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'Slaughter Solution' to Circumvent the Constitution

Guest FroggyOne2

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Guest 6.8 AR

If that doesn't start a war on Congress, what will? That should be enough to cause

a real Constitutional crisis. Congress will have usurped enough power to make themselves powerless when one considers that they gave that power to the executive branch. Any thoughts, legal eagles?

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Guest bkelm18

The only slaughter I'm seeing is the slaughter the dems will be getting in Nov if they keep this crap up. I fully expect the Reps to gain seats, but it's looking like the Dems are on track to lose majority.

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Guest Dragonman

Dems will pay dearly in November and Obama is a one term president. Been in office over a year and still hasn't accomplished a single thing. Now if he can keep on doing just that until the next presidential election America might be okay.

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It's totally unrealistic to think that GOP gains, even total GOP majority, is going to make a whit of difference in quality of life in this country from here on.

The corruption embedded by our two party system has become such tyranny that neither is any better than the other - indeed, they NEED each other, and have for many many years. And they count on the constantly evolving them/us battle, one being merely the current primary custodian of the corruption and the other the place holder for the future and equally corrupt custodianship.

An outsider observation I've become fond of quoting because it is so succinct and accurate:

"The Soviet Union had a single, entrenched, systemically corrupt political party, which held a monopoly on power. The U.S. has two entrenched, systemically corrupt political parties, whose positions are often indistinguishable, and which together hold a monopoly on power. In either case, there is, or was, a single governing elite, but in the United States it organized itself into opposing teams to make its stranglehold on power seem more sportsmanlike."

Dmitry Orlov

Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
add'l rant
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It's totally unrealistic to think that GOP gains, even total GOP majority, is going to make a whit of difference in quality of life in this country from here on.

The corruption embedded by our two party system has become such tyranny that neither is any better than the other - indeed, they NEED each other, and have for many many years. And they count on the constantly evolving them/us battle, one being merely the current primary custodian of the corruption and the other the place holder for the future and equally corrupt custodianship.

An outsider observation I've become fond of quoting because it is so succinct and accurate:

"The Soviet Union had a single, entrenched, systemically corrupt political party, which held a monopoly on power. The U.S. has two entrenched, systemically corrupt political parties, whose positions are often indistinguishable, and which together hold a monopoly on power. In either case, there is, or was, a single governing elite, but in the United States it organized itself into opposing teams to make its stranglehold on power seem more sportsmanlike."

Dmitry Orlov

Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century

- OS

Partially true. You really think there is no difference between the '94 congress and the current one? At least with the Republicans we can maneuver back to where we need to be. The Dems have completely lost it. They have self avowed communist and socialist openly in leadership. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama pulled a Putin and dissolved congress if this doesn't go through.

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There is and always have been only a fundamental difference between the two party's, big government and limited government. Problem is with the Dems ,big government is at the expense of the constitution and states rights.Other than that they are both lieing self serving, greedy, power hungry party's.

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Guest uofmeet

which is why i think if things continue, eventually enough people are gonna get pissed and starting firing back.....another civil war could be on it's way....

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Partially true. You really think there is no difference between the '94 congress and the current one? At least with the Republicans we can maneuver back to where we need to be. The Dems have completely lost it. They have self avowed communist and socialist openly in leadership. I wouldn't be surprised if Obama pulled a Putin and dissolved congress if this doesn't go through.

16 years is an aeon ago, compared to the accelerated speed of the population/resources/policy bubble popping in our society. It's like computer chip year comparison, political paleontology.

That's one of the problems, the two party system is too slow to respond to societal problems, even in the rare instances when it is actually forced to consider the good of The Republic over its own interests of power - the tanker has run aground long before the rudder is changed. And the original course was never set logically, for the good of the vessel, only as a temporary bearing with the real interest being who's at the helm.

The only differences now are in method - the effect on overall health of the Republic is indistinguishable. To belabor the metaphor, the Ship of State founders upon the rocks, while the pols plunder the hold.

