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Turkey fever anyone?

Guest GunTroll

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Guest GunTroll

Not from the bottle type but I'm getting excited about the opportunity to hunt in TN this year for Toms. I just moved here in late summer. I'm pulling out the calls and getting familiar (again) to my mouth calls. Always seems like I got to practice with those darn things every year prior to the hunt. I'm not sure where I'll be hunting for em' since I'm brand new here but excited all the same.

TN is legendary back in CO where I came from. Merriam's in my opinion are hard to hunt due to the terrain. Out west you got to hunt land that has birds and there is a lot of land and few birds. Merriam's are "easy" once you find them. I here Easterns are smart due to the pressure. I have never hunted Eastern turkeys any further east than MO. This year I'm going to hunt here as well as SC. I'm thrilled that TN's limit is 4! With my turkey killing skill I'll be lucky to see one but 4?!!! Thats just an excuse to get to spend many days in the field to me. No need to stop at one like in CO.

As you can tell I'm excited!

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Not yet when it starts warming up I will start getting the fever. There are a ton of birds around here. If you can find some that dont have alot of pressure on them and you do your part your good to go. Just about any patch of woods around here holds turkey. I even had some in my back yard and i dont live that far out of knoxville.


I can't wait to get out there for turkey. I lost my hunting lease this year because someone bought the property, so I guess i will be hunting the WMA's unless something else comes along. There are a lot of turkeys out there!

Guest Jcochran88

I have already driven my wife crazy over the last 2 weeks with my calls. She don't know that its still 3 months till season opens!!!!


i need to get on the ball as well. i think this may be worth fighting for a spot on ft campbell unless something else comes along. i know when i was patrolling the back 40, the birds were so dumb you could run over them in a tahoe but come opening day last year i didnt see one anywhere. lots of pressure on the fort though.


I am ready as hell to go. I am hoping to lease a 120+ acre farm that is full of turkey, will find out in Febuary if me and 2 other friends are going to get it.


I don't turkey hunt anymore, but I use the time afield for other species. I see hundreds of birds on post, but you have to get ahead of the NWTF gang here to get a spot.

Guest GunTroll

WD aren't you over run with the things? Hint hint;).


It's looking like I'm gonna finally get into turkey hunting this year as well. At some point here or there I've hunted just about everything else here in this area, but never turkeys. After talking with my dad last night we've decided to give it a go this year.

Plus, even though I have 6 or 7 different shotguns, this gives me an excuse to buy another one. After all, everyone knows you can't hunt turkeys with a shotgun that's not all camo. They will see it and you'll never get a chance to shoot at one........At least that's what I'm gonna tell the g/f to justify why I need another shotgun. :D

Guest clutepc

I was ready the day after Deer season ended...

I agree with the above posts, plenty of Turkey here!

This is my 2nd season so I hope I do better than last year.


Guntroll...we have several good birds, but we hunt "Yotes" over them...kinda like live bait. I think the yotes find them better eating than we do!

Guest clutepc
Guntroll...we have several good birds, but we hunt "Yotes" over them...kinda like live bait. I think the yotes find them better eating than we do!

I know the yotes are thinning out the Turkey on one of the WMA's I hunt,

I've seen a few piles of feathers from them.

I hope they are working on the hens more than the toms and jakes.


The coyotes are getting everything...bunnies, turkeys, eggs, quail...you name it. The Game Warden and myself just had this conversation a couple of hours ago. Too many yotes, not enough people hunting them. I told him the state needed to "lighten" the rules on coyote hunting. Too strict. And, until they make it easier...all of our desired species are going to continue to dwindle. I do hope the turkey population continues to grow. I'd rather hunt other things...so I wish ya'll the best of luck!

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