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Wamp vs Haslam

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  GKar said:
I've known Ron Ramsey for most of my 50-odd years. He and his family attend our church, and I get the chance to converse with him regularly. He has been very consistent in his support of 2A matters throughout his career. He is a fiscal and social conservative.

Those three things seal the deal for me, IMHO.

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Guest mn32768
  Bigiron said:
I don't trust Haslam, he won't come clean on his finances/holding. Wamp votes with what ever winds are prevailing at the time. Ramsey is pro gun/carry ALL the time.

Well said.

I hope people haven't forgotten the gas shortage a while back when Haslam's daddy's Pilot Oil Company jacked up prices and was penalized for price gouging. In my opinion, Haslam is a solid member of the good ole boys' club. Folks like him haven't had to live from paycheck to paycheck, or run a small business, so they've got no idea how the 99% of the rest of us lives.

I was a constituent of Zach Wamp's back when I lived in Anderson County, and from what I've seen, he's an opportunist GOP politruk who doesn't have an original thought in his head. He's been railing against government waste while at the same time loading up with pork spending. At least Haslam's got the money, the best I can tell Wamp is for sale to whoever has the deepest pockets.

I'm not familiar with Ramsey, but I'll be sure to check him out.

  mn32768 said:
Well said.

I hope people haven't forgotten the gas shortage a while back when Haslam's daddy's Pilot Oil Company jacked up prices and was penalized for price gouging. In my opinion, Haslam is a solid member of the good ole boys' club. Folks like him haven't had to live from paycheck to paycheck, or run a small business, so they've got no idea how the 99% of the rest of us lives.

You know, Pilot got nailed for that, but I think Neal Bortz is right about removing "gouging gas laws." Here's two things that don't make sense when you consider them. First, it was proven that there WAS a gas shortage. I went to many stations to find gas and they didn't have any. In fact, I tried to get diesel for my tractor and it took me a week before I could even find any. So it's a basic idea of capitalism of supply and demand. Lots of demand and little supply = higher prices. Not to mention that the higher prices hopefully keep people who didn't need to be buying gas, but were because the supply was gone (and it was as my uncle who lives over near Asheville couldn't get gas either.) Gas also is charged at what it will cost to replace it, rather than what they actually paid for it. That's why prices will jump so quickly when something happens because the price for them to buy the next gallon will have gone up. I know it's an odd system, but it's how the system is.

Last thing...did Pilot force ANYONE to buy their gas when it was $5? There are very few people who couldn't have just ridden a bike or even taken the bus here to work. For some reason, people think it's a right to buy gas cheaply. Not to say I don't like cheap gas, but this is capitalism and if you don't like it then move somewhere else.

I was a constituent of Zach Wamp's back when I lived in Anderson County, and from what I've seen, he's an opportunist GOP politruk who doesn't have an original thought in his head. He's been railing against government waste while at the same time loading up with pork spending. At least Haslam's got the money, the best I can tell Wamp is for sale to whoever has the deepest pockets.

You nailed it. Wamp will say whatever it takes to get elected. I want someone with principles that will say from the very beginning what they believe in and stick to it.


  GKar said:
I've known Ron Ramsey for most of my 50-odd years. He and his family attend our church, and I get the chance to converse with him regularly. He has been very consistent in his support of 2A matters throughout his career. He is a fiscal and social conservative.

I've never met either Wamp or Haslam, but I've not been impressed with either's actions or words. From my interactions with Ron over the years, I have little doubt that he would make an excellent governor.

  CrazyRay said:
Those three things seal the deal for me, IMHO.

I'm with you guys, those are definitely my top priorities.

Guest mn32768
  macville said:
Last thing...did Pilot force ANYONE to buy their gas when it was $5?

Hey, not disagreeing... if you like the way Haslams do business, good for you. You may also want to read this post about Bill Haslam's idea of eminent domain (taking private property by force to benefit real estate developers and construction companies).

  Tim Nunan said:
Haslam was a member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns (started by NYC mayor Bloomberg). Haslam left that group about the time he decided to run for TN Governor.

That's enough to lose my vote right there.

  macville said:
Gas also is charged at what it will cost to replace it, rather than what they actually paid for it.


