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Greyhound has a no guns policy.

Not even to ship them.

What I've read on forums, whether they screen for them in baggage or on person seems to vary according to terminal.

Federal law is clear about no guns on airlines, but also seems to indicate no guns on interstate buses also:

"Any passenger who owns or legally possesses a firearm being transported aboard any common or contract carrier for movement with the passenger in interstate or foreign commerce must deliver the unloaded firearm into custody of the pilot, captain, conductor, or operator of such common or contract carrier for the duration of the trip."

Which is rather non sequitur since I'm sure the bus driver would not accept the weapon. :poop:

- OS

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Guest 10mm4me

I would carry anyways. When I was in the military I took Greyhounds all the time and was never checked. After that wacko stabbed that guy and cut his head off and had play time w/it for a few hrs on a greyhound I wouldn't go on one w/out a piece. just me though.

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I've taken a bus from Chattanooga via Cincinnati to Detroit a few times and I carried concealed in my back pocket. There aren't any metal detectors that I'm aware of.

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Guest Boogieman

I'd moved to Oregon and was hopping the ole Greyhound to get there. I wanted to take my gun with me to have it out there so I asked the folks at the terminal about it when I bought my ticket. Of course the answer was no. Rather than let my dad hold onto it (like I should have done) I sold the thing to a pawn shop. Could have stowed it in my carry on bag cause there were no detectors and the searches were only at big stops and totally random. Heh, ended up moving back 3 weeks later cause the crazy chick I moved out there with got us kicked outta the place we were staying. All for naught. My thoughts: If its legal for you to own it I dont see why you cant keep it under the bus(locked up in its case) as long as its not loaded and you dont have ammo in the bag. I think they allow you to have rifles and shotguns in hard cases that are locked but not sure.

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Well, trip was safe, but interesting. Did not carry; there was no check of anything, except for the metal detectors just inside the entrance doors of the terminal. Those probably would have got me.

The Louisville stop was interesting; we got away late because local PD came on and took a couple "gangsta" types off that were sitting in the back of the bus.

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