- OS

Edited by OhShoot
extended rant
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Guest Dragonman

Anybody besides me remember Ross Perot? Yup that little funny looking guy with the big ears. Stole enough votes away from George Bush so that Slick Willie Klinton got elected. If it weren't for Perot, Slick Willie would be just a footnote in history. Before the Civil War the 1860 election had Abe Lincoln as the Republican, TWO different democratic nominees and a third party called the Constitutional Union. Had the three candidates opposed to Lincoln united into one party there's a good chance that Lincoln wouldn't have gotten elected and the Civil War might not have happened. And BTW Lincoln and Klinton both got office with a little more than 40% of the electoral votes.

The current prez America has now promised to end the corruption and same old ways that were in D.C. when he was campaigning. Enough Americans swallowed it to get him into office and once he got there, things got worse than before. Who's to say IF a third party ever does get enough votes to get written onto the election and by some act of God actually DOES get into office and they become a political force to be reconed with that they won't do the same?

I'm not one to not see the rampant corruption that is going on in a daily basis in D.C. but folks always say: "We need a third party in the system!" and there's more times than not that this has been tried and has caused more problems than it has solved. And right afterwards it goes back to being a two party system afterwards.

Edited by Dragonman
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Guest redbarron06

Time for a Article V Convention. Rule any law that violates the Constitution (such as this, NFA, LEOSA and any other law that has not been passed IAW Article I null and void.

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Guest 6.8 AR

What really disgusts me is when people take the lazy way out and say spew like 'they're both the same". If that's all you think about our system of government and don't want to be proactive then why bother. Just let some commie like the messiah take it all the way down, then see how you feel.

The Tea Party people are no good. The 2nd Amendment March is no good. Republicans are no good. We already know the problem. It's apathy, and it's easy to sit back and blame it on someone else than to find a cause and get behind it.

If all one has to say is "The two party system is no good", then why bother saying it?

Apathy leaves a vacuum in the arena of ideas. A vacuum for others to fill. There are ideas out there. Think about them and get behind one. Change a corrupt group that sits close to the right ideas

(the founding fathers and the constitution might be a good start) and change it back

to the way it worked. If you think republicans are bad, you are missing the whole point. The party has a sound platform. It is a group that happens to have bad apples

just like the democrats, but with a better platform and a much more consistent group

of conservatives. I choose to be a republican. I refuse to sit on the side and whine.

If there is a bad republican he or she needs to go. Same with democrats, at least with the good and bad. The Tea Party is at least attempting to purge the bad apples.

All of this middle of the road fence sitting is disappointing. It will be the undoing of this country if you don't take a stand for something.

Edited by 6.8 AR
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What really disgusts me is when people take the lazy way out and say spew like 'they're both the same". If that's all you think about our system of government and don't want to be proactive then why bother. Just let some commie like the messiah take it all the way down, then see how you feel.

The Tea Party people are no good. The 2nd Amendment March is no good. Republicans are no good. We already know the problem. It's apathy, and it's easy to sit back and blame it on someone else than to find a cause and get behind it.

If all one has to say is "The two party system is no good", then why bother saying it?

Apathy leaves a vacuum in the arena of ideas. A vacuum for others to fill. There are ideas out there. Think about them and get behind one. Change a corrupt group that sits close to the right ideas

(the founding fathers and the constitution might be a good start) and change it back

to the way it worked. If you think republicans are bad, you are missing the whole point. The party has a sound platform. It is a group that happens to have bad apples

just like the democrats, but with a better platform and a much more consistent group

of conservatives. I choose to be a republican. I refuse to sit on the side and whine.

If there is a bad republican he or she needs to go. Same with democrats, at least with the good and bad. The Tea Party is at least attempting to purge the bad apples.

All of this middle of the road fence sitting is disappointing. It will be the undoing of this country if you don't take a stand for something.


