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Mutt's Official Resignation

Guest Muttling

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Guest TnDeerHunter

Is this a If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen?

I truly enjoy this site and all the information I recieve from so many different individuals. That said it is his decision to stay or go. :up:

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Appeal from a stranger. Reconsider...Don't remove yourself from something you are obviously passionate about and derive pleasure from.

Granted--I don't know you and the cause of your decision. It is assuredly something you feel strongly enough about to remove yourself from the forum and the source of the agravation. I have taken similar actions and had cause to regret it in time. You say you enjoy the forum and your friends here. You have given and taken information and enjoyment; that is evident from your comments.

Your comment about rightwing lunatics interests me. I am not terribly intelligent, but I would consider the majority of people here could fall into that catagory simply because the love of, and ownership of firearms is usually enough to lump us into that catagory. Also granted that variants of right vs. left politics and personal philosophies abound here. Personality, morality, and political sentiment also. I would say that most of us are aggressive and outgoing personality types, not to mention strongly opinated and less than completely tolerant of, or capable of stepping outside of our comfort zones in relation to our beliefs to accept differing sentiments.

That pretty well describes me. I am opinated, stubborn, intolerant of others who disagree strongly with me, sarcastic and caustic of wit (or half-wit as many have told me), and have been thin-skinned to the point of taking personal offense to a point I disagree with. Especially if about something very dear to me, in which case, right or wrong, win or lose in discussions/arguements; I will pack up my toys and go home.

But, I'm learning that isn't always the best thing for me to do. And this forum has helped in that regard. I've read comments that made me scream at the screen because some idiot threw out lines that were totally opposed to my thinking. I've thought that some of these insane tree-hugging, global warming, Al Gore brainwashed morons, and save-the-earth from the humans nutcases have no place here and shoud be evicted for the benefit and betterment of all. That left-wing, Progressive,

Socialists in sheeps clothing, wannabe communistic politicos who believe their ideas of life and country are better than mine simply because their social, economic, or educational standings are loftier than mine. I could go on, but I'm sure you understand. And truth be known, I'd still like them gone.

But it won't work. Then I'd be Them. All I can do is keep on enjoying the topics I find interesting, informative, or entertaining. And as you know there is no shortage of the other side--idotic topics, stupid questions, morons with faulty, twisted minds just full of crap that infuriates me.

And yet I stay. Why? Because I'm selfish; This place is mine. I consider it a place of rest for me. I can come here and laugh at the monkeys, scream at those with the wrong opinions, lifestyles and politics; and learn from those smarter than me. And that's most of you. Well, some of you.

I've had my comments in postings laughed at and poo-poo-ed because they didn't fit with the senior guys opinions. I've had nasty return comments and probably given a few too. I've thought some of these egotistical snobs should go pound sand. The same for those with derogatory and inflamatory comments about military, social, and governmental issues and people I care about. But you know, I'm still here. I don't have a lot of time left to me so I'm staying and enjoying all this insanity I can.

So, Muttling...don't let those loose cannon, crapheaded, dingbat, environuts, Rightwing extemists, Leftwing extremists, middle-of-the-road undecisive idiots, and general loudmouth malcontents run you away. Stay. Come back. Don't leave. Whatever. Just don't give up. Don't give any part of your precious life and time away because of jackasses like me on a forum. If you don't agree with them, rant, rave, go talk about it with a buddy. Go cap off some rounds.


I apologize to everyone whose time was lost reading this, and to those offended by it...in the immortal words of the great philosopher of our time....Opus



Edited by hipower
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This is a gun forum, and guns have been highly politicized. The political debate is a little hard to avoid since Left-wing extremists generally want to take our guns away by political means. There are lunatics on both sides and in the middle - that's nothing new. I have not read the comments about all LEOs being liars or kids singing about wanting to kill their teachers, but I think the vast majority doesn't agree with that.

If we all thought the same thoughts, agreed 100% on everything and there was no debate, the place might be a little boring - don't ya think?

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I'll post my some of my PM here as well:

Maybe just take some time and let the emotions wear off. These folks are stood up to. A lot of that stuff comes from the same people and most of the guys who have been a here awhile just ignore then like they ignore that crazy uncle at the reunion. Arguing doesn't go anywhere and it just ends up ruining your day.

My dad once told me that you can run around trying to put out every little fire, but you'll just end up tired, burned, and eventually suffocate on the smoke. Sometimes a controlled burn is a much better tactic. Just let it burn itself out.

I have to take time off of here every so often when I feel myself getting too involved just to get some perspective. Hang in there. It's not a marriage or even a cheap date. It's just a place to occupy some time and enjoy what you can.:up:

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Woke up to pee and saw this.

