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Ankle Holster Recommendation

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I have an MTAC on the way for my XD and i own a P3AT for pocket carry, but i still have a lot of clothes that either the waist is just right so the MTAC will not fit and several of those do not hide the kel-tec well, so i wsa curious if anyone had any idea on ankle holsters or ankle carry in general. The guns I have that I am interested in possibly using for ankle carry are an XD SC .40 or a ruger sp101. The concern I have is weight and something I do not have to worry about it falling out.

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So a Don Hume Pocket holster for the Kel-Tec won't work?

Front Pocket = http://www.donhume.com/Products/ProductsPage.cfm?ProductID=31

Hip Pocket = http://www.donhume.com/Products/ProductsPage.cfm?ProductID=32

Personally I don't like the idea of an ankle holster. Having the gun around my feet when I need it fast doesn't appeal to me. That and I haven't been able to do a good toe touch for years. (Thanks to honey's good cooking.)

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Guest looneeetunes

there is the problem with it around your feet, and i havent seen one that you cant walk five feet with without it falling down and having to readjust

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  • 2 months later...
Guest Rustyhogleg

First make sure there is some kind of pistol retention. Mine is a well oiled snap when I draw the BUG weapon my thumb release the strap with ease. to keep the weapon and holster from sliding down my leg and exposing the holster and muzzle. I tried one of those above your calf straps I could never make it work. if you're dead set on getting one I'll send you mine it is at the bottom of my " not used holster box" This is what I do from the start. Put sock & shoe on, {I wear low cut shoes & sneakers} then I fold the sock back down. put the ankle holster {with weapon in it} on make sure the lower part of holster is on the sock, trapping the fold of sock between between holster & leg, now fold/pull sock back up over holster. I have ran,& play some one on one basket ball ( one of those spur of moment things and not for long out of shape), gun & holster stayed put. And when you set down and your pants leg rides up all that is seen is sock, no one has noticed the bulge under the sock . What type of holster is mine? I have had it so long I have no idea. I did get some sheep skin that was meant to be used for a seat belt shoulder strap. opened it up and gorilla glue it on back of holster for leg protection, what came with holster was thin & cheep. Hope this helps good luck.

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Guest EasilyObsessed
there is the problem with it around your feet, and i havent seen one that you cant walk five feet with without it falling down and having to readjust

x2. That was my experience with the ankle holster I tried.

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Guest rockytop

I use one with a Glock 27 (40 cal.). That should compare pretty closely to your XD sub. I use a Galco Ankle Glove with a calf strap. I find the calf strap is a must to keep the holster off of your ankle bone. The Ankle Glove is a leather holster mounted on a neopreme band with a retention strap and is a very good quality rig at a medium price range. I couldn't carry anything heavier than the G27 on my ankle. I also use one with a S$W airlite snubbie.

It certainly takes some time to adjust to wearing an ankle rig.

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Guest Centennial

I have had excellent results using a Galco Ankle Glove holster for my S&W Model 640. This holster is well made, comfortable, and secures the gun well. I'm not sure they make one for the XD, but I feel certain that one is available for the Ruger. Galco should have the specific information on their website.

FWIW, I like an ankle holster for certain carry situations.

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