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Hello from Hawaii

Guest sneakboxer

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Guest sneakboxer

Hello all,

I'm currently stationed in the Peoples Republic of Hawaii and thankfully i'll be moving to Henry CO this summer. I enjoy shooting, hunting, carrying and i'd like to start reloading soon. (most of which you can't do in Hawaii)

I hope to learn a few things and possible help a few people on this forum. Maybe i see a few of you on the range or in the field.

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Guest sneakboxer

Restricted, in a word YES Here is a short list of the bs laws.

14 day wait for long guns, NO carry permits, 10-round mag limit, all guns must be registered within 72 hrs, finger prints for pistols, special permits for purchasing handguns, must carry a permit when shooting with any guns, no shooting ranges, expensive ammo, must be over 21 to own a gun and high gun prices.

Never say never when it comes to gun control. It has already happened in in a few states (HI, CA, IL, WI, MA). Lets say i am doing my part writing letters and emails to my elected officials.

You can have the tropical weather i'll take my rights any day...

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Restricted, in a word YES Here is a short list of the bs laws.

14 day wait for long guns, NO carry permits, 10-round mag limit, all guns must be registered within 72 hrs, finger prints for pistols, special permits for purchasing handguns, must carry a permit when shooting with any guns, no shooting ranges, expensive ammo, must be over 21 to own a gun and high gun prices.

Never say never when it comes to gun control. It has already happened in in a few states (HI, CA, IL, WI, MA). Lets say i am doing my part writing letters and emails to my elected officials.

You can have the tropical weather i'll take my rights any day...

Yikes! Talk about a nice place to visit, but I wouldn't want to live there.:stalk:

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