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Dan Wesson 2010 prices


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Well I know where 4 of them are in Memphis right now, if you want to catch the '09 prices.

DW is definetly changing it's targeted competition. It's now who you mentioned, no longer Kimber and SA. It may take a couple of years, but I think you'll see them mentioned in the same breath as Baer & Brown.

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The V-bob in matte is $1600 so figure around $1400 or so street price...not great, but still a bargain compared to les, and ed for the 1911 layman ;-D I love my Cbob and wouldnt trade it for anything that I planned on carrying/shooting daily.

What reason do they have for raising their prices so much? the Cbob is a great pistol no doubt, but not a $2000.00 pistol when I have seen them for $850-$1000.00 where is the justification on that much of a price increase? they are getting into the big boys price range this is just my opinion but they have always been a bargain with their prices when you are spending this much on a 1911, why not spend a few hundred more and get something really nice?

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The Valor is and the VBOB will be true forged frames, not a casting. The Guardian (GBOB) 9mm will be alloy frames. Not sure what to say about the price increase there (in comparison to the current CBOB).

Is DW taking some risks here...for sure, but if you know the kind of shop they are, they probably needed to attempt this move. They are not mass production and never will be. Being the niche player was nice for a while, but I don't think they could have held that position for long. They're attracting new fans daily. Just check out the DW subforum on this 1911 site. Always has the most attendees.

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The Valor is and the VBOB will be true forged frames, not a casting. The Guardian (GBOB) 9mm will be alloy frames. Not sure what to say about the price increase there (in comparison to the current CBOB).

Is DW taking some risks here...for sure, but if you know the kind of shop they are, they probably needed to attempt this move. They are not mass production and never will be. Being the niche player was nice for a while, but I don't think they could have held that position for long. They're attracting new fans daily. Just check out the DW subforum on this 1911 site. Always has the most attendees.

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So the question I have for you then would you buy the Vbob or spend a few hundred more for an Ed Brown Kobra Carry? I know a lot of people including myself that would go with the Ed Brown hands down

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The V-bob in matte is $1600 so figure around $1400 or so street price...not great, but still a bargain compared to les, and ed for the 1911 layman ;-D I love my Cbob and wouldnt trade it for anything that I planned on carrying/shooting daily.

I just ordered a NIB Les Baer TRS (No Front cocking serrations) for $1800.00 shipped, I would pay $400.00 more for this pistol any day of the week than to have any of the Dan Wesson offerings. The old prices were a very good deal, the new prices will keep me from ever being an owner

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Guest HexHead
What reason do they have for raising their prices so much? the Cbob is a great pistol no doubt, but not a $2000.00 pistol when I have seen them for $850-$1000.00 where is the justification on that much of a price increase? they are getting into the big boys price range this is just my opinion but they have always been a bargain with their prices when you are spending this much on a 1911, why not spend a few hundred more and get something really nice?

CBOB has been discontinued for everywhere except the CA market.

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Guest HexHead
Great thing about AMERICA, you can buy what you want with your money !!!

For now. Just wait until you try to buy health insurance in the near future. Guns won't be far down the list.

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Guest HexHead
yes, very unwise business decision they now have the Vbob, and charge a heck of a lot more for it

Looks like they probably would have dropped the CBOB altogether, but it's still on the CA approved list. Once that approval expires, I'm sure it will be gone.

Don't forget, as of Jan.1, to get on CA's approved list, pistols must have a very visible and tactile loaded chamber indicator and a magazine disconnect. As the currently listed 1911s approvals expire, it won't be long before you won't be able to buy a 1911 in CA.

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CBOB has been discontinued for everywhere except the CA market.

That is correct. They will be Bobbing their top of the line pistol the Valor.

A VBOB and it will be around 1450.00, Valor in SS 1400.00, real world prices. Try buying a Kobra Karry,Fusion, Baer for that.

I own a few Dan Wesson's. They are great for the money. I have been buying Dan Wesson's for over 30 years. I still have a Monsoon, Mass made pistol pack Mdl 15-2VH with the 2" thru 15" barrel's. I bought it in 1979 for 280.00 new out the door. This was a pistol and five swappable barrels, grips and sights. My TC Contender was this just for the frame back then.

I wonder how many on here owns a DW. Their line up consist of maybe

eight pistols. (Les Baer is 51 models). They made less than 3500 guns this past year. So they are making their product better and the prices go up. We haven't seen what the rest of the Manufacturers will do yet.

