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Dieting? I know No one here is Overweight


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Good plan, im trying to fix my metabolism by eating several small meals a day to shed a few pounds, i have also switched from drinking sweet tea and coke to water and green tea, i still have a coke with supper though. Its amazing how good you feel when you start drinking more water.


I've lost 43.5 pounds since December 28th. Working out for an hour+ every AM (free step aerobics on the Wii fit+, of all things) and eating sensibly.


Great !!!!! keep up the good work.....

  JG55 said:
I started a diet at the first of the year. Decided I didn't want to have to take lipitor and HBP meds the rest of my life if I could find a way to control these issues thru diet. Want to see if I can control the backaches and knee aches caused by being overweight. 1/2/10 I started a diet with the goal of dropping from 275Lbs (blossomed since I quit smoking) to 200 lbs by end of July (that would put me almost to my twenties weight). I have been on diets before Atkins and others. I usually get bored with them or tired of eating the same foods. Read a bunch of different books and online articles.

Here's what I decided to do 1600-1800 calories per day. Basically 400 calorie meals a day so I don't get the starvin Hungries. Interestingly, With the new Healthy Choice, Lean Cusiune meals I have been able to mix the food variety up and not get bored with taste.

As of this Morning I have lost 30 lbs. I now weigh 245 lbs. :clap:

Here's an average day's menu


2 eggs

2 bacon strips

1/2 a thin whole wheat bun

270 calories

Vitamin/Oil mix

2 Vitamin d3

2 alive mutli vitmins

1 bcomplex

2 tsps of Cod liver fish oil lemon flavor

1/2 tbspn of Flax oil

2 oz's of Pomergranate juice



4 slices of deli sliced chicken 2 slices of Bacon rolled in a multi grain wrap

280 calories

Afternnon snack

Special K chocolaty bar

90 calories


Healthy choice entree

320 calories

After dinner 8pm

another chicken wrap or healthy choice entree

280 calories

1 Skinny Cow Ice cream sandwich

140 caolries

Total 1545 calories

This is just a base line. I can move things around add things etc. Main goal is to keep the calorie count 1600-1800 for me. 3500 calories + 1lb of fat. If you can cut out 3500 calories a week = 1lb of loss per week

Another way to do this is eat breakfast:

shrink lunch

go into dinner with 1100 calories to eat.

Then you can have

1-2 beers

2-3 of your favorite pizza

just count the calories..

I don't :cool: for any food because of the variety.


Down to 239lbs. YAHOOOOOO!!! Anyway I have to confess that the last 2 weeks have been tough. I am a emotional eater, so when I get frustrated or angry, I will eat. On top of that I am a snacker. I am one of those people that can snack on a large bag of chips and finish them by the end of the night. Can't eat just one. I caught myself doing this with Soy nuts and other things. I was still eating less compared to the past but I slowed my weight loss down :( Back on track now and we will see how it goes..

For the Ladies out there My clothes are falling off ;) Hint Hint.. :D

One thing that sticks out to me is how much my overeating can be compared to my smoking. I was heavy smoker, 3 packs a day. It was not uncommon to have a lite cig in the ash tray and light up another one. Hell, I even found ways to smoke while riding my motorcycle.. I was one of those poor souls standing outside the building in the freezing cold lighting up. My over eating especially in regards to the snacking mirrors my smoking. I suppose there is a psychological reason such as substituting one for the other or a oral fixation, etc..

All who are dieting stay focused and if you slip up don't let it get to you. Keep On !!The health benefits are tremendous...:rock:

Guest tommy610

I had a heart attack at 46. I was good right after that, and then slacked off. 3 months ago I got serious again. Here is how I did it...

One day, I decided "OK, this is it... I'm going to eat better and work out". Right then... within 5 minutes... I was sitting down composing an email to 8 close friends with whom I'd discussed health issues before. In the email, basically, I pointed them to a google docs spreadsheet that was my log of what I eat, what exercise I do, and what my weight is every day. Very simple to maintain. I invited those friends to feel free to check on that spreadsheet as often as they like. They don't have to, but just me knowing they might, was enough to keep me accountable.

