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Fourth grader suspended over LEGO toy gun


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Guest Caveman
Rant much? This kid now and kids then: it was just kids releasing their frustrations and being kids and it wasn't because we wanted that teacher dead. Yeah, we got called on it and sent to the principal's office or had to stand up and write on that black board "I will not sing such songs in class". Twenty years ago it was knives that was the big threat on middle school campuses and now it's 9mm.

You paddle kids at school? Wow, I find that hard to believe; you must teach in a private school because public schools that I've sent my child to have no corporal punishment at all and that includes the surrounding counties. I worked for DCS for five years and I know they swoop down on faculty and schools for doing that. It's sad that the resources were used to investigate truly deserved discipline but that is what happens.

As far as getting one at home; I got a belt for any infraction until my father's arm became tired. I was terrified of my father so please don't play that crap with me. I am not interested in how you do things. Myself and Krull were in fact laughing at the differences in decades and marveling at how back then we sang these songs and got in trouble but we could go to school dressed up on Halloween as The Terminator and nothing happened.

I'm not sure why you push this thought that everyone here is "Conservative Christian"on me because I'm really not interested in hearing what a wonder-political-hack you are for any party. I'm willing to bet you aren't the only liberal on this site but you are probably the only one with a hateful chip on their shoulder.


I'm not sure what he is talking about with the whole "spanking children" thing, but I will tell you this, if I found out a school official spanked either of my daughters my actions would shake the pillers of he11. I discipline my kids. I got spanked when I was a kid AT HOME and I have no problem doing it to my girls. But that is MY decission to make, not a teacher. I know there are a lot of kids with bad behavioral problems that don't get disciplined at home, but that isnt my problem. I am one of those minorities that actually parent their child. I would feel bad for a teacher that spanked my child.

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I'm not sure what he is talking about with the whole "spanking children" thing, but I will tell you this, if I found out a school official spanked either of my daughters my actions would shake the pillers of he11. I discipline my kids. I got spanked when I was a kid AT HOME and I have no problem doing it to my girls. But that is MY decission to make, not a teacher. I know there are a lot of kids with bad behavioral problems that don't get disciplined at home, but that isnt my problem. I am one of those minorities that actually parent their child. I would feel bad for a teacher that spanked my child.

Thank you, Caveman. We homeschool because the lack of discipline at home for a lot of kids spills over into the school sector. My son last went public in third grade in 2007 and, in the second grade, came and asked me things I thought I wouldn't talk with him about until the tenth grade. It was scary that he had kids using sexual terms that I never would use in in any instance as an adult and more so that he asked me what these specific terms were. The school systems in general do not teach any longer; they program. I do whole-heartedly agree that school administrators should make that call and let you, the parent, deal with the problem. I'm not quick to be heavy handed but like you I'm not afraid to do what needs to be done. I agree with the "I'm your parent first and your friend second" theory and application.

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Think about this.. Any of you ever teased in school? bullied? just plain treated as an outcast? At least when you left school in most cases all that stayed at school and you didn't have to deal with it again until the next school day.

Rarely, but in 8th grade a dude was trying to bully me and i punched him in the throat, also, in high school someone tried to pull me once and I picked him up by his shirt and slammed him into the lockers. After that noone really bullied me anymore except behind my back. Also, the dude I punched in the throat in 8th grade. I saw him at my 10 year high school reunion and he hadnt gotten over it yet. He was eye ballin me the whole time.

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I'm not sure what he is talking about with the whole "spanking children" thing, but I will tell you this, if I found out a school official spanked either of my daughters my actions would shake the pillers of he11. I discipline my kids. I got spanked when I was a kid AT HOME and I have no problem doing it to my girls. But that is MY decission to make, not a teacher. I know there are a lot of kids with bad behavioral problems that don't get disciplined at home, but that isnt my problem. I am one of those minorities that actually parent their child. I would feel bad for a teacher that spanked my child.

I have to agree with this. I got paddled in school, mostly for smoking and leaving school grounds for lunch but it should be left to the parents. Back then my parents said if he needs it.. give it to him.. so I guess you can say they had every right.. I never complained. I knew the risk and punnishment if I got busted.

Today tho.. things are out of control. Kids have no supervision at all let alone any idea of whats right or wrong. I'm glad I'm done raising my kids my only worry now is the grandchildren.....

