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My first 1911 coming soon

Guest peacexxl

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Does everyone go through these decisions or am I just overthinking the whole thing?

For some of us it's even worse. Many many years ago I decided that the only true handgun for me would be a 1911. I have been hooked on the feel of them ever since the first one I handled. Now years have gone by and I still don't own one because I have yet to decide on exactly which one I want to go with. I don't mind spending $, but I don't want to overspend on something that isn't as good as one I could have gotten cheaper. I'm with Jack on staying away from black or blued because of it wearing off, but then again I also like the black guns, so that's another issue I'm still struggling with. Along the way I traded here and there and ended up with a Glock 22 and an XD-45 that are good enough to get me by handgun wise until I finally settle on my true favorite 1911, but here a while back my warehouse man here got one of the PT1911's and it kinda made me wonder if I should just pick one of those up to get me started.

As for wanting to keep everything the same caliber, I really wouldn't worry about it much. Having both a .40 as well as a .45. Personally I have several different firearms that I have to buy for anyway, so trying to keep the same caliber would be out of the question anyway. Once you really start building up a small arsenal you'll know what I mean.

Plus it gives you an excuse to buy that much more ammo when you go shopping. If you need 3-4 boxes for the .45, might as well pick up 3-4 for the .40 at the same time.......That's my logic. :x:

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I bought a used PT1911 from a great old guy at a gun show a while back, and its one of my favorite guns. Nothing fancy, but accurate and dependable as can be.

As for going for just one caliber - I agree with other posters that having several to choose from at any given time keeps you from being at the mercy of the current flavor of ammo shortage when you want to get out and shoot.

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Beware ..the 1911 is the small block Chevy of the shooting world.. you can get anything for it..

as for calibers... I say the more the merrier but I do have a Dillon and several die sets to reload all of my calibers..even the revolvers.

a .22 conversion is a good plan if you don't reload so you can get more practice for your $$$

and as far as MIM parts go my 1911's have had the internals replaced several times between them and parts are relatively cheap check World's Largest Supplier of Firearm Accessories, Gun Parts and Gunsmithing Tools - BROWNELLS for all the toys and gizmos you can buy new "drop in" internals,ambi safeties,sights,caliber conversions,.they even make a carbine conversion that you put in place of your slide..and about every gunsmith I have ever met knows and works on a 1911.

My 5" .45 has been reblued so has my 10mm and the slide on the 38 Super also,.. the question is "is it a showpiece,... or a workhorse.." if you carry the bad guy isn't going to critique your bluing besides bluing on barrel bushings usually don't wear off :D

and if it "races" well worn bluing looks like racing stripes to me..safe queens will hold bluing quite well..

As far as trading/selling guns... after growing up hearing all the " I shouldn't have sold my ..." stories I deemed my safe the "firearm motel"...firearms check in but they don't check out..." it is like a time capsule in there.. back to my first purchases but that is a personal decision to make.


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I have a Rock Island 1911, an older one with no frills and tiny sights, I love it. it shoots great. I picked it up used with wore blueing and cracked grips for 300. slapped on a set of houge wraparound grips and am taking my HCP class this sunday at G&L with it. It is my first 1911 and probally the only one I will ever own...budget is tight around my place...you dont have to have the best or expensivest to really enjoy a 1911. They are clones of one of the best designed guns ever made and I would think any or them even the norinco's are excellent guns to have....well except the llama

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