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AMT Hardballer?


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Hahahaha ! Yeah, I bought one in 1980!! POS !!!! Just about galled it's self to death!!! Think it was the first SS 1911s on the market. I don't know,( or care ) what the collector value is. As far as " shooter value" zero ! If it's factory stock, nothing but problems !!! There were a lot of us that wasted money, time fitting parts, and energy on that POS!!! JMO. If you want to buy it, more power to you. Do some research, nothing good written on it!!!

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used to shoot with a guy who bought a Hardballer Longslide,..:poop: he tried for 3 seasons to get through a match without a failure of some sort.. never happened.

You shouldn't buy movie guns, we all agreed that if it wasn't for "Terminator" with Ahhh~Nalld making it look good AMT would have eaten every last one of them..

You can thank Ruger for killing them off, the AMT Lightnings, rifle and pistols, were OK but their 1911's were :poop: Bill R. got them on a patent infringement I understand...

As Ae-35 pointed out they loved to gall, I think their metallurgy was off.. if they used a better alloy who knows??


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Guest Straight Shooter

IF Im remembering right, the Hardballer and other AMT guns were some of the first SS guns on the market back in the 70's. I think about ALL had serious galling problems. One other brand, who name escapes me for the moment, went out of business after only a few years because at that time stainless wasnt perfected as a gun steel. Was it Randal, maybe? I remember they had the only left-handed 1911 Ive seen. Anyway, Ive only seen a few in action, I was not impressed.

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Anyone have any experience with this gun? According to my pricing book, the value of this gun is increasing very fast. I came across one, but I've never heard of them. Thanks!

Straightshooters post is right:

...IF Im remembering right, the Hardballer and other AMT guns were some of the first SS guns on the market back in the 70's. ...

. First SS 1911. AMT (...AMT stands for Arcadia (CA) Machine and Tool...) started off making some good stuff. I suspect they are pretty neat; judged in historical value alone. RE: Shootability and galling. I would be tempted to use some sort of good synthetic grease with anti-galling properties if i shot one of these (or any other stainless 1911) much. The chronic downside of stainless steel is galling; but lots of it is used in industries and applications where it works fine.

Bottom line: I like them. I would be sorely tempted to buy one if the price was right.

Kind regards,


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I have one I won on football board In the early 80's. It wouldn't feed anything. Friend put a another barrel and spring in it " colt I think" its been a great gun ever since. They do have a bad rep but I hear some got lucky with a few good ones. I also own a 380 backup from the early 80's that I never had a problem with. they to had alot of issues.

Edited by laktrash
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