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Deadly Force??

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On OP. There only two "iron-clad" defenses to using a firearm in Self Defense. Your life was obviously (to everybody not just you) in danger or He/They broke into your locked house at night (need broken window or door for sure proof) Everything else depends on how much your conviction could further the Prosecutor's career. I am cynical because I served far more than my share of jury duty and I have seen what happens in court.

Do not confuse Law with Justice.

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Your plan on the use of deadly force should work in all 50 states…. I believe mine will. (Although I admit I have not read the deadly force statutes for all 50 states.)

You are justified in the use of deadly force if a reasonable person would believe you, or another, is in immediate danger of death or great bodily harm.

Keep in mind that no one will care what you thought; only what a reasonable person would think. Also keep in mind that the “Reasonable People†will have days to consider if the decision you made in seconds was the right one.

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