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Lane Kiffin leaving U.T. !!!!


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Guest GenNBForrest

I would say troy calhoun will bring his own staff which to me is stupid when you can go after the best of the best right now at what TN is willing to pay.

Agree! You got a BIG budget based on kiffin and companies $$$$$ salaries.

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this is true, Alabama was dominated for three whole plays. :up:

I cannot even believe people have suggested bringing Phat Phil back.

A mediocre coach quits and people go into full blown panic mode around here. Says something for this city. The mayor could quit and no one would care less. Tell me football coach at UT is not the biggest man in Knoxville will ya.

who told you that?

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Guest GenNBForrest
So NB forrest said that quote? I thought he was the founder of the KKK.

Sure did. Forrest was invited and gave a speech to organization of black Southerners called the "Jubilee of Pole-Bearers" in 1875. In this speech, Forrest espoused a radically (for the time) agenda of equality and harmony between black and white Americans.[/url] At this, his last public appearance, he made what the described as a "friendly speech" in which he called for reconciliation between the races and called for the admission of blacks into the professional classes from which they had heretofore been excluded. From that speech, is where the quote came from.

The reason that might surprise people is because WHO taught you your history?

"Every man should endeavor to understand the meaning of subjugation before it is too late...It means the history of this heroic struggle will be written by the enemy; that our youth will be trained by Northern schoolteachers; will learn from Northern school books their version of the war; will be impressed by the influences of history and education to regard our gallant dead as traitors, and our maimed veterans as fit objects for derision..."

Maj. Gen Patrick R. Cleburne, CSA

January, 1864

General Nathan Bedford Forrest did NOT start the KKK that you know today. It was a totally different group and was disbanded BY Forrest in 1869. The rasist group of the KKK came of age in the 1920's under the leadership of an ex Methodist preacher from Indiana.

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Guest GenNBForrest
Well, fulmer says he will try and "help them find a good match" or something to that nature. I wonder if this means that the board of directors is about to crap can hamilton and get fulmer for ad and calhoun as coach?

Yep, that's the rumors I'm hearing too.........

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Guest GenNBForrest
Hmmmm okay, Our history books were wrong. That dont surprise me.

Surprisingly Wikipedia has the History of Forrest somewhat correct. Some things PC, but the all in all not bad for this day in time.

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Yep, that's the rumors I'm hearing too.........

Might be good if they came true and were no longer rumors. I reckon we will know at around 7:50pm et as it is 5:50pm mt mnt is two hours behind us. Ole lane moved three hours behind us.

Edited by Alpha7
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I hope we dont get Calhoun. I have been hearing they are going to throw ALOT of money at Bob Stoops.

I aint heard no such things. It would be an interesting read can you point me in the direction of where you are hearing that? I find it fishy that lane leaves, Mike Hamilton says I will have a coach by Thursday well today is thursday and then all of a sudden Air Force coach troy calhoun calls team meeting???? The season is over you dont just call a team meeting unless there is some real important news. Put two and two together you got Troy Calhoun and TN.

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Guest GenNBForrest
I aint heard no such things. It would be an interesting read can you point me in the direction of where you are hearing that? I find it fishy that lane leaves, Mike Hamilton says I will have a coach by Thursday well today is thursday and then all of a sudden Air Force coach troy calhoun calls team meeting???? The season is over you dont just call a team meeting unless there is some real important news. Put two and two together you got Troy Calhoun and TN.


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Calhoun out as a Tennessee option

Posted by John Taylor on January 14, 2010 2:48 PM ET

Well, so much for all of that Calhoun-to-UT talk we were hearing earlier this afternoon. And so much for the meeting with the players serving as a goodbye for the Air Force coach

According to a statement just released by the school, Troy Calhoun will be the head coach at Air Force in 2010.

"We are more than grateful and proud to be closely involved with the character building of our cadets and the mission of the United States Air Force Academy. We are diligently recruiting and working with our team to prepare for the upcoming season. We look forward to coaching and being a part of the Air Force Academy team both on and off the field in 2010."

With that statement, yet another name can be crossed of Tennessee's wish list for a replacement for Lane Kiffin.

Now, perhaps, Duke's David Cutcliffe is back to his lead dog status? That remains to be seen, but what appears to be a near certainty is that this whole Calhoun thing won't be the final twist in the road for the Volunteers.

Rumor Mill | CollegeFootballTalk.com

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