Pretty sure that statement is incorrect. My friends dad is VP of Weigels. Unless I'm mistaken I remember him specifically stating that you pay for gas up front and therefore the gas that is at the gas station has already been purchased by the company. The markup is only about .10 on the gallon. Most gas stations make their money when people purchase beer/soda/chips etc....However, coffee has the highest profit margin.

Guest Republican

Congressman Wamp gets my vote. Should the fact that he is a congressman count for him or against him though? LOL.

  Erik88 said:
Pretty sure that statement is incorrect. My friends dad is VP of Weigels. Unless I'm mistaken I remember him specifically stating that you pay for gas up front and therefore the gas that is at the gas station has already been purchased by the company. The markup is only about .10 on the gallon. Most gas stations make their money when people purchase beer/soda/chips etc....However, coffee has the highest profit margin.

That is correct. They do buy the gas ahead. However, it's still charged at the pump what it costs to replace the gas (which is the only industry that works that way.) I have also heard only about $.10 markup (which I guess is somewhat like the movie theater business...not much is made on the tickets, it's mainly on the popcorn and soda:)) I may be wrong about that, but I've heard that from multiple sources.


Posted (edited)
  mikegideon said:
If that's true, he should be a Walmart greeter instead of governor

NRA-ILA :: Current members of "Mayors Against Illegal Guns"


Bill Haslam -- Resigned from MAIG

Knoxville, Tennessee

Mayor Tom Beehan

Oak Ridge, TN

Mayor A C Wharton

Shelby County, TN

Edited by Tim Nunan

David Shumaker - he's a real tool. (No longer mayor, BTW, cause the elected elite pass the mantle around here.) I had contacted him back when Bristol was taking up the local parks ordinance against carry...we had a long "discussion" over the phone, during which he informed me that the 2nd amendment was as outdated as women's suffrage and slavery. At Council meeting later that night, he went on a long diatribe (conveniently omitting the "outdated" quote) in which he noted that the only purpose for a handgun was killing things - period...yet, he portrayed himself as a gun collector, was raised as a hunter, yada yada. Typical two-faced bleeding heart cerebral eunuch.


I appreciate you guys writing on here with the primaries coming up. I have not lived in TN but a few years and this is all very helpful information about these different Republican primary candidates. We don't get a lot of information about these three guys ya'll are talking about in the Commercial Appeal....the Memphis news is too busy talking about the crooks that run Memphis than who is running for governor of the STATE. I know that the Shelby County Prosecutor is running in the primary...but I have not been to impressed with his operation compared to where I am from (AR) and the way they deal with crooks for the most part...how hard is it to convict what you know is a criminal and send him to the pen...why does it take a year of trial here when it takes much shorter time back home to try, convict, and send to the prison farm or death row.


Mayors that join and quit MAIG have proven one of 2 things:

1) They didn't do their homework up front.

2) They're just doing the politically smart thing by quitting (i.e. Haslam)

Either one is dangerous: stupid/careless or calculating/dishonest.

  Republican said:
Congressman Wamp gets my vote. Should the fact that he is a congressman count for him or against him though? LOL.

He voted for the bailout, you be the judge :blah:

  macville said:
That is correct. They do buy the gas ahead. However, it's still charged at the pump what it costs to replace the gas (which is the only industry that works that way.) I have also heard only about $.10 markup (which I guess is somewhat like the movie theater business...not much is made on the tickets, it's mainly on the popcorn and soda:)) I may be wrong about that, but I've heard that from multiple sources.


Matthew, that makes perfect sense. No wonder they charge so much for a soda.


If you want to vote for someone who really supports gun rights.....Vote for Ron Ramsey. He carried the Handgun Carry Permit Bill back in the mid 90's - he is part of the reason we have right to carry in this state. He also supports the Restaurant Carry Bill. Haslam & Wamp won't even discuss it. I tried speaking to both of them this past summer about it and they blew me off. If you vote Republican.....Ron Ramsey is the guy.

