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Don't Carry One in The Chamber, Eh?

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Surprised this (as far as I can find) hasn't been posted on TGO...

looks like a PERFECT example of why to keep a round chambered, as apparently the fellow (who was killed according to other posts I read) had to attempt to rack slide first, more than once, so maybe there was a malf too, dunno.

(click top title bar of box that says "LiveLeak" to play)


- OS

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From reading the comments, it looks like this was a hit. Dude was shot immediately upon entry of the gunmen.

Yeah, and ya can't really tell if first shot was lethal or whatever.

But one thing is clear, that he DID have time to return fire any number of shots, IF his gun worked.

Of course, to be fair, I don't see how anyone can tell from the video for sure if indeed he didn't start with a round in chamber, or whether gun malfed from the gitgo or what.

- OS

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Guest jackdm3

Talking about death videos with my wife, and recounted the ones I've seen. Comes to AT LEAST 8 times. That's not what you want to see, but on the other hand, something tells me I needed to see them. Unfortunately, I think we need to know the consequences of our actions/mistakes like leaving an empty chamber. That man died in less than 20 seconds of impact and his friend couldn't even lift him onto the table before he was dead weight. Crushes me.

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Guest goose385
Yeah, and ya can't really tell if first shot was lethal or whatever.

But one thing is clear, that he DID have time to return fire any number of shots, IF his gun worked.

Of course, to be fair, I don't see how anyone can tell from the video for sure if indeed he didn't start with a round in chamber, or whether gun malfed from the gitgo or what.

- OS

Indeed... if the video had sound, it would have been more clear what exactly happened. One thing's for sure, the dudes that shot him had some nerve, walking right up to a gun to kick the victim.


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Indeed... if the video had sound, it would have been more clear what exactly happened.


It probably would not have been any clearer with sound. With all the commotion and noise you'd never be able to figure it out. Oh, that and the fact that this was from India, unless there's another Agra.

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Guest Muttling
Yeah, and ya can't really tell if first shot was lethal or whatever.

But one thing is clear, that he DID have time to return fire any number of shots, IF his gun worked.

Of course, to be fair, I don't see how anyone can tell from the video for sure if indeed he didn't start with a round in chamber, or whether gun malfed from the gitgo or what.

- OS

I've watched frame by frame a couple of times and it looked like he was trying to rack the slide from the moment he drew. I don't think he had one in the chamber.

It also looks like he wasn't pulling the slide all the way back when he was trying to rack it.

He was certainly quick and had a lot of sense about him for having just been shot. I think he would have hit at least one of them if the weapon had been loaded or had functioned if it were loaded.

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Pretty disturbing,I now know the reason I have never carried other than cocked and locked,takes one step out of the fray.I really believe that if a person cannot trust themselves with a chambered round they may need to rethink their position on being armed to begin with.

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