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HCP class - the shooting part timed?

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I'm just wondering, is the range part of the HCP class timed?

How long do they give you at each section?

I know I'll have to reload to shoot 15 rounds.

I'm just wondering if you can stand there and aim all day or what?

Not timed.

No worries.

Some people do it with 5 shot revolvers.

- OS

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When I took mine you could only load 6 rds. shoot, then reload 6 shoot, ect. Shot 50 rds. total no time limit. When each person finished you either dropped the mag. or flipped the cylinder out. When last person to finish shooting was done the instructor would say reload, and so on. No hurry, no worry. That was about 15 or 16 mons. ago.

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Guest Glock23ForMe

Great advice and knowledge here... I was at the range today and heard one of their "Handgun Instructors" talking about shooting drills and they had to shoot 12 shots in like 18 seconds at fifteen yards... Thought this was neat, but, is it helpful? Other than the draw? Don't 90% of encounters happen between three and five yards? Why would you need 12 to hit someone at 15 yds? I'd rather have one good one as 12 maybe's... Thoughts?

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Not timed. I thought if you had military training you didn't have to take the class?

True. It used to be that LE/Military were exempt from the firing range portion, just had to sit through the 4 hours of classroom. They changed it about 4 years ago and now you don't have to do anything but go the the DL station and show your proof of military / LE training and set up your fingerprint appointment. I went a while without a HCP as an LEO, but when they changed this law I decided to go ahead and get it. It was too easy not to.

From TCA 39-17-1351:

(e) The department shall also require an applicant to submit proof of the successful completion of a department approved handgun safety course. Any form created by the department to show proof of the successful completion of a department approved handgun safety course shall not require the applicant to provide the applicant's social security number. Any instructor of a department approved handgun safety course shall not withhold proof of the successful completion of the course solely on the fact the applicant did not disclose the applicant's social security number. The course shall include both classroom hours and firing range hours. An applicant shall not be required to comply with the firing range and classroom hours requirements of this subsection (e) if the applicant submits proof to the department that within five (5) years from the date the application for a handgun carry permit is filed the applicant has:

(1) Been certified by the peace officer standards and training commission;

(2) Successfully completed training at the law enforcement training academy;

(3) Successfully completed the firearms training course required for armed security guard/officer registration, pursuant to § 62-35-118(:rolleyes:; or

(4) Successfully completed all handgun training of not less than four (4) hours as required by any branch of the military.

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I will say this. If you are military and use that to obtain your HCP, great. Nothing wrong with saving money from the class and putting that money towards ammo. Just make sure you take some time to go through the TCA and learn the laws that apply to firearms in Tennessee if you're not already familiar (where you can carry, when lethal force is justified, etc). That's the one thing (and a VERY important thing) covered in the HCP classes that you would not have learned in the military.

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Took my class today.

Could that target be any bigger?

I like the way we did it. Mil Arms in Ashland City.

We loaded 5 rounds at a time.

Shot 15 from the 3 yrd.

20 from the 7.

At this point you only needed to hit 4 from the 15 to pass.

Everyone passed. About 30 in the class. A lot of first time shooters.

I never had any military hand gun training. M-16 was all I ever used.

Edited by aquaman67
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Guest Glock23ForMe


Now you just have to wait a month until you can conceal it to Wal-Mart and it'll be official. So, the scoring? Is it each hole in the black silhouette is 2 points?

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