough for my congressional district. The rest of the information pretty much duplicates what the IRS has on file because they know my DOB, marital status, whether or not I have dependents, and if I have a mortgage or not by the way I file my taxes. The only thing the IRS doesn't have is my race..which isn't important. The state has that for my DL and carry permit..and I trust them a lot more than ACORN/CENSUS grabbing personal information and playing with it.


Why did they waste the money to send out a letter to inform me that they would be sending out the official form the next week and to be watching for it. My wife said she read that cost tax payers over 80 million. Just another huge waste of taxpayer money!

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