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Miley Cyrus' little sister the new face of kiddie 'lingerie' line


For every little girl who wants to give her parents a heart attack but can't be bothered waiting until puberty to rebel, both Miley Cyrus' kid sister and her former co-star are here to help.

Eight-year-old Hannah Montana: The Movie actress Emily Grace Reaves, along with Noah Cyrus, 9, are shilling a new line of kiddie lingerie, ninemsn, MSN's Australian news site reports. And while it's technically Grace's fashion line (it's called the Emily Grace Collection, after all), whoever's in charge of marketing obviously couldn't resist associating Cyrus — a nine-year-old so far most famous for dressing like a dominatrix, pole-dancing and "Smackin' That" — with their "trendy, sweet, yet edgy" brand. The two kids will be modelling looks from the collection in videos on big sis Miley Cyrus' website.

The collection is produced by something called Ooh! La, La! Couture, and is described by a company press release as including "versatile styles that can be worn with sweet ballerina slippers, funky sneakers or paired with lace stockings and boots for more of a rock and roll look."

Sales will benefit Reaves' charity, Lollipops and Rainbows. So, should the nation's playgrounds suddenly be overrun with more tots in short skirts and leopard print than an episode of Toddlers & Tiaras, at least you can be comforted knowing their parents let them out of the house looking like that for a good cause.

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Guest mustangdave

This is CLASSIC Beverly Hillbilly's stuff....Mullet sporting father from Kentucky...gets a record deal in Nashville...records what...maybe 3-4 songs...makes a small mint. Packs up the family and moves to California...and begins to exploit his children...its the great American tragedy...and the girls will be in therapy for years.;)

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Guest Verbal Kint
The decline of Rome continues...

"Rome" burned a long time ago... it's just that the embers are finally being snuffed out.

I've lost all faith in mankind as we know it. My faith and hope are for the after-life, as it should be. :koolaid:

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Guest Muttling

I'm with YOU. I got an e-mail a few years back about some lobbying they were doing in New York (least I think it was New York.) I thought it was a gag for sure.

My jaw dropped when I Googled it. I'm all for free speech, live n let live, etc, etc, etc......MANBLA???? OMFG!!!!!

Child molesters who have lobbyists and are actively trying to legalize molestation.

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Guest CrazyLincoln

Apparently the prostitot revolution continues. I was in the mall with my girlfriend and she pointed out some 7 or 8 year old girl wearing jeans that had "Sweet" embroidered across her butt. I can't believe parents who do that.

That's the equivalent of giving your kid 8 gold chains and a wad of cash in hand and saying "let's take a stroll through orange mound".

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