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Speeding !!!!!!

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Well it happened to me this morning on the way to work!!!! 38 in a 30... Pulled over handgun in passenger seat. First time getting pulled over sense the HCP,I Kept hands on steering wheel told the officer I had a Handgun in car and permit, he replied "I don't care as long as you have a Permit" then asked for it. GOOD NEWS!!! he let me Go with a warning, Told me that his partner and him decided this morning they would stop everyone going 36 or faster but not ticket unless going 39 or faster... then we just talked about Nascar!

Glad to know there are still Nashville Metro officers out there who are nice

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I have had good luck too. I deserve a ticket almost every time I get behind the wheel. I get maybe 1 per year... I try to keep my speed under 10mph over the posted limit but sometimes I'm not paying attention. oh well. I just can't drive that slow on some roads.. 45mph on a rural 5 lane highway just doesn't make sense.

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Well it happened to me this morning on the way to work!!!! 38 in a 30... Pulled over handgun in passenger seat. First time getting pulled over sense the HCP,I Kept hands on steering wheel told the officer I had a Handgun in car and permit, he replied "I don't care as long as you have a Permit" then asked for it. GOOD NEWS!!! he let me Go with a warning, Told me that his partner and him decided this morning they would stop everyone going 36 or faster but not ticket unless going 39 or faster... then we just talked about Nascar!

Glad to know there are still Nashville Metro officers out there who are nice

They are hard core! I don't stop anyone for less than 10 over, and then they will probably just get a warning.

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They are hard core! I don't stop anyone for less than 10 over, and then they will probably just get a warning.

This is exactly why I try to keep'er round 10 over. :cool:

I think in most cases the LE are pretty cool about things. most of them are looking for the car flying by everyone else OR they have been ordered to patrol an area and write everyone over a specific limit..

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Last ticket I got was for 67 in a 55... Plus I got bitched at 'cause I didn't tell the trooper I was an ex-deputy, before he wrote the ticket. :-\

I told him he caught me fair 'n square, so there was no reason for me to try to get out of it. :cool:

That was about 10 years ago now, I guess...


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I got pulled over for 67 in a 55 early on a saturday morning in Monroe county a few weeks ago. The officer was heading the other way and I knew he got me so I pulled over when I saw his brake lights.

When he walked up I handed him my license and permit. He asked where my gun was and I told him. He said "ok". He asked if I knew why he stopped me and I said because I was going too fast down that hill... oops. Honestly, I really wasn't paying attention to my speed until I saw him. We chatted for another minute or so, he told me to slow down a bit, and let me go. He was very courteous and professional. I was happy.

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Back when I was a younger whipper snapper of about 17 I got clocked going 120 in a 70 on the interstate. I pulled over once I saw the blue lights. It took what seemed like forever for the cop to get there. He said do you realize I had to chase you for four miles before I finally caught you? I said yes sir this car is fast and had I not pulled over you would have never caught me. (was 20 feet from the athens exit as long as it took him to get there I could have shot down the athens exit and he would have never seen me cuz he was to far back) I remember having to go to driving school over that one.

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my last ticket was 55 in a 50 and cost me 185.50 so I don't speed at all any more. I will brake even for 1 or 2 miles over.

Back in the day I considered anything under 10 MPH over the speed limit as a chicken:poop: ticket, and I was from an area of the country that was a heck of a lot more vigorous in regards to speed enforcement than middle Tennessee has been.

EDIT: Yours is an example of pure revenue collection.

Edited by SWJewellTN
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It was a bike... and I was braking hard when he got me. a second earlier and he'd have registered 190+

I am sorry unless it was a hyabusa I have to call bs on this. Most regular bikes will top out at 160. The busa will top out close to 200.

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I am sorry unless it was a hyabusa I have to call bs on this. Most regular bikes will top out at 160. The busa will top out close to 200.

