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Do I have a case?

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Thats just not true...if your attorney said that he is wrong. the law does NOT say they can only tell dates of employment...however, if they say more then they could be sued...so most companies have a POLICY of only divulging dates of employment, to protect them from lawsuits...if they divulge more, they are not in violation of the law, but could be held financially liable for any ill effects that result of that divulgence, if it cannot be substantiated as fact or whatever. I think we have lawyers here that will confirm that...not wanting to make a mountain out of a molehill but in my work, I talk to many people who are fired for NOT signing a letter. Illegal? not at all. Immoral: I think so. Liable to get sued for it? They can but seldom do as suing usually takes money for attorney fees.

So your tellin me a lawyer that has been practicing over 40 years is wrong? Okay, I think I believe him over you. Also, my attorney is best friends with my dad so it dont cost us anything to sue some body.

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At this point, the stress level I'm at because of this situation is my immediate concern. I can't pinpoint which aspect of the situation has caused this stress, or if it's several aspects combined.

I've had to deal with some crazy things in my life, and I don't ever recall being stressed to the point of losing sleep. I haven't been able to get a good nights sleep in days.

If this BS wasn't started because of a lie, I'm not sure I would be quite so upset, but nevertheless, I am.

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The situation sux man. I had a situation like this several years ago and had to adjust my work habbits accordingly. people do these things becasue they are insecure in their own positions and somehow think this will help them stay with the company longer should a resource action come down the pipe in the near future.

if it were me I would have denied it and made them prove it was me going into a theater. especially if you had proof otherwise. I would have never said anything about a long lunch, PERIOD.

That said, there's not much you can do now. weather or not the boss knew about stretching the hours or not.. your on the hook and can be reprimanded for it.

As for anything you can do about the snitch.. probably nothing. or at least not without an attorney.

Good luck.. hopefully things will blow over and you can move on...

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The situation sux man. I had a situation like this several years ago and had to adjust my work habbits accordingly. people do these things becasue they are insecure in their own positions and somehow think this will help them stay with the company longer should a resource action come down the pipe in the near future.

if it were me I would have denied it and made them prove it was me going into a theater. especially if you had proof otherwise. I would have never said anything about a long lunch, PERIOD.

That said, there's not much you can do now. weather or not the boss knew about stretching the hours or not.. your on the hook and can be reprimanded for it.

As for anything you can do about the snitch.. probably nothing. or at least not without an attorney.

Good luck.. hopefully things will blow over and you can move on...

I wouldn't have lied anyway, but there was no getting out of the fact that I took a long lunch. Two of our trucks are equipped with a Qualcomm system - a GPS type device - and mine is one of them. They can see where I am at all times. I would have been a complete moron to be taking a long lunch if I thought there was a problem with it. I've been well aware for years that they have the ability to track my every move.

It's just a little difficult for me to comprehend how we can get in trouble for something our boss told us was OK. How the hell are we supposed to know what his boss tells him? Most of us have never even met his boss. I've been there for 7 years, and I don't recall ever meeting this woman.

Seems like my boss should be taking the hit for allowing us to extend our days to get 40 hours if the company had an issue with it. He has lead all of us drivers to believe that the company understood that we needed our full 40 hours. He is the person the company has designated our superior. He is the only person we have ever had to answer to. We have zero contact with his boss, who's over 200 miles away in Memphis.

Edited by TripleDigitRide
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I wouldn't have lied anyway, but there was no getting out of the fact that I took a long lunch. Two of our trucks are equipped with a Qualcomm system - a GPS type device - and mine is one of them. They can see where I am at all times. I would have been a complete moron to be taking a long lunch if I thought there was a problem with it. I've been well aware for years that they have the ability to track my every move.

It's just a little difficult for me to comprehend how we can get in trouble for something our boss told us was OK. How the hell are we supposed to know what his boss tells him? Most of us have never even met his boss. I've been there for 7 years, and I don't recall ever meeting this woman.

Seems like my boss should be taking the hit for allowing us to extend our days to get 40 hours if the company had an issue with it. He has lead all of us drivers to believe that the company understood that we needed our full 40 hours. He is the person the company has designated our superior. He is the only person we have ever had to answer to. We have zero contact with his boss, who's over 200 miles away in Memphis.

I dunno man.. I was just saying I would have denied the theater saying I was at lunch. If they asked from when to when then fine.. you can answer. If the boss said it was ok I don't see how he can stab ya in the back unless it came from above and he's covering his own ass.

The problem is **** rolls down hill and if it's frowned on from above it's every man for themselves. The boss is going to protect his ass over yours no matter what.

Still a bad situation and I wouldn't want to be involved in something like that given today's economy.

best thing you can do is stand tall. let it go, and see what happens. stressing, worrying, thinking about it isn't helping and it sure isn't going to change anything.

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I dunno man.. I was just saying I would have denied the theater saying I was at lunch. If they asked from when to when then fine.. you can answer. If the boss said it was ok I don't see how he can stab ya in the back unless it came from above and he's covering his own ass.

The problem is **** rolls down hill and if it's frowned on from above it's every man for themselves. The boss is going to protect his ass over yours no matter what.

Still a bad situation and I wouldn't want to be involved in something like that given today's economy.

best thing you can do is stand tall. let it go, and see what happens. stressing, worrying, thinking about it isn't helping and it sure isn't going to change anything.

There was no question about denying the theater, because I wasn't at a theater. I was at lunch and have provided my bank statement to prove it.

There is no doubt things have gone this far because our boss is covering his own ass. Taking the fall for the mistake of someone else is a problem for me. As it stands, I may have little choice.

I am a single father with zero help/support, so I cant really afford to lose my job in the curent economy. I'll probably be forced to suck it up, but bitching about it seems to help a little. :tinfoil:

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