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Sigh... don't ever be one of these guys...

Guest Verbal Kint

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Guest Verbal Kint

Bringing this over from the 1911forum : http://www.1911forum.com/forums/showthread.php?t=185122

Well I just recieved my T3 today and man this things ROCKS!!!! Just finished putting 300rds. throught it. Shoots so accurate it makes me look good. Believe im not at all. I have a lot of practice to go. I plan on send the slide to NightHawk to have them Diamond Black it since I scratched the slide reassembling it for the first time. Im an IDIOT. HEre are some pics of the gun:

Photos in Question:



Now... don't get me wrong, accidents DO happen. And I'm sure this guy is beating himself up about it. Hell, I've known and seen people scratch their 1911 frames a tiny bit when putting their slide release back in because they weren't careful. But to put an inch long scratch into your slide, of all things, on the first day of owning it. Wow. This guy needs to forego sending it back to Nighthawk and overnight it straight to my FFL dealer of choice. I'll pay to have it fixed and make sure some assclown doesn't mess it up any further. Some people just do not deserve high-end toys. :P

Brand New Nighthawk T3 - $3,000

300 Rounds of Practice Ammo - $90

Scratching the **** out of your new handgun, in a way that boggles the mind, during the first 300 rounds - Priceless


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Guest Verbal Kint
That T-3 is a sweet girl.

That they are. That will be my next handgun purchase... after I set my wife up with whichever handgun she decides on. The T3's are just sexy. :)

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Guest Verbal Kint

"Character" from normal wear and tear is one thing. Carelessness and stupidity is another. lol

That's like a teenager, that just turned legal age to drive, buying a Jaguar... and him/her sideswiping a pole with it.

"Don't worry... it's just a few scratches... plus it adds character!" :)

And I'm still trying to fathom how he even got the scratch on the slide like that, while reassembling it. Was he using a butter knife? :ugh:

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  • Administrator

And I'm still trying to fathom how he even got the scratch on the slide like that, while reassembling it. Was he using a butter knife? :ugh:

Maybe this guy owned it...


I can see how he might have had problems reassembling the gun without scratching it way up high on the slide like that. :)

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Guest gcrookston

I had just sold a 1902 AE Luger that was about 99%... while boxing it up for shipment I dropped it on the hard concrete floor of the workshop, damaging the toggle and breaking a grip... 42 inch fall.... $2,000 discount...

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Guest Verbal Kint
I had just sold a 1902 AE Luger that was about 99%... while boxing it up for shipment I dropped it on the hard concrete floor of the workshop, damaging the toggle and breaking a grip... 42 inch fall.... $2,000 discount...


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Guest ETS_Inc
Buy Hi-Point pistols, and you won't worry about scratches. :)

Exactly. Heck, as heavy as it is, you can use it as a hammer (provided it's unloaded, of course), or beat someone across the head with it. In fact, you might need to beat them across the head with it.

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Guest gcrookston

Bill, nice to be here. My bride sent me the link to this forum the other day while I was complaining about a lack of places to shoot. Enjoyed meeting you as well.

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