Well, it worked. Yesterday, I went to the cardiologist, and made his day. Cholesterol and triglicerides way down, weight - down 16 lbs, BP way down, and heart rate down to 51!

So, if it's been hard to stick with something like this, ask your friends to check on you. The nice thing is, they don't really HAVE to... so you don't feel like you are bothering them with this. But you know they MIGHT look at ANY TIME. And, if you do this, make sure you really keep up to date with the spreadsheet. If they look and it's 3 days behind, they'll just quick looking.

Some of my friends did email me at times, encouraging good behavior, and one actually smacked me around a bit telling me I was doing well with avoiding the bad things, but not with eating more good things (veggies).

I call it "Accountability by Threat of Public Humiliation".

I came up with some hard and fast rules...

1. Only liquids I drink: water and skim milk

2. No bread with a meal (sandwich is OK, but not garlic bread, e.g.)

3. Only caloric snack is fruit

My goal was to always at least stick to those rules. Of course, I also didn't do stupid things like eating bacon and homefries with my eggs, or adding a bunch of cheese to my salads.

Also, I weighed myself every single morning - first thing (that's the lightest time anyway). It was a day to day goal. Yes, your weight varies a lot from day to day, so even when I thought I was "good", the next morning, I may show a 1 lb gain. But I learned about when to expect a drop, and the day before I'd work toward that... hoping to have a good number the next morning. If I really wanted to show off, I'd wake up, hit the elliptical for an hour, and THEN weigh myself.

I'm only about 150 lbs now, so I've never seen drastic drops like someone in the 200s would see.

That's my story.


I dunno about a diet as in dieting to lose weight, but I am now starting a diet that will have side effects of better health and hopefully slight weight loss.

Mostly it is cutting back on red meat and potatoes. I am a french fry-aholic. And knowing that and admitting as much may be half the battle. Of course I write that as I am eating my weekly allotment of lunch time french fries, LOL. But once a week has to be better than several times.

I am also forcing myself to eat slower, much slower. No more acting like the family dog and wolfing down as much as I can in as short of amount of time as possible.

  • 1 month later...

how is everyone doing on this still? ive lost 51 pounds now and down to 226. i hope everyone is still working hard on maintaining a healthy LIFESTYLE.

  crimsonaudio said:
I've lost 43.5 pounds since December 28th. Working out for an hour+ every AM (free step aerobics on the Wii fit+, of all things) and eating sensibly.

Down 58 pounds as of yesterday AM.


I don't own a scale but I have several pairs or shorts that last year were slightly snug, one fairly tight. Now the ones that were snug fall off of my less fat ass without a belt and the tight ones are comfortable.

Having light beer to celebrate


I'm 42 and weigh around 215-220lbs.(Preferably, I need to be around 185-200lbs)

I'm a meat and potatoes man, with Mac & Cheese and Corn Bread being my only other 2 veggies. I went to the doctor about 2 weeks ago with what looks like a Gout flare up in my ankle.

The only real cure is more vegetables and increased exercise. I'm no Bruce Jenner, but I do get off my arse more than the average couch potato.

I love my shellfish, pork, beef, chicken, and occasional adult beverage, but the powers that be really seem to frown on indulging in that anymore (to much protein which causes Gout).

Anybody got help for a guy who's not going to break down and start adding artichoke hearts and asparagus and other vegetables I can't even pronounce to his diet. I've read that milk, peanut butter, and bananas are good to fight this, but 2 out of 3 are terribly fattening.

Anybody got a remedy for this?...




Man, there are tons of ways to add really good veggies to your diet, such as grilling them (like slicing 'em thin, brushing lightly with olive oil,and adding some various spices).

Grilled chicken salad is a winner, especially with a good jalapeno vinaigrette I have the recipe for...


I gave up on it but I need to start again. With the FTJ, PTS, and 2K's I really need to figure out how to work a workout every day in to my hectic life style. I don't want to work out at night because then I won't be able to sleep. I can't drag my but up in the morning to work out but I know I need to.

Someone MAKE ME!!!!

