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Daniel Boone: Any fans?

Guest Tenngunner

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Guest Tenngunner

Just wondering-

Not just of the (old) TV series, but of the (true) man. He spent considerable time in Tennessee, and (along with David Crockett) is one of my all-time favorite historical characters.

TV series info: (for you 'youngsters')

Fess Parker (I)

It's available on DVD now, btw:

Stootsi Store : Daniel Boone TV Series, DVD Set Seasons 1 through 5, Digitally Restored & Remastered Daniel Boone Season

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Guest Tenngunner


Yeah! I even have the Fess Parker movies that my kids like to watch.

Cool! :google: Is it worth the money? My memories of it are a bit 'fuzzy', considering they are about 40 years old! :D

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I highly recommend visiting Cumberland Gap (State/National I can't remember) Park. It is in the place where TN, KY and VA all come to a point. You can even stand on the marker of all three states.

The place is rich in history. Tells of how DB led the pioneers in to the frontier after blazing a trail through the Gap. Lots of places to visit and see. You can easily spend a day seeing all the sights, and for free.

If you want to stay over, there is a excellent campground. Or in the town of Cumberland Gap, there is an awesome Bed and Breakfast that won't cost much more than a hotel and breakfast at a restaurant. I think it's called the Old Mill. It's also rich in history.

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Guest Sgt. Joe

My FIL's great uncle or Granddad married Daniel's sister Sarah, I dont remember which it was but my wife is quite proud of it.

My kids have never seen any of the shows and while I remember them it has been a loooooong time ago. That looks like a pretty good deal for the CD's. I believe I will get the set for them in the next month or two.

I am sure they will LOVE them as will the MA and that will keep the PA in good standing. WIN WIN WIN:)

Good family entertainment is hard to find these days.

Thanks for the link.:)

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Read his life story when I was in Jr High. A real American Hero!

Yeah, they don't teach stuff like this in public schools anymore. These days they'd have him painted as some white oppressor to deer and rabbits who was invading pristine territories that were never meant to have foot set upon by man. He'd be lambasted for building a log cabin and called outright evil for carrying a gun.

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