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A Good Replacement for Jim Cooper???

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I had a friend that knows that I dont care for Jim Cooper send me a link to Jeff Hartlines' website. He is running for Coopers seat and I may take a strong look at giving him my vote. Just thought that I would pass the info along. Does anyone know much about Heartline?

Hartline For Congress 2010

Hartline For Congress 2010

Hartline For Congress 2010


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Guest Overtaker

Cooper's replies generally fall somewhere along the lines of, "Thank you for your input. However I know better than you and the 90% of economists that agree with you so I'm going to vote the other way. Have a nice day!"

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Cooper's replies generally fall somewhere along the lines of, "Thank you for your input. However I know better than you and the 90% of economists that agree with you so I'm going to vote the other way. Have a nice day!"

LOL damn that is almost word for word what his reply to me was when I emailed him about his healthcare vote.

"I was a professor insurance law at Vanderbilt and know more than ...blah blah blah"

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Guest stovepipe

FWW: I dropped Mr. Spivak an e-mail asking his thoughts on the 2A and received the following:

"Thank you for contacting me. I am a big proponent of the 2nd amendment. I support the conceal carry, the "Guns in Bars" and guns in parks legislation...

...I am very conservative and I support the Constitution. I hope this helps."

I like what I hear, but who knows. - Gotta be better than Cooper, huh?

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Guest 6.8 AR
Are you in Marsha Blackburns district? If so.... LUCKY you..

No, but I love her as much as I love Michelle Bachmann

I'm in that so called bluedog Tanner's district.

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Guest Stephen Collings

I'm running against Cooper this fall, and I happened across this thread during a Google search. If you'd like to visit my website, you can see my position on gun control and gun rights. In short, I believe that the federal government should be involved in making sure that convicted violent criminals can't purchase firearms, but have absolutely no further power. All other gun control issues should be decided entirely on a state level. I advocate a constitutional amendment clearly stating this, so we can all stop worrying about what Congress or the Supreme Court will decide next week and focus our efforts closer to home, where they will have more effect.

If you'd like to know what other candidates say, you can get to their websites from my links page. If you have any questions, please let me know.

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There are a number of good candidates in place to run against Cooper this fall. I've met most of the republican candidates, and any of them would be a huge improvement over JC. Probably will be a tough ouster, but if it can happen this will be the year to make it happen.

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There are a number of good candidates in place to run against Cooper this fall. I've met most of the republican candidates, and any of them would be a huge improvement over JC. Probably will be a tough ouster, but if it can happen this will be the year to make it happen.

Prior to the last redistricting Cooper represented the then 4th district. We replaced him with Van Hillary and got the better part of the deal. ;)

Edited by Tim Nunan
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Prior to the last redistricting Cooper represented the then 4th district. We replaced him with Van Hillary and get the better part of the deal. :nervous:

I used to be in his district, the 5th and 7th cuts Kingston Springs in half. My new voter registration card has me in the 7th (Blackburn) district.

Just because I can't vote against Cooper doesn't mean I can't campaign against him.


Edited by K191145
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