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New here, should I stick around or not?

Guest peacexxl

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Welcome to TGO. I am glad you are here. I saw those comments and just chalked it up to that person showing their stupidity. We are like any other family. We fight and bitch at one another. But the 99% of the people here are good folks that all have a common intrest in guns. Again, welcome to the forum and I hope you stick around.

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Guest TurboniumOxide

What Suntzu said. I find myself agreeing with him an alarming percentage of the time.

Pinky and the brain is highly underrated. I have the boxed set.

Edited by TurboniumOxide
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Guest Caveman
What Suntzu said. I find myself agreeing with him an alarming percentage of the time.

That is because SUNTZU is using the Jedi mind trick on you. You must be careful. Did you know that the movie "The Men Who Stare at Goats" is based on the life of SUNTZU? They say he spent a year in silence, just to better understand the sound of a whisper. I even heard he had an awkward moment once, just to see how it felt.

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  • Administrator

Hmmm... I thought we had nipped the silly little conjunction of Memphis and Africa in the bud. I'll see if there's something I can't do about it from a software-perspective, but in the meantime I'd just ignore it. Gun forums aren't exactly known for being politically correct.

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Honestly...this is the RIGHT place to be...if you like guns!!! :D

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Yeah, stick around. Welcome to TGO, kick back and enjoy. It is the Internet. Most of us on here really don't give a damn what color your skin is, what your religion may or may not be or what your sexual preference is. Jump in with questions or experiences, gun related or otherwise. Again, welcome to TGO.


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Guest bkelm18
That is because SUNTZU is using the Jedi mind trick on you. You must be careful. Did you know that the movie "The Men Who Stare at Goats" is based on the life of SUNTZU? They say he spent a year in silence, just to better understand the sound of a whisper. I even heard he had an awkward moment once, just to see how it felt.

He lives vicariously..... through himself.

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Welcome to TGO. I think you should stick around. I've seen and heard Memphis referred to as that several times and even though I personally wouldn't post that kinda thing, I also know that some folks are going to from time to time. There's alot of good folks and knowledge on here, so as with anything you have to enjoy the good and try to overlook the few bad ones.
I cannot apologize for the actions of others but I would like to say that there are many of us here who will welcome all responsible citizens who want to learn about shooting for sport and self-defense, regardless of their ethnicity. Don't let the actions of a few drive you away.
Welcome to TGO. I am glad you are here. I saw those comments and just chalked it up to that person showing their stupidity. Again, welcome to the forum and I hope you stick around.

What they said. Welcome aboard, and I hope you decide to stay.

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