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anyone else make a spacer for 22 mag in 27


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for playing and carrying where i don't care if the gun shows i put a glock 22 mag in my 27. months ago i had a A&G magazine spacer to finish up the grip. it didn't fit very good and the gun actually felt better with out the spacer thing so i sold it. i've been looking around and found a brand called ProMag which looks pretty much the same as A&G with a little texture; which is better. I would have swore i saw one at midway or sportsmansguide that actually matched up finger groves all.

Have any of you been able to compare the A & G against the ProMag?

Have any of you seen/know of any other companies making these?

This is one area where xd really whips the glock. springfield does this OEM; but then i did get the glock because it's a bit smaller. No i'm not trading my 27 for a xd 40 sub but have been looking at a 5" xd 45, i guess that's another thread.

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Guest That Guy

When I carry my 27, I always carry my 22 mags as back-up. However, I don't carry openly when I am dressed casual. Paints a pretty big target. IMHO.

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When I carry my 27, I always carry my 22 mags as back-up. However, I don't carry openly when I am dressed casual. Paints a pretty big target. IMHO.

when i'm tooling around the farm or working in the woods i really don't think the cattle or squirrels really care. If i go anywhere in public i'm concealed.

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Guest Mr Sir

I'm very curios about the magazine spacers myself. It seems you could purchase a G26/27 and with the use of a mag spacer and larger magazine, nearly effectively have a G19/22.

So for a poor man, the same firearm could double for carry and HD or plinking?

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I'm very curios about the magazine spacers myself. It seems you could purchase a G26/27 and with the use of a mag spacer and larger magazine, nearly effectively have a G19/22.

So for a poor man, the same firearm could double for carry and HD or plinking?


the draw backs are the shorter gun makes the sights a little less forgiving and the shorter barrel reduce your velocity a bit.

i've ended up ordering a spacer from agrisportsinc.com it looks a little different and is cheaper so we'll soon see.

The a & g ones work there just wasn't much detail put into making them. For many other pistols their is a spacer called xgrip that is great but no such for the glock.

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