2009 CBR1000RR w/mods sure will bust 190... runs 9.7 in the 1/4 as well, which is within .2 of a stock 'busa... plus it'll go around a corner :)

My 2008 CBR600RR stops before 160 though (bounces off redline at 155-156), since I've got it geared higher.

Edited by molonlabetn
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Guest broncobuddha

I've never understood pulling over for speeding before they actually pull up behind you and hit the lights?

How do you know it wasn't some other reason he was turning around or someone else he was after? Talk about giving up your 5th Amendment rights.

Even if I know I'm speeding and I see them turn around or pull out, I'll slow to the speed limit. (I'm not talking about or advocating running from the police, ever) If they go by they go by. I'm not going to just pull over.

Was in Memphis once on a crowded interstate going over a bridge and my radar detector went nuts from getting hit with laser. I look up and see this cop standing along side his vehicle motioning with his arm to pull over. But there was no way to tell who he was motioning at. Plus there were so many cars bunched together, I don't think he knew who he was hitting. In the end, he pulled out and pulled someone over.

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Was in Memphis once on a crowded interstate going over a bridge and my radar detector went nuts from getting hit with laser. I look up and see this cop standing along side his vehicle motioning with his arm to pull over. But there was no way to tell who he was motioning at. Plus there were so many cars bunched together, I don't think he knew who he was hitting. In the end, he pulled out and pulled someone over.

If he was, in fact, using laser, he knew exactly who he was hitting.

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I've never understood pulling over for speeding before they actually pull up behind you and hit the lights?

How do you know it wasn't some other reason he was turning around or someone else he was after? Talk about giving up your 5th Amendment rights.

Even if I know I'm speeding and I see them turn around or pull out, I'll slow to the speed limit. (I'm not talking about or advocating running from the police, ever) If they go by they go by. I'm not going to just pull over.

Was in Memphis once on a crowded interstate going over a bridge and my radar detector went nuts from getting hit with laser. I look up and see this cop standing along side his vehicle motioning with his arm to pull over. But there was no way to tell who he was motioning at. Plus there were so many cars bunched together, I don't think he knew who he was hitting. In the end, he pulled out and pulled someone over.

I went ahead and pulled over because I knew he got me. His car was the only other car I'd seen for several miles. When he passed, he was clearly standing on the brakes in preparation for turning around, moments later I saw blue lights. If I know I'm doing something wrong and get caught, I'll freely admit it. I'd rather deal with a calm officer as opposed to one who's pumped up on adrenalin from "the chase".

In your situation with lots of traffic, I would've kept going too.

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Guest bkelm18
I've never understood pulling over for speeding before they actually pull up behind you and hit the lights?

How do you know it wasn't some other reason he was turning around or someone else he was after? Talk about giving up your 5th Amendment rights.

I'm gonna venture a guess that you really don't know what the 5th Amendment actually says or what it pertains to. Here's a hint: It has nothing to do with traffic stops. More often than not I would hazard a guess, that pulling over when you know you're in the wrong and presenting less of a hassle to the officer will get you a little more leeway when it comes to ticket time. But I guess that's not kosher since it's not "fighting the man".

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Guest broncobuddha

No it's about your right to not incriminate yourself and pulling over when you THINK a cop is merely turning around or pulling out from where he was parked is basically admitting guilt. You don't think that could be used against you in court?

I'm in no way advocating running from the police, EVER. I'm not talking about fighting the man, either. They know how to affect traffic stops, so, I just let them do their job.

If I know I'm speeding and blow by a cop who then pulls out, I'll slow down to the speed limit and see what happens. If he pulls up and lights me, I'll pull over and be as courteous as ever.

And the laser cop in Memphis, to clarify, my laser detector went off, but he pulled someone else over, so, I don't know who he was after.

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  • 1 month later...
Guest blankman

My youngest son and I got pulled over last weekend doing 70 in a 55...woops...I told the cop we were on our way to the gun show and he smiled and said I guess its better you spend your money on guns rather than tickets...so just slow it down...WOW what a really cool cop!!!

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