I already have a 2010 CCO on order with CZ. :popcorn:

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Guest BigShot
That BIG MONEY $$$ they are asking, It better shoot better that my two PARA ORDNANCE P-14 LIMITED !!!

Wont happen... those P-14 Limiteds put out some fine groups. They also shoot anything feed to them. I really need to shoot mine more often.

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Guest HexHead
That is correct. They will be Bobbing their top of the line pistol the Valor.

A VBOB and it will be around 1450.00, Valor in SS 1400.00, real world prices. Try buying a Kobra Karry,Fusion, Baer for that.

A VBOB on their website in black lists for $2040. Let me ask you this, if DWs are so great and in limited production, why do they need to be sold at "real world prices" for so much less than their MSRP, when the other premium pistols they want to be compared to don't? Seems like demand should be supporting their pricing, if they are worth it.

For the pricing tier DW is moving up to, I'd get a Hero-Gear 1911 instead in a heartbeat.

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A VBOB on their website in black lists for $2040. Let me ask you this, if DWs are so great and in limited production, why do they need to be sold at "real world prices" for so much less than their MSRP, when the other premium pistols they want to be compared to don't? Seems like demand should be supporting their pricing, if they are worth it.

For the pricing tier DW is moving up to, I'd get a Hero-Gear 1911 instead in a heartbeat.

To each their own. You need to look at VBOB pricing in Stainless MSRP $1658.00. Re read the thread. They tend to run 2-300 less than their MSRP. The discussion was the VBOB vs the CBOB in stainless.

Joe and the Guys at Hero Gear are a great group. They should serve you well. I bought a DW 1911 from them. I recently inquired on a Longslide. Was quoted 1800.00 from HG. I went with a Fusion for 1300.00. Bob Serva has a great reputation in the industry.

I have been MOB'ed since Hero Gear has introduce their line of 1911's. I used to get by there once every 10 days. I hope to see them soon and get a look at them. I didn't care for the Roll Mark on the slide. I sure they can remedy that.:(

Edited by R1100R
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Wont happen... those P-14 Limiteds put out some fine groups. They also shoot anything feed to them. I really need to shoot mine more often.

Nice pistol but it would not do well head up to a Valor in silde to frame fit... parts used .... The Valor is a 1" pistol at 25 yards the Para is around 3's with most ammo...

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A VBOB on their website in black lists for $2040. Let me ask you this, if DWs are so great and in limited production, why do they need to be sold at "real world prices" for so much less than their MSRP, when the other premium pistols they want to be compared to don't? Seems like demand should be supporting their pricing, if they are worth it.

For the pricing tier DW is moving up to, I'd get a Hero-Gear 1911 instead in a heartbeat.


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Guest HexHead

To each their own. You need to look at VBOB pricing in Stainless MSRP $1658.00. Re read the thread. They tend to run 2-300 less than their MSRP. The discussion was the VBOB vs the CBOB in stainless.

From a perspective standpoint, it's unlikely I'd buy one of the H-G 1911s as I have a Nighthawk, so my bobtail Commander needs are pretty well met. :(

I made my comment from the standpoint of having spent some time firing both the 5" railed gun and the bobtailed Commander size H-G 1911s at the focus group GTG. While most people were enamored with the ARs, I was enjoying the handguns more. The BIG difference from the DW guns to the H-G ones is that you just buy a DW off the shelf, just like any other production pistol. H-G will make your pistol however you want it, just like Wilson or Nighthawk does for a lot less money. And it's damn close to them in feel.

But back to my original question I never seem to get an answer to from anyone. I saw on a 1911 forum earlier where Keith from DW said "and when was the last time you had to pay retail for one of our guns", or something to that effect Another guy on that same forum had about 5 DWs and said he always got about 30% off on them. So again, if these pistols are so good, and since the factory is only making 3500 a year, putting them in relatively short supply, why do they have to practically give them away to sell them? Why can't they support their prices?

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I love Joe and Hero Gear, but Hex...if you have never owned/shot a Dan Wesson...you probably wont understand why they are so great. If I have the money I will buy a Vbob...but in normal stainless...I dont think black is worth $400 more.

A VBOB on their website in black lists for $2040. Let me ask you this, if DWs are so great and in limited production, why do they need to be sold at "real world prices" for so much less than their MSRP, when the other premium pistols they want to be compared to don't? Seems like demand should be supporting their pricing, if they are worth it.

For the pricing tier DW is moving up to, I'd get a Hero-Gear 1911 instead in a heartbeat.

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