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What really disgusts me is when people take the lazy way out and say spew like 'they're both the same". If that's all you think about our system of government and don't want to be proactive then why bother. Just let some commie like the messiah take it all the way down, then see how you feel.

The Tea Party people are no good. The 2nd Amendment March is no good. Republicans are no good. We already know the problem. It's apathy, and it's easy to sit back and blame it on someone else than to find a cause and get behind it.

If all one has to say is "The two party system is no good", then why bother saying it?

Apathy leaves a vacuum in the arena of ideas. A vacuum for others to fill. There are ideas out there. Think about them and get behind one. Change a corrupt group that sits close to the right ideas

(the founding fathers and the constitution might be a good start) and change it back

to the way it worked. If you think republicans are bad, you are missing the whole point. The party has a sound platform. It is a group that happens to have bad apples

just like the democrats, but with a better platform and a much more consistent group

of conservatives. I choose to be a republican. I refuse to sit on the side and whine.

If there is a bad republican he or she needs to go. Same with democrats, at least with the good and bad. The Tea Party is at least attempting to purge the bad apples.

All of this middle of the road fence sitting is disappointing. It will be the undoing of this country if you don't take a stand for something.


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Guest uofmeet
What really disgusts me is when people take the lazy way out and say spew like 'they're both the same". If that's all you think about our system of government and don't want to be proactive then why bother. Just let some commie like the messiah take it all the way down, then see how you feel.

The Tea Party people are no good. The 2nd Amendment March is no good. Republicans are no good. We already know the problem. It's apathy, and it's easy to sit back and blame it on someone else than to find a cause and get behind it.

If all one has to say is "The two party system is no good", then why bother saying it?

Apathy leaves a vacuum in the arena of ideas. A vacuum for others to fill. There are ideas out there. Think about them and get behind one. Change a corrupt group that sits close to the right ideas

(the founding fathers and the constitution might be a good start) and change it back

to the way it worked. If you think republicans are bad, you are missing the whole point. The party has a sound platform. It is a group that happens to have bad apples

just like the democrats, but with a better platform and a much more consistent group

of conservatives. I choose to be a republican. I refuse to sit on the side and whine.

If there is a bad republican he or she needs to go. Same with democrats, at least with the good and bad. The Tea Party is at least attempting to purge the bad apples.

All of this middle of the road fence sitting is disappointing. It will be the undoing of this country if you don't take a stand for something.


I use to be a slight liberal and mostly middle. Recently I have been converted to a little conservative and still in the middle. I like to think i am mostly conservative and republican now. And I have you guys to thank along with my current job. I am wittnessing the tea party in high gear. We have a major memphis tea party guy to a show on our station 3 times a week.

But it is sad that it took something like this for people to wake up and get back in action again. And I am one of those that woke up. I am hope that I, and all these other people don't fall asleep again.

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What really disgusts me is when people take the lazy way out and say spew like 'they're both the same". If that's all you think about our system of government and don't want to be proactive then why bother. ....

I can see absolutely no combination of circumstances that could possibly stop the decline in overall quality of life in the US in the short term (10 years or less). Only hope even in a longer term are in drastic and sweeping changes, only possible via a Constitutional Convention, and even that would necessarily be followed by many tough years. These changes would be in the nature of:

- Only state representatives being electable. The senate and the president would be selected by these representatives. Campaign funding would be limited to individual donations only. The concept and control of political "parties" would disappear as we know them today.

- Strict term limits for all federally representative offices AND all federal judges; the career politician would become unknown.

- Abolish lobbyists, another profession that would disappear

- All social services and public works to be handled by the individual states, and whatever working alliances among them they so deem.

- All taxation to be on the consumption level only ("Fair Tax"), to be divvied to the national level only in amounts deemed necessary by the states, and management OF that federal allotment by the states, not by federal decision; the largest part of the federal budget would be for military defense.

- Most current federal programs would be taken over by state and or private cooperatives, such as Social Security (becomes individual investment accounts), the Post Office, etc.