Somebody repost the song about kids killing teachers. I must have missed that one.

I got booted from 1911.org because I refused to change my screen name. I first posted Rightwinger as the name for a fantasy football team back in 1992. It's hung with me ever since. As I told them, I'll say here. If you talk guns, you have to talk politics. Our simple right to even have them is totally wrapped in politics now so it will and MUST be discussed.

1911.org wants to talk just guns. Well I can buy a manual if I really need detailed info on guns. I'm here to talk to and meet people. I have met some of the best folks here and would not walk away from my ability to talk and discuss anything with them just because someone likes to talk the opposite side of the political spectrum from me.

If there was not enough "good" here to keep him coming back and wading through what he felt was bull then it's his call. I hope no one talks anything but "work" at work or strikes up a conversation about the current state of the economy with him at a family gathering or he is going to be one lonely person given his proclivity to resign rather than discuss.

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Woke up to pee and saw this.

Somebody repost the song about kids killing teachers. I must have missed that one.

I got booted from 1911.org because I refused to change my screen name. I first posted Rightwinger as the name for a fantasy football team back in 1992. It's hung with me ever since. As I told them, I'll say here. If you talk guns, you have to talk politics. Our simple right to even have them is totally wrapped in politics now so it will and MUST be discussed.

1911.org wants to talk just guns. Well I can buy a manual if I really need detailed info on guns. I'm here to talk to and meet people. I have met some of the best folks here and would not walk away from my ability to talk and discuss anything with them just because someone likes to talk the opposite side of the political spectrum from me.

If there was not enough "good" here to keep him coming back and wading through what he felt was bull then it's his call. I hope no one talks anything but "work" at work or strikes up a conversation about the current state of the economy with him at a family gathering or he is going to be one lonely person given his proclivity to resign rather than discuss.


While I don't get involved as much as some do with all the politics, I do however feel that people are entitled to their opinions even though I may disagree but thats their right. I don't think walking away will solve any of your problems just make them worse down the road. I also agree with Rightwinger I have made a lot of new friends on here some of which I haven't even meet but enjoy talking about guns, hunting, etc with them.

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I can't walk to the mailbox without running into an idiot, so why should I feel compelled to confront every single one I run into on the world wide web?

There's only 24hrs in a day, and I attempt to use mine in a somewhat constructive manner.

Actually I was googling midget porn and this place popped up. Still not sure why. :up:


My bad... I'll try to make a better effort to tag my threads appropriately...

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Guest Baddawg865

My question to mutt is, what are we suppose to do? Type bad words at them on a pm? I do voice my opinion, but doing it on a forum that I come to for fun and to learn is crazy. This is my fun time. Don't really care what other idiots have to say. There are some good guys on here. You let the bad win, then your helping them!!!!

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Never had a problem with ya Mutt, or anybody on this forum.

But you are reading this Mutt,I know you are, Or you wouldnt have posted this.

So why take up space on the registered users list, just keep your original screen name. Enjoy the site for what it is, NOT what you want it to be.

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Guest bkelm18

Well, there's one thing I loathe as much as a diehard liberal. A diehard conservative. So I agree with Mutt on that. But give me a break. It's the internet. Put your big boy pants on.

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I greatly appreciate a number of members. OhShoot being 1st, but many others with him. There are a number of people who I have learned a LOT from on this site.

These are people who I don't always agree with, but are reasonable and realistic. People who argue from the basis of our laws and the realities of our society. A society that accepts differing opinions.

TGO is getting over-run with right wing lunatics and intelligent right wings aren't standing up to them. I have cried bull **** in several threads where people are claiming ALL LEO's are liers, saying it's right for out children to sing about killing their teachers, and more. Yet few stand up to these people.

This is EVERYTHING the conservatives tell me they stand against and the forum Liberal is only one who is consistently standing against it in this forum.

I am many things, but I will not be a supporter of a community who does not actually stand against the types of people I have mentioned above. You say you will, but you don't.

Cuss me all you like, I am WILLING stand alone if that is what it means to stand for what is right.

Don't ask me to stand by and watch like so many have.

With that, I give my resignation. I will miss my many friends on this forum along with the many things I have learned from you.




That crap is about as weak as it gets.

Don't let the door hit ya in the ass on the way out.

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  • Administrator
If you truly believe this, why would you not stand your ground and try to influence those whom you disagree with?

How does running away help anything?

Agreed. The decision befalls us all to either be a part of the solution or be part of the problem. Packing up your toys and going home does none of us any good.

For what it's worth, I just don't have time to police the forum like I used to and am relying more on the moderators to do the dirty work for me. By and large they do a very good job, but there's only so much they can do in the present numbers.

Perhaps it's time for some reinforcements.

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