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Question about hcp time.

Guest David865

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Guest David865

There seems to be quite a few people on here that received there permit really fast. Around 30 days or so. I applied on Jan 6th and I'm still not approved. Is it normal for some to be faster than others or is there something wrong with my app/background check. They won't tell you anything when you call.

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Guest David865

Thanks for the input guys. I guess this is the government were talking about. I was just hoping that if they did find something wrong they wouldn't wait till the 90th day to let you know about it. If the 90 day time expires and they find something wrong (mixed up with someone else, wrong address ect...) do they give you time to fix it or do you have to reapply and pay again?

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Guest uofmeet

called the other day and they said mine had downloaded, whatever that means.....i was fingerprinted on the 28th, but i have been a resident of TN all my life and no records, not even a speeding ticket for me.....so i guess it kinda depends....i honestly don't think there is any rime or reason behind it.

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Guest David865

I did get arrested back in spring of 1995. It was senior week in high school and went to myrtle beach and of course met some girls went back to there hotel room and not 30 dang minutes later cops came in and arrested everyone. I was 17 at the time and was arrested for being a minor in possesion of alcohol ( there were empty contaniers of beer) even though I hadn't been drinking.....Yet. Surely being 15 years ago and a minor charge that wouldn't stop me from getting it. :up:

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...Yet. Surely being 15 years ago and a minor charge that wouldn't stop me from getting it. :)

Only most felonies and certain domestic violence/stalking convictions are disqualifying.

Sometimes, if a previous arrest shows up and they can't determine the final disposition of the charge, folks have to provide papers from the court to get it settled, even though the charge itself wouldn't be a disqualifying one anyway. Go figger.

- OS

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