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So a guy just walks in to my apartment


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My initial response stems from the fact that a neighbor is a contractor and he has several of his hispanic workers at his home on a daily basis during all times of the day. So, if one of those workers were to find his way into my home I do not believe that it would be an accident. I also consider the fact that in my situation the guy would almost certainly not be alone. I guess I need to get some refresher training at Range USA.

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Guest Straight Shooter

You did right sir. I would have definately tried to follow him out,to see if he had friends waiting for an "ok" signal,or to just ascertain where he was/what he was doing.

About 3 momths ago,I was home from work one night sick, sitting on my couch at about 10:30 at night. All a sudden, I see my front door doorknob,which was about 5 foot away, start turning back and forth. I leaned over,and grabbed my M9 that was 3 feet away, and took up a position in the hallway. Now,I would not have automatically shot had the door opened. it was locked. Had someone busted it down,or kept on trying to get in, they would have had a bad night. Turns out, it was someone looking for a different apt.

Thanks to jackdm3 for printing Coopers Code. Ive lived by it for over two decades.

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I have to agree with jack on this one. There is no way that you should have pointed a loaded firearm at an unarmed man. I can understand a raised gun when the threat was unclear, but the second you assessed the situation, you should have lowered to the ready. You could have easily turned what might have been an honest mistake in to a VERY tragic situation. You could also have avoided something tragic happening to you, but from your description, you could have done that with your gun at the ready.

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It was his decision, his problem to deal with and he dealt with it. He would have been responsible for his actions as all adults should be.

Let's embrace the fact that one of our members was in a situation 90% of them have never even come close to facing and is here to post about it.

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Stranger strolls into the house unannounced, and all that happens is that he gets a loaded firearm pointed at him, he should run out and buy a lottery ticket.

It's definitely his lucky day.

Nothing 'tough guy' about this stance - I wouldn't want to waste time reacting in a situation where I already know there is a trespasser. If the trespasser were armed, it would save a second or two.

Seconds can be valuable things.

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Thanks for finishing the story.

I dont want to start something. If you dont agree with me, fine. If you have an opinion, that's fine too, I asked for them. All your rights. Just please don't be sarcastic. Unless you have been in the situation, don't be so quick to judge.

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Guest jackdm3

I've never been sarcastic since your first post. Your question was "Any thoughts you guys?" You didn't ask "Do you agree with me." I agree with you pulling your weapon. I disagreed with having it pointed at him before you said he was in the home and you couldn't see his hands. But there is no sarcasm here.

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Closed the door quickly after I told him the second time with pointing to the door.

I bet he did. Probably crapped his pants, too. :D

Actually, I was meaning after he walked into your place. I was wondering if he walked in then closed the door or if he walked in leaving it open. Leaving it open makes me think he had buddies planning to come in also, or he was preparing for a quick exit or he was planning to carry out something heavy. Either way, it's pretty weird for a stranger to just walk in. I guess he could have been one of those painters that got confused, but you had no way of knowing.

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Guest jackdm3

"I guess he could have been one of those painters that got confused, but you had no way of knowing."

And that's why you assess the situation. By saying that you think he could have been one of the painters, you're telling us that there COULD be other reasons for his being there than for nefarious intent. All the while, you have your weapon a split second away from his demise. I'm all for painting that hallway arterial red. Just give me a reason first and I'll send you on your way.

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Guest birdman

Sounds to me like the whole situation lasted about 20 seconds at the most. I don't care if he had his hands up. I wouldn't have lowered my gun. Here's why:

I've lived in apartments since I was 18(23 now) in many places. Everyone knocks. Maintenance man, painter, pest control, fire alarm, etc. It's commom courtesy and also ensures that someone that came home during the day won't do something crazy when you randomly walk into their apartment. Also, every place I have lived they have notified me when someone was going to be in my home. That way I know to put the dog up/ aren't alarmed by a knock at the door by someone I don't know. I don't know if he recieved these notifications either----I hope not:rolleyes:.

