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Of course, now that the Federal government owns GM, it's no wonder they are trying to do everything possible to sink their biggest competitor!


I have an 01 Tacoma 4cyl 4x4 with 190,xxx miles on it and the only things I have ever done is put brakes on front and change the oil and I have a k&n air filter so I clean it, I put belts on it at 145k as well as fuel filter at 150k. when I get income taxes back I am going to put rear brakes on it and maybe some shocks.

If GM would build a vehicle that will stand the test of time like my Tacoma has then I would maybe consider buying one. To be honest I couldn't afford to own a GM because of all the maintenance. My stepdad bought a new silverado in 08 and so far so good but he only has about 60k miles on it. We will see how it goes but I know he already needs shocks.

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(This needed its own thread)

Then there's Toyota's new model...no brakes, no steering, accelerator sticks...The Kamikaze!

And it's still twice as reliable as any "domestic" manufacturer. I also have a '01 Tacoma with 150,000 on it. No problems and it is running strong.

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I have been saying the same thing. The government is going to try and take Toyota down to make us buy crap made here. I have owned a Camry, 2 Tundras, 2 Sequoias, and 2 Lexus and have had no issues at all with any of them. My next car will most definitely be a Toyota product.

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Guest uofmeet

i have a 07 tacoma 4X4 4cyl....so far so good. had a doge product that turned to crap around 90 k miles. When my friend worked on an old 70's model camry and said as a mechanic, he does not understand how it still runs??? that made me look at toyota.. Great Vehicles. everyone has their hickups, and goverment motors want to slander toyota prob won't be enough to put toyota out of it.

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About these new Chevrolet fuel efficiency commercials comparing to Toyota they make me sick you don't buy a particular brand for fuel economy you buy a particular model for fuel economy. That said my 01 tacoma gets better fuel mileage than any of my friends rangers and s10s with the exception of my best friends ranger that is 2wd mine is 4wd

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Guest uofmeet
I own a Dodge and it gets horrible gas mileage. My next truck will be a Tacoma they are nice dependable trucks.

Been there, done that....got the tacoma and LOVING it.....

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They'll go after Ford next, what'cha want to bet?

I'll bet you're right, Mark. Why else would they put Dick Gephart on the Board of Directors of Ford. Smells like UAW

and uncle Barack.

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Guest mustangdave

Was on a local Chevy dealers web site last night....$60K for a SUBURBAN...$50K+ for an Avalanche(sp)...the NEW Camaro...V6...$35K...and the SS is $45K...its no wonder they're GUB-MINT Motors...those are crack smokin prices...

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Guest mustangdave
I will just keep my Ford with a crap load of miles on it instead of buying a GM

Same here Mike...or get a 72 Vista Cruiser Wagon like on yer show....sweet...let the mods begin

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Guest 1817ak47

being around cars and having seen toyota's stellar reliability, I feel these problems are being exagerated, and also alot of people want to joint the lawsuit bandwagon to get a big fat chunk of change.

there has been so much crap that the 3 american car companys have gotten away with and dening, not recalling and not fixing just so that they can sell more cars sooner. I wouldn't hesitate to buy a toyota. now I am not sure how hybrids will be in the long run when they get some seroious mileage and what the cost to keep them up will be regardless of brand.

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I buy used or wrecked cars and fix them up, mostly Fords. Toyota's problem is with

the messiah and his union obligations. You don't get to the top by making junk.

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Guest malbolja
And it's still twice as reliable as any "domestic" manufacturer. I also have a '01 Tacoma with 150,000 on it. No problems and it is running strong.

Sorry, the facts don't bear that out. But if we're exchanging anecdotes, my 98 Chevy has 170K on it and runs like a scalded dog. My friend's 94 is pushing 300K.

Of course, now that the Federal government owns GM, it's no wonder they are trying to do everything possible to sink their biggest competitor!

Y'all need to unscrew your tinfoil hats. I suppose the CIA snuck in to Toyota HQ and sabotaged their perfectly good drive by wire system - before the gubmint bailed out GM.

Toyota screwed the pooch and it's not the first time - just the first time it's getting media coverage. 2 or 3 years ago they recalled more cars than they sold, the only stories I read about that were buried pretty deep in the papers. They were investigated then by the Japanese government for covering up problems with their products - just like they tried to do this time.

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My 2001 Toyota Avalon with about 150K miles is great. Aside from normal maint, I had to clean the idle air control valve and that's about all. It's been a great car. I couldn't be happier. No sticky throttle, power steering problems, brake problems, or anything.

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