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AR15 Carbine(M4) vs Rifle


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Hey I just wanted to know if anyone had any thoughts on a the comparison between a rifle length ar15 vs a carbine length. Is the main reason for owning an M4 mobility? Are there any ballistic advantages in having the rifle length? I've always liked rifles and I just can't get used to my little m4. I have considered trading for a rifle but wanted some input first.

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Portability and ease of use in tight quarters is the main reason for the M4. You will get a littler bit more velocity from the rifle length barrel, and the rifle is heavier as well. For most civilian uses the rifle length AR would do just fine. I prefer the M4 to the long gun primarily for its looks, I just like 'em. If you don't want to spring for a whole rifle you could buy an upper that suits your needs, then you would have the best of both worlds, a tack driver for the range and a tactical rifle for Mall Ninja duty.:mad:

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Everyone goes with more of the M4 style configs just because they feel it is more of a tactical rifle and like to be able to say they have a military styled weapon. Unless you are a skilled marksman you will never be able to tell a difference between the 16" vs 20" now like stated above you are gonna notice an added weight difference however that might not be a major concern for you unless you plan on carrying the rifle a couple miles. I say if ya could use the extra cash and are really only wanting a gun to varmint hunt or target shoot with then by all means go for the 20+". No point in having a weapon your not comfortable with.

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Guest jimdigriz

No one has mentioned it yet, so I'll pipe up. The longer barrel means greater velocity and better terminal performance, with the projectile fragmenting on impact out to greater ranges.

Edited by jimdigriz
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The greater barrel length increases the effectiveness of the 5.56 round at combat ranges, and the longer gas tube increases the reliability of the action. Ideally, the 20" pencil barrel on the M16 and M16A1 was the ideal combination of effectiveness and weight... but only when using 55gr or lighter bullets, because of the 1-12 rifling twist.

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Ever consider a midlength 16" upper and A2 stock? To tell you the truth I can't tell the difference when I shoulder this middy or from when I can remember shouldering an A2 from my Army days.


more traditional look


Edited by LA_357SIG
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Ever consider a midlength 16" upper and A2 stock? To tell you the truth I can't tell the difference when I shoulder this middy or from when I can remember shouldering an A2 from my Army days.

more traditional look

Hey LA_357SIG

I'm in Jackson also. Where do you shoot? The FOP or the range off of Riverside?

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