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Please Rob Me

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Please Rob Me

Vacation checklist.

Light on, check.

Doors locked, check.

Security system armed, check.

Mail hold, check.

Tweets and facebook posts to let everyone on the internet know my home is empty for taking? Check.

Interesting way to put awareness of the way social networking erodes personal security.

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Guest Plainsman

Kinda like the one where they steal the GPS unit out of your car, then use it to get to your house because your dumb enough to put in your address for the "Home" location. More often than not, no one is home and they get free rein!

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Guest bkelm18
Kinda like the one where they steal the GPS unit out of your car, then use it to get to your house because your dumb enough to put in your address for the "Home" location. More often than not, no one is home and they get free rein!

Yeah because they couldn't get your address off of any of the other paperwork in your car.

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I have a facebook and I'm honestly about done getting on facebook its so dumb. I won't leave my place pitch black either when I go out of town nothing says come rob me like a dark house for 7 days in a row. The key is don't leave all your lights on just a few heck leave a TV on too.

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I have a facebook and I'm honestly about done getting on facebook its so dumb. I won't leave my place pitch black either when I go out of town nothing says come rob me like a dark house for 7 days in a row. The key is don't leave all your lights on just a few heck leave a TV on too.

Did not mean totally dark. I have some indoor lights on timers and all lights outside are dusk - dawn sensors.

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Guest 1817ak47

don't tell anyone when you are going to be gone, your best friends co-worker could steal from you for all you know. all to often people get robbed from people who know them

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don't tell anyone when you are going to be gone, your best friends co-worker could steal from you for all you know. all to often people get robbed from people who know them

+1 Almost always the case with victims of crime.

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Guest Plainsman
Yeah because they couldn't get your address off of any of the other paperwork in your car.

Everybody knows criminals don't look at paperwork. :shhh:

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Guest Eagle One
Kinda like the one where they steal the GPS unit out of your car, then use it to get to your house because your dumb enough to put in your address for the "Home" location. More often than not, no one is home and they get free rein!

That is why I put Sheriffs Office for my home name tag and the Sheriffs address under my tag that says HOME....

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