Guest TnRebel
  ngoeser59 said:
If you want to vote for someone who really supports gun rights.....Vote for Ron Ramsey. He carried the Handgun Carry Permit Bill back in the mid 90's - he is part of the reason we have right to carry in this state. He also supports the Restaurant Carry Bill. Haslam & Wamp won't even discuss it. I tried speaking to both of them this past summer about it and they blew me off. If you vote Republican.....Ron Ramsey is the guy.

He has my vote


  Tim Nunan said:
Haslam was a member of the Mayors Against Illegal Guns (started by NYC mayor Bloomberg). Haslam left that group about the time he decided to run for TN Governor.

I know of an individual who is going to work for the Haslam campaign that confirmed this. This individual is an HCP holder and feels Haslam may have a problem with 2nd amendment rights and gun restrictions.

Haslam should be crossed off the list fast.


I did an interview with Haslam when he first came to Jackson back in the Fall, I questioned him on the timing of his pull out from the Bloomberg group, it was obvious it was simple Political expediency.

I had several communications relative the the Guns In Parks issue in Knoxville, challenging him to push for a recuseal of their pre '86 ordinance which he did not do. His e-mails were full of "support for the 2nd Amendment" but he never took a stance within the City that showed any substantive support.

  Champ198 said:
I know of an individual who is going to work for the Haslam campaign that confirmed this. This individual is an HCP holder and feels Haslam may have a problem with 2nd amendment rights and gun restrictions.

Haslam should be crossed off the list fast.

I think he is exactly right. Haslam appointed a guy named Sterling Owen IV as chief of police in knoxville, Owen is a retired FBI Agent. When the gov vetoed the "guns in resturants" bill and did the photo op; Owen was the guy to the right, right up front in the pubilicity photo, giving his recommendation that the veto be done. He was (or is) the "king, grand pubah, president, chief, etc...." of the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police. He, like many other unelected bureaucrats in the police enterprize, is no friend of the Second Amendment and gun owners.

Owen appears to be just another law enforcement elitist who views citizens with guns as riff-raff to be controlled rather that genuine law abiding citizens exercising a fundamental American right. Haslam's selection of Owen is enough in my mind to disqualify him as a gubinatorial candidate.

I suspect that Haslam has his "adivisors" to formulate opinions for him and develop policy. I do not want to see a man like Sterling Owen making and recommending TN state policy. Haslam would do well to get a backbone, speak up, say exactly what he believes, and let the voters decide exactly who he is. As it stands now; no gun owner should consider Haslam a friend of the Second Amendment.

That's how i see things from just north of knoxville; the domain of Haslam and Owen. Remember, Haslam and Owen were in charge when the most heinous and gruesome murders were committed in the history of the State of Tennessee. Those of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsome. They were stunningly quiet through the whole process. One possible option for the silence would be of stunned disbelief. The other is that they were concerned about the potential negative political fall-out in regard to law and order issues in the upcomming gubanatorial race (.. if they get by the primary...). Either option is unacceptable to me.

Food for thought,


  Champ198 said:
I know of an individual who is going to work for the Haslam campaign that confirmed this. This individual is an HCP holder and feels Haslam may have a problem with 2nd amendment rights and gun restrictions.

Haslam should be crossed off the list fast.

So why is this guy going to work for him?

Guest Swamprunner
  Smith said:
I know of Bill Haslam personally, my sister was their live in "nanny" when she was in college. They were very nice and helped her get through tough college years and have always been friends. That being said i have been very dissapointed in his track record of late and doesn't seem consistent with what I thought of him before he started getting into the political arena. Sad what politics does/is allowed to do to a person.


I met Bill about four years ago, and had a long conversation with him. Sizing him up, I think he is full of BS.

I dunno, maybe he was trying to impress too much. He is probably a nice guy, but his politics smell bad.

Guest Sgt. Joe

In order to get the Knoxnews link to work go to this thread and click on Mikes357's link (post #1)...it seems to still work from there.


And here is one from the Commie appeal that still seems to work.

Tennessee gubernatorial candidates answer questions about guns The Commercial Appeal

Ramsey.....Hands Down...IMO

But it is going to take a lot of support to defeat the deep pockets of the King of Truck Stops. He has already been all over the TV here.

He looks like a Duck and even quacks like a Duck but I am pretty sure he is just a high-dollar decoy.

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