I work weird hrs. and own a dog that scares the shiit out of most people so these policies have saved me a lot of greif. I doubt it's law but I'll bet you his apartment complex has a policy that backs my statements up.

Also, put yourself in the same position. I'm not giving anyone any slack stepping into my home period. I'm not lowering a weapon to someone who can't even tell me why they're in there in the first place(hell no! language barrier or not-f him). That guy was a threat, and he dealt with it perfectly in my eyes. And besides, he stated it was after 5 o'clock and he was a resident. You think they're paying the mexi overtime to trim up his apartment? where was his paint? ladder? Was he even wearing white or wearing a shirt with a company name on it? JMHO

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"I guess he could have been one of those painters that got confused, but you had no way of knowing."

And that's why you assess the situation. By saying that you think he could have been one of the painters, you're telling us that there COULD be other reasons for his being there than for nefarious intent. All the while, you have your weapon a split second away from his demise. I'm all for painting that hallway arterial red. Just give me a reason first and I'll send you on your way.

Jack, if a stranger were to come into my house uninvited and unexpected while I was there, they would be looking down the barrel of a gun, and I would be assessing the situation from behind it. And I can assure you that no one that I would likely have to deal with, if the situation went south, would question my actions.

Someone I don't know, who's in my house without invitation, is certainly reason enough to be pointing a gun at them.

And it won't take much more than that to qualify as reason to pull the trigger. ( Speaking any language other than english just might do it by it's self. :P )

Nobody got shot, or even :D themselves to death. The OP did good.

End of story.


P.S. Wrangler, I hope you have all your guns and other valuables secured, 'cause you may have just been scouted for a future burglary.

Edited by Jamie
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You forgot to rack the slide to let him know you were serious!

All kidding aside, I think you handled the situation superbly. Intruder (who may have made an honest mistake) departed and nobody was injured or killed. One for the win column.

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Guest bkelm18
I have to agree with jack on this one. There is no way that you should have pointed a loaded firearm at an unarmed man. I can understand a raised gun when the threat was unclear, but the second you assessed the situation, you should have lowered to the ready. You could have easily turned what might have been an honest mistake in to a VERY tragic situation. You could also have avoided something tragic happening to you, but from your description, you could have done that with your gun at the ready.

So a random guy strolls into your home, you cannot see his hands. Please tell me how you would know he was unarmed? He could have had a gun or a knife concealed on him and at apartment distances, he could have been on you in a heartbeat. You are in YOUR home, he is an UNINVITED INTRUDER. I'm not going to risk getting murdered just because I think he MIGHT be unarmed. Believe it or not, you can kill someone with your bare hands too. :koolaid:

Edited by bkelm18
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Well I guess I am just one of those that overreacts when someone comes in my house that shouldn't be there. :koolaid:

First thing I do is look at it from the other end. In this case the supposed painter/intruder.

How many of you have ever crossed the threshold plate into someone's home that was a COMPLETE STRANGER and gave no verbal acknowledgement that you were there ? H#ll even the police say POLICE when they politely kick your door in. WHY ? Because they don't like being shot at either ! Language barriers aside any attempt from the painter/intruder to send out a verbal message letting Wrangler know someone was there would have helped a lot. Aside from the fact that he didn't knock on the door, another common tradition of entering a strangers home, he felt it was o.k. to just stroll on in.

Looking at it from the other side, I guess it boils down to how I was reared. I don't waltz on in to anyone's home, not even family, without letting them know I am inside the home. "Hello" or "anyone home" is the first words out of my mouth upon entry. If I don't hear a reply I usually stand near the door until I get one. Crazy and cautious as it may sound we've all heard where 1 family member shot another by accident because they thought they were an intruder.

And I've never seen an intruder yet, even on T.V., that yelled out "I'm coming in to rob/rape/kill YOU" !! ;)

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