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I wanna be a weather man


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so I can tease people with all this SNOW!

I cleaned out the truck last night of all the things that would fly out from doing donuts in the nearest parking lot and woke up to not even a single f'n flake!

Every single school is closed and we have nothing!

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I laugh my ass off every time the weather crew talks about the last "snow event". They were like "it's really comming down" and there was only a few flakes passing the camera. They called it significant snowfall.. What a joke!

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Guest rystine

What amazes me is that many of the local schools cancelled today's classes last night when it was still 45 degrees and sunny! Wake up this morning and the ground isn't even wet, wasted day IMO.

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Guest Old goat
so I can tease people with all this SNOW!

I cleaned out the truck last night of all the things that would fly out from doing donuts in the nearest parking lot and woke up to not even a single f'n flake!

Every single school is closed and we have nothing!

Been sleeting here (Trenton) since about 3:30, just turned to snow, its comming your way. Have fun.

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Been sleeting here (Trenton) since about 3:30, just turned to snow, its comming your way. Have fun.

Cool!! Maybe I'll get to have some fun yet.. I love being the only one on the roads around here. It's like I have the whole world to myself (just about)

I'm such a selfish bastard..... LOL

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Cool!! Maybe I'll get to have some fun yet.. I love being the only one on the roads around here. It's like I have the whole world to myself (just about)

I'm such a selfish bastard..... LOL

I bet. I remember when I came out there to get that press and primers! Leaving your house, I didn't see another car for what seemed like forever!! That would be pretty nice though..


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I bet. I remember when I came out there to get that press and primers! Leaving your house, I didn't see another car for what seemed like forever!! That would be pretty nice though..


yeah it's actually quite nice. I lived in a big city for 1/2 my life so I love it out in the boonies.. The snow doesn't bother me either. I'm kinda ammune to it.

If the truck will move... I'll be out in it somewhere.. typically helping the locals pull their vehicles out of the fields and ditches.. :shake:

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Guest Caveman
Thompson Lane at Nolensville Road update:

Snow's in the air pretty good. Just now starting to collect on the sidewalks and grass.

:panic:We're All Gonna Die!!!!


:shake: I love it. Where I'm from up north we used to get so much snow we had to climb out the windows to go play. When you have 4 feet of snow covering your front door, you now you aren't going anywhere.

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Guest jackdm3
It certainly is the only job that I am aware of where you can repeatedly incorrectly perform your duties and continue to be paid for it.

That would be The Presidency, this year.

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Paris isn't too far from me and at 7a.m. we were having folks skidding off the road in North Jackson. between the Ice and snow we're prolly close to a half inch by now in some places. You must have just been on the outskirts. Snow now, supposedly gonna go back to ice after noon. I believe we've just seen the beginning.

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:shake: I love it. Where I'm from up north we used to get so much snow we had to climb out the windows to go play. When you have 4 feet of snow covering your front door, you now you aren't going anywhere.

No doubt. I'm from NE Ohio up on Lake Erie. Have pictures somewhere of my mom on a snowmobile parked on top of the barn.


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I just got home from picking my wife up from work. They closed their office at 10am. The roads that have been treated are passable but they are still wrecking on them. I-24 W between Briley and I-440 had a wreck in the middle lanes. I was going the other way. Roads that were not treated were really slick and there were quite a few cars in ditches already.

Everyone be careful.

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No doubt. I'm from NE Ohio up on Lake Erie. Have pictures somewhere of my mom on a snowmobile parked on top of the barn.


When I was in HS back in the early 70's a girl moved here that had lived in SD just a few miles from the border to Canada. She had pics of a snowfall where the tops light poles were the only thing visible. As the snow melted she had shots of the cattle that had been caught in the blizzard and frozen where they stood. It was really strange and made me decide that I didn't want to be any farther North than where I am.

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Guest rockytop

Bill, regards from North Jax. It's been snowing like mad here. Just changed back to sleet, but I went out and measured just for you. It's a fraction over 3 inches now. It should be headed your way.


P S Don't eat the yellow snow.

Edited by rockytop
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