Guest db99wj
  saintsfanbrian said:
I gave up on it but I need to start again. With the FTJ, PTS, and 2K's I really need to figure out how to work a workout every day in to my hectic life style. I don't want to work out at night because then I won't be able to sleep. I can't drag my but up in the morning to work out but I know I need to.

Someone MAKE ME!!!!

I've gained about 10, since I haven't been able to run. I did start back running about 2 weeks ago, running the St. Louis Cardinal 5K in the morning.


I just can't do the running thing. I tried and it didn't stick either. The Couch 2 5 K seemed like a good idea but I am so winded it isn't even funny.

Maybe I will start it back. I know I shouldn't make it a "on monday" thing but I have so much beer in the house to do away with first and I ain't going to waste it.

Guest db99wj
  saintsfanbrian said:
I just can't do the running thing. I tried and it didn't stick either. The Couch 2 5 K seemed like a good idea but I am so winded it isn't even funny.

Maybe I will start it back. I know I shouldn't make it a "on monday" thing but I have so much beer in the house to do away with first and I ain't going to waste it.

One of my best friends drinks therefore he runs, he runs therefore he drinks!:D.

One of the things I picked up along the way is run at a speed that you can carry on a conversation. I have a bad habit of pushing it and running too fast. Being off for most of 2010 from running due to injury, the thing I have noticed was my breathing. My body could handle the running better than my lungs. That has come along way in a short time since I have been back on a consistent basis.


Fine - Fine - Starting Monday I will go back to the C25K. Start over from scratch. Maybe I can take the weight off.

You convinced me. I will shoot for a 5K by end of summer. At least I can train in doors at the Germantown Center.

  GGP2JZ said:
raw broccoli and cauliflower are fantastic as is grilling corn on the cob

OMG, I can make a meal out of corn on the cob. Soak it for hours in salty water then put it on a heated grill for at least 30 minutes. 60 is better.

Raw green beans are fairly good too.

Guest db99wj

Cauliflower sliced, sprayed with olive oil, some greek seasoning or seasoned salt, or other that you like, baked in oven until it starts to brown on the top...delicious.

Anything on grill FTW.


Thanks DB - I got all of the beer out of the house this weekend. Yesterday I ate about 2300 calories give or take 2 hundred. Let's compare that to Saturday when I consumed about 4880 calories. Not a bad start. I am eating more smaller meals instead of fewer larger meals. I also started the C25K yesterday. I couldn't finish stage 1 but I did get through 3/4 of it before I was sucking wind too badly. Tomorrow I will do Week 1 Day 1 again and hopefully make it all the way through.

I did lose 2 pounds yesterday. I know it is water weight but it is a start and I still ate a little ice cream last night. 1/2 cup instead of a large bowl.

Here's to sticking with it.

Guest db99wj
  saintsfanbrian said:
Thanks DB - I got all of the beer out of the house this weekend. Yesterday I ate about 2300 calories give or take 2 hundred. Let's compare that to Saturday when I consumed about 4880 calories. Not a bad start. I am eating more smaller meals instead of fewer larger meals. I also started the C25K yesterday. I couldn't finish stage 1 but I did get through 3/4 of it before I was sucking wind too badly. Tomorrow I will do Week 1 Day 1 again and hopefully make it all the way through.

I did lose 2 pounds yesterday. I know it is water weight but it is a start and I still ate a little ice cream last night. 1/2 cup instead of a large bowl.

Here's to sticking with it.

Got to start somewhere! I need to lose about 10 to get back to where I was before my injury. My wife, did the calorie nazi thing and I lost a lot of weight, but I would eat something "bad" but not much of it, like the ice cream thing, instead of the whole pint, I would only eat a scoop. Weight watchers has some ice cream bars that are very very good, one is a vanilla ice cream/chocolate covered caramel with peanut bar thing, one is a toffee bar, one is a cookies and cream type thing. They are good.

I ran the 5k this weekend, it was hard, very humid. I pushed hard to get through it, and actually walked twice, which is not normal for me. I couldn't catch my breath. I think I ate too much to soon before the race and I started the race way to fast. I still ran in with a PR of 27:30.

Anyway, cool deal!

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