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Carrying a .32 for self-defense

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I have a Kel-tec P32 that I purchased from Hero-Gear when Joe ran a special Benefactor deal last Feb I think. It has been completely reliable at the range; and quite accurate.

I have a Don Hume back-pocket holster, but can't quite access it as quickly as I would like with it; so I use a Desantis Pocket Holster for my front pocket that works really well with khaki's or dress pants.

Haven't carried it much since cold weather, but I don't think you could ask for anything better to slip into a pair of dress pants or shorts pocket if you don't have an option of your primary weapon.

I admit that sometimes (but not often) during the summer it was the only gun on my person, but usually I still had it in my front pocket while I was carrying my primary IWB as well.

Edited by BBill_TN
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I have a Don Hume back-pocket holster, but can't quite access it as quickly as I would like with it; so I use a Desantis Pocket Holster for my front pocket that works really well with khaki's or dress pants.

Is that Don Hume designed for the gun to be on the outside of your pocket, or is it the large square part of the holster to be on the outside? I'd kinda like to have a new one for my P32, but am concerned if the gun were on the outside it would print through my jeans. I'm using one I made that doesn't do that, but I've been using it for years and it either needs repair or replacement.

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Is that Don Hume designed for the gun to be on the outside of your pocket, or is it the large square part of the holster to be on the outside? ....

All the pocket holsters I've seen with the flat flap are designed for the flat part to be on the outside, to simulate a wallet in the pocket if noticed at all.

Some make the flap removable, like David Bullard's model, so you can use it in either back pocket or either front pocket with flap outward, or in either front pocket without the flap at all.


- OS

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That's what I couldn't figure out with the Hume model. The one they showed on their web site would have been for a lefty, which is unusual to show, unless the flat part is to the body. I like carrying mine with the gun butt pointing left in the right hip pocket.

The reversible is a good idea, as long as it's not too bulky.

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That's what I couldn't figure out with the Hume model. The one they showed on their web site would have been for a lefty, which is unusual to show, unless the flat part is to the body. I like carrying mine with the gun butt pointing left in the right hip pocket.

The reversible is a good idea, as long as it's not too bulky.

The only one I've had in my hands was with the newer Desantis Super Fly with the removable flap ... I found it for sure too bulky, matter of fact even without the flap it's too bulky as it's made with thicker stuff than the Nemesis.

As much as I like leather, I think Kydex is the way to go for pocket carry. Thinner the better.

- OS

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The only one I've had in my hands was with the newer Desantis Super Fly with the removable flap ... I found it for sure too bulky, matter of fact even without the flap it's too bulky as it's made with thicker stuff than the Nemesis.

As much as I like leather, I think Kydex is the way to go for pocket carry. Thinner the better.

- OS

that's exactly the reason I'm using a homemade outfit right now. Guess maybe some repairs are in order.

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Guest RugerFan7
I had a Berreta tomcat, and it shot really good, but i had alot of FTF. I sold it couple months ago $300 but for a small gun the accuracy was very good. The ammo is hard to find at bass pro 25 to 35 bucks for 50 shells of remington FMJ.

Wow, I am surprised that you have had problems with the Tomcat. Mine has never had a FTF. It has been nothing but a perfectly reliable pistol for me. I usually shoot white box Winchester with ZERO problems. It will be my wife's carry gun once she gets her permit.

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