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Brittany Murphy: Dead at age 32

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Guest HexHead
Could also be just personal reasons on the part of either her or the husband.

For me personally, I don't want an autopsy or to be embalmed, for that matter.

If I'm dead, I'm dead, and the why and how don't much matter; just run me through the crematorium and call it a day. No need in a bunch of other foolishness.


Well, due to the questionable circumstances, unless she was under the care of a doctor, the coroner is going to make the call. My guess is the autopsy gets done. Remember, we're talking L.A. here, not Nashville.

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Well, due to the suspicious circumstances, unless she was under the care of a doctor, the coroner is going to make the call. My guess is the autopsy gets done. Remember, we're talking L.A. here, not Nashville.

Got one of them double-tappin' mice, Hex? :D

Yeah, I know L.A. is a much different place than anywhere in TN... and the circumstances and her being semi-well known don't help.

Still, it's quite possible the husband just can't stand the thoughts of having his wife cut up and dissected.

We don't know either of them or what their views are on such things. That's all I'm saying. A good reason to them might not seem like a good reason to any of us at all.


Edited by Jamie
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I still just think it's a pointless thing to drop in there. It's not cruel hearted, but it's callous I think. You have time to sit and type out a post and instead of "That sucks. Sorry for the family." or "RIP" it's "I never cared for her work."

Having two of your own children die sort of polarizes your opinion of celebrity deaths. As in, I don't really find myself phased by the drug-induced death of a celebrity. I really dug Heath Ledger's acting ability but it didn't exactly upset me that he turned up full of more drugs than my local Walgreens either.


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Having two of your own children die sort of polarizes your opinion of celebrity deaths. As in, I don't really find myself phased by the drug-induced death of a celebrity. I really dug Heath Ledger's acting ability but it didn't exactly upset me that he turned up full of more drugs than my local Walgreens either.


David I had no idea. I knew you lost the one child, but not another one. I am very sorry for your loss.

I guess one thing to remember about the the Holidays is that it can be a very difficult time for a lot of people. We have several on this board who have lost children, wives, husbands, fathers, mothers, and others recently. Maybe we should make sure we think about these folks before we get too caught up in celebs or our own enjoyment of the season. I'll be praying for those who will hurt this season.

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Having two of your own children die sort of polarizes your opinion of celebrity deaths. As in, I don't really find myself phased by the drug-induced death of a celebrity. I really dug Heath Ledger's acting ability but it didn't exactly upset me that he turned up full of more drugs than my local Walgreens either.


I can understand that and I cannot even come close to imagine the pain that must be associated with losing a child. That being said, death in general just always makes me reflective and kinda sad. I've lost Army buddies, I've lost friends in car accidents, and I've lost most of my family. I've also put two kids under the age of 5 in body bags in the last 6 months at the hospital. That kinda stuff gnaws at you.

I'm not saying a celebrity is anymore important than anyone else or more deserving of grief, but like I said before it still doesn't change the fact that a young woman is dead and a family is without her 5 days before Christmas.

I may not change your mind, but I still maintain my position that it was just a pointless thing to post.

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