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Question on Glock 29


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Full house 10mm loads in the 29 are going to be pretty wicked. I haven't shot one, but in a G20 they are stout, but it is a good stout if that makes any sense. Along the lines of " It has authority, but doesn't sting your hand or anything". I can imagine in a, well, basically a 26 sized (just thicker) gun they would be nasty. With that said, I say go for it. If I had more money and/or had reload equipment to reload 10mm I'd probably have one right now, perhaps a 20.

edit: also, about holster options: I'd imagine you could use some of the holsters for the G30, if not all of them. The dimensions are identical basically.

Edited by RoDan
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I agree. It is the same frame as my G30 AFAIK. Any G30 holster should fit it. It is kind of a scarce weapon though, probably being the reason you don't see it listed in holster fitting lists. With the ammo cost and availability, I prefer the G30 to the 29 JMO. I'm sure it's a badazz handful though. Good luck with your choice.

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Thanks all for the info! Stupid me never considered the cost of the ammo. That will be a factor on how much I use it. Never done reloads before... maybe I'll look into that. Guess I'll make the trip to the show in Gray this weekend and do some shopping! Thanks again.

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My G29 is my favorite handgun, hands down. Feeding her can be expensive, but if you can catch Georgia Arms at a gunshow, 500-round cans are not TOO bad. As mentioned previously, any G30 holster will also fit a G29, and there are plenty of those out there. For mine, I picked up both an MTAC and a paddle from Comp-Tac.

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I've got the 20 and 29 and really like both. (my 29 is the SF version) Both also fit quite nicely in my Crossbreed Supertuck. (the 29 obviously being a bit more concealable)

For ammo to get the most out of the 10mm you really should reload. Having said that I got .40 conversion barrels for both so I can actually practice shooting with the cheaper and more available .40 ammo. (or cheaper still if reloading 40) For REALLY cheap shooting I went ahead and got a .22 conversion kit for the 20. The lighter weight keeps it from being "exactly" the same but the sight picture and trigger are the same.

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  • 2 years later...
Guest brighac

one of my family members has this gun, and I personally have smaller hands(cause I'm only 5' 7'') and I don't notice a difference between the SF and regular, but basically it is a powerful gun and I love it so much, I am getting one within a month or so as well.

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Holy thread resurrection Batman! Since posting in this thread, I have gotten my hands on a 20SF and it has become my favorite pistola. I carry it in an comp-tac mtac, and I get that warm and fuzzy knowing I have 16 rounds of 10mm on my side.

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