- A more isolationist international policy and certainly, no offensive military actions anywhere in the world unless war is declared, and that means WAR.

- etc, etc., just some examples off top of my head.

But none of that happen. Hell, less than 57% of eligible voters actually voted in 2008, and that was the highest since 1968. Highly visible groups like the Tea Parties notwithstanding, not enough of the population really cares about freedom as much as comfort and security (however tenuous that may be in reality). And by the time enough of them become hungry enough to act, it won't be manifest in the structured and constructive way that a Constitutional Convention would demand.

I assume that I won't live long enough to see America regain even a fraction of its previous prosperity, so yeah, if you want to call that apathy, I'm guilty. I see it more as realism, though - there are now supply/demand/resource ratios in place that I believe are insurmountable until population levels are significantly reduced, worldwide and by necessary extension, here. Not to mention that the US no longer has enough of a positive national ethos conducive to personal sacrifice and work ethic for the betterment of both the individual and hence the overall commonweal.

- OS

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Guest 6.8 AR

Apathy? Realism? So be it. I choose otherwise. I wasn't directing

my anger at any particular individual, OS, so please bear with me in my anger:D. It has more to do with what my two boys have as a country to live in, in the future.

I'm not a futurist, but I can imagine what things would be like

if we don't do something, very damned soon. The idiots who voted this last time and allowed this to happen have caused drastic action to be necessary. We need to take powers back that

the constitution was expressly reserved to the people. And if it needs to be by force, then fine by me.

The first thing in order is the 2nd Amendment. Get rid of the BATFE

Second thing to me on this list is locking all entitlement programs to a solid anchor until they are gone. Welfare, Medicare,

Foreign aid. The whole bit.

Abolish the IRS and change that corrupt bunch of tax laws to something that everyone has a stake in.

There are plenty more things that could be considered. Cut off the authority of Congress to fund the corruption and limit 'executive order' authority.

People have to be free in order to be able to succeed or fail. This is our fault and we need to act.

If something like this isn't done soon, hopefully in your lifetime OS(mine, too), and we all just give up, whose fault will it be?

Apathy, complacency or whatever you wish to call it isn't what made this country great, and it needs to go out with the trash.

I see a lot of trash in DC trying to wreck this country and am tired of it.

I hope I never hear another damned slam about the tea party or republicans, because it is getting old. Get off the couch. Get involved in something you believe in and do something, even if it's just money, but, make it count. I know I'm not perfect. I know this is fixable, though. I will do my part. Sorry for the rant,

but apathy just pisses me off.

I wish I had joined the military when I was younger. It would have trained me for what I think is fixing to happen. At least I will be on the right side.

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It's totally unrealistic to think that GOP gains, even total GOP majority, is going to make a whit of difference in quality of life in this country from here on.

The corruption embedded by our two party system has become such tyranny that neither is any better than the other - indeed, they NEED each other, and have for many many years. And they count on the constantly evolving them/us battle, one being merely the current primary custodian of the corruption and the other the place holder for the future and equally corrupt custodianship.

An outsider observation I've become fond of quoting because it is so succinct and accurate:

"The Soviet Union had a single, entrenched, systemically corrupt political party, which held a monopoly on power. The U.S. has two entrenched, systemically corrupt political parties, whose positions are often indistinguishable, and which together hold a monopoly on power. In either case, there is, or was, a single governing elite, but in the United States it organized itself into opposing teams to make its stranglehold on power seem more sportsmanlike."

Dmitry Orlov

Post-Soviet Lessons for a Post-American Century

- OS

I agree with this statement. We need to a third party win, then stop importing. (the rest of the world thinks we suck anyway so why support them).

Then impose a fair tax, all visitors, drug dealers, strippers, servers and illegals will then pay taxes. With the combination of the two we will have a slew of jobs available. We drill our own oil, grow our own food, build our own cars so on and so forth all of a sudden we are self sufficent and country likes France who think Americans are ignorent will go bankrupt not us. They depend on is for 60+% of their economic income.

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