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Thank you, Caveman. We homeschool because the lack of discipline at home for a lot of kids spills over into the school sector. My son last went public in third grade in 2007 and, in the second grade, came and asked me things I thought I wouldn't talk with him about until the tenth grade. It was scary that he had kids using sexual terms that I never would use in in any instance as an adult and more so that he asked me what these specific terms were. The school systems in general do not teach any longer; they program. I do whole-heartedly agree that school administrators should make that call and let you, the parent, deal with the problem. I'm not quick to be heavy handed but like you I'm not afraid to do what needs to be done. I agree with the "I'm your parent first and your friend second" theory and application.

No offense but everyone I know that has been home schooled has been detached from the world and has struggled to make it in the real world. To me it does more harm than good.

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Guest Caveman
No offense but everyone I know that has been home schooled has been detached from the world and has struggled to make it in the real world. To me it does more harm than good.

Thanks bro. I was home schooled from 4th garde to my graduation. I think I am doing alright. My brother was home schooled with me and he is a successful web developer for a large advertising agency.

Edited by Caveman
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Rarely, but in 8th grade a dude was trying to bully me and i punched him in the throat, also, in high school someone tried to pull me once and I picked him up by his shirt and slammed him into the lockers. After that noone really bullied me anymore except behind my back. Also, the dude I punched in the throat in 8th grade. I saw him at my 10 year high school reunion and he hadnt gotten over it yet. He was eye ballin me the whole time.

You are lucky it ended with that. now days it would escilate to something more. my daughter got arrested at school for fighting a few years ago. senior year.. **** started at school, escilated on myspace and by the time the **** hit the fan it was a tuesday morning at school.

Total disaster. it was like 10 girls against 10 girls. two originally then others jumped in to protect their friends. I can only imagine what would have happened if one of them had a knife or even a gun.

I don't agree with all this zero tolerance crap but I guess they have to start somewhere. My daughter learned a valuable lesson that day. a costly one at that.

Not only did I ground her 17 years old ass from everything.. I also made her pay me back the 3500 in legal fee's to keep it off her record.

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No offense but everyone I know that has been home schooled has been detached from the world and has struggled to make it in the real world. To me it does more harm than good.

You'd likely be surprised at the number of folks who are very successful, by any measure, that were home-schooled...

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Guest Caveman
Thank you, Caveman. We homeschool because the lack of discipline at home for a lot of kids spills over into the school sector. My son last went public in third grade in 2007 and, in the second grade, came and asked me things I thought I wouldn't talk with him about until the tenth grade. It was scary that he had kids using sexual terms that I never would use in in any instance as an adult and more so that he asked me what these specific terms were. The school systems in general do not teach any longer; they program. I do whole-heartedly agree that school administrators should make that call and let you, the parent, deal with the problem. I'm not quick to be heavy handed but like you I'm not afraid to do what needs to be done. I agree with the "I'm your parent first and your friend second" theory and application.

You are welcome. I was home schooled and I wish I could do the same for my children, but It isn't possible at this point. Three weeks ago my 9 year old came to me and asked me what a vrigin was, then proceeded to tell me a very off color joke she heard, so I know how you feel. I have no intention of sheltering her from the world, but it is just happening so young now-a-days. Not like when I was a kid.

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No offense but everyone I know that has been home schooled has been detached from the world and has struggled to make it in the real world. To me it does more harm than good.

Right again, Caveman. My wife was homeschooled as well from the seventh on and in the business and personal world she has excelled in both area's. Having actually caught up with other classmates, she's actually done better than my class valedictorian and salutatorian.

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You are welcome. I was home schooled and I wish I could do the same for my children, but It isn't possible at this point. Three weeks ago my 9 year old came to me and asked me what a vrigin was, then proceeded to tell me a very off color joke she heard, so I know how you feel. I have no intention of sheltering her from the world, but it is just happening so young now-a-days. Not like when I was a kid.

My heart goes out to you. I was flabergasted when the first question out of his mouth was "Dad, what's a BJ?" My mouth dropped open. The following questions were so bad, I had to look them up because I was clueless and I went to public school. Then there was an unprovoked scissor attack against a little girl and the kid wasn't so much as suspended.

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My heart goes out to you. I was flabergasted when the first question out of his mouth was "Dad, what's a BJ?" My mouth dropped open. The following questions were so bad, I had to look them up because I was clueless and I went to public school. Then there was an unprovoked scissor attack against a little girl and the kid wasn't so much as suspended.

It's rough out there for sure. kids are exposed to way too much now days and way too early in life. almost to the point they can't even be kids anymore.

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It's rough out there for sure. kids are exposed to way too much now days and way too early in life. almost to the point they can't even be kids anymore.

You got that right. You don't want to be overly protective but you've got to be watchful, mindful and loving in what they are exposed to. I'm of the mind that they are kids so treat them as such in as many areas as you can but don't cut them off from the world. As an aside, there are homeschool co-op's all over Davidson County for homeschoolers to have the classroom style education.

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Cousin was H. Schooled and it did a negative on his outwardly social skills. Mid-twenties and he's still shy. It can be a growth stunter.

I have seen it both ways however, statistics prove that the negative stuff that always gets thrown out there about social skills ect is largely leftist teacher union propaganda. You don't mess with the Union! Social Skills and Homeschooling: Myths and Facts - FamilyEducation.com

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Same in the Memphis area - Memphis-Area Home Education Association

Due to how badly the schools perform in Memphis, the number of homeschoolers is incredible in this area.

Metro Nashville Davidson County is just two short steps away from Memphis and Shelby County. Chris's (my son) third grade teacher told my wife once that she would love to do more teaching in the class but she spends more time than not being a disciplinarian. It was her that actually introduced us to the homeschooling option.

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Guest Caveman
Cousin was H. Schooled and it did a negative on his outwardly social skills. Mid-twenties and he's still shy. It can be a growth stunter.

Anything CAN do damage. Getting pregnant at 12 can be a growth stunter. Getting knifed on the playground can be a growth stunter. Snorting cocaine in the boys/girls bathroom can be a growth stunter.

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I have seen it both ways however, statistics prove that the negative stuff that always gets thrown out there about social skills ect is largely leftist teacher union propaganda. You don't mess with the Union! Social Skills and Homeschooling: Myths and Facts - FamilyEducation.com

There's nothing wrong with being shy and the teacher's unions do indeed rule with an iron fist. I've seen the social side of schools and I prefer to take my kids to the park for interaction and they have had no problems there.

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I think homeschooling is good and bad just depends on the kid my little brother was home schooled for 1 year by my mom worse thing that could have happen to him. He now goes to private Christan school and it suites him alot better. He's a good kid I wish I would have been like him but I think he knows if he starts acting like I did in high school big brother's gonna be right there to whip the snot out of him real quick. As for bullying in school I got picked on alot and I wouldn't be telling the truth if I didn't say I'm still a little sore at some people but I'm also not going to go out and retaliate now I'm considered an adult by law and I need to act that way even if sometimes I don't feel like it. My little brother takes alot off people without standing up for himself and I worry about that I know somewhere deep down inside its gotta bother him a little bit I've tried to teach him to stand up for himself. Sorry I'm alittle offtopic but I feel homeschooling isn't right for some kids at all just depends on the kid.

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I think homeschooling is good and bad just depends on the kid my little brother was home schooled for 1 year by my mom worse thing that could have happen to him. He now goes to private Christan school and it suites him alot better. He's a good kid I wish I would have been like him but I think he knows if he starts acting like I did in high school big brother's gonna be right there to whip the snot out of him real quick. As for bullying in school I got picked on alot and I wouldn't be telling the truth if I didn't say I'm still a little sore at some people but I'm also not going to go out and retaliate now I'm considered an adult by law and I need to act that way even if sometimes I don't feel like it. My little brother takes alot off people without standing up for himself and I worry about that I know somewhere deep down inside its gotta bother him a little bit I've tried to teach him to stand up for himself. Sorry I'm alittle offtopic but I feel homeschooling isn't right for some kids at all just depends on the kid.

No, that's actually quite cool that you brought that up. It really is not for all kids and should be called on a per child basis. Good call. Good luck with your little brother. My son's the same way; sweet kid and not one to fight for himself but he'll do it for others. You're right about being sore years later, it's only natural to be but once you grow up you know that getting back at 'em mess isn't good either way. Hang in there, big guy, you sound like a pretty good big brother.:rolleyes:

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Anything CAN do damage. Getting pregnant at 12 can be a growth stunter. Getting knifed on the playground can be a growth stunter. Snorting cocaine in the boys/girls bathroom can be a growth stunter.

All that morning coffee I sneaked as a kid sure was a growth stunter!:rolleyes:

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