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AWB: Could it happen anytime soon?

Guest jth_3s

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The Liberals have been tied up too much lately with Socializing our Health Care to be worried with reinstating the AWB. Is it possible that they could get one passed in the Os first term after they destroy our health care system, or is that not Likely?

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Politically speaking, not a chance... in fact Harry Reid the Democrat from Nevada is one record as saying the AWB Reauthorization won't come to the floor as long as he's Majority Leader, that should tell ya something right there.

Dems shot their political capital wad on healthcare, which will be a fight to the death, might even go into next year.

Next up is some type of jobs bill aka another stimulus bill, not a popular subject, will be met with much fury. Economy is still on life support and such areas as commercial real-estate could fall causing more harm to an already beaten down banking system.

Next is an election year, campaigning will kick off around Spring and from that point on no one is going within 1,000 miles of anything even remotely close to controversial.

Mid Terms will be a blood bath for the Dems, projections call for losses in both houses of Congress and the slight possibility that we could win control of the House. If so then you can rest assure that nothing with Obama or Pelosi's fingerprints on it will pass.

Gun and ammo sales are through the roof, Chicago is facing a smack down in the USSC this year by the same gang that gave us Heller.

It would take a massive shift politically and socially in this country before the winds shift enough to let another ban pass.


It's possible, but I don't think it is very likely. The fact that there are so many new owners of so called "assault weapons" in the last year, makes it even less likely. So far they have stayed away from most things that would be directly 2nd Amendment related.

The closest they have come to a direct attack has been the misinformation that they were spreading about how legal civilian weapons in America were causing the drug violence problems in Mexico. I think that was a sort of feeler to gauge public reaction and determine whether or not another AWB could be pushed.

It has been said that you "can never let a good crisis go to waste". It seems that they were unable to turn Mexican drug violence into a big enough crisis to go for a new AWB. The only thing that really concerns me at the moment is the willingness of the current regime to push through controversial programs in spite of a clear majority of the public being against them.

  USMCJG said:
The only thing that really concerns me at the moment is the willingness of the current regime to push through controversial programs in spite of a clear majority of the public being against them.

I think they have shown us that they don't care what what the majority of the public thinks. Look at health care reform. It is the majority against this. I don't how big but they are still pushing hard. They are getting ready to raise the debt limit so we can go deeper in dept to China and I think the majority has been ready for the spending to stop.

Maybe they think we will forget before the elections next year. I think a lot of them has to know that they will be gone next year. How could they not know?


If it happens, it will be done on the sly. It won't come through a normal bill, it will be a Presidential Executive Order for Homeland Security or some such nonsense. I think we won't even see it coming.


I don't think they will try a frontal assault. Instead it will be an end around flanking maneuver.

Health care reform, (if they get the public option) will open up all sorts of possibilities for them, and give them far reaching powers. Guns could become a public safety issue (since gun related injuries result in so much money every year) and therefore they will try to go after them that way. Any remotely dangerous activity will be in the cross hairs. Particularly if it is something the left does not like.


So as to not get too much thread drift I'll comment on government failure to listen to the voters and doing what they want. At one time, yes during Bush 11, polls showed around 70% wanted the borders controlled and the illegals thrown out. We see how that was handled.

Until the elected critters get their playhouse cleaned out they'll do damn well what they please, voters be damned.


Guest HexHead

As long as Congress keeps passing 2000 page bills where hundreds of pages are added at the last minute before a vote, and these morons are voting on stuff they haven't read, sure it's possible.

Does anyone really know what's in that last 2000 page stimulus bill? They could shove it into the healthcare bill at the last minute and nobody would even notice it until way after 0bama signs it.

I wouldn't put anything past these scum sucking bottom feeders.



1) Congress and POTUS are willing to pass unpopular measures; Stimulus, health care, cap and trade (last two are still in debate)

2) Omnibus bills can have anything in them. Even after recent events, the financial regulations bill that was just signed includes a billion dollar grant to "community organizers" (ACORN, ya think maybe?)

3) We can't put anything in the realm of "they wouldn't dare".

Possession of certain species of wood (without the proper permit) - in the form of lumber, or your grandma's table - is now a felony.

Sale of anything that could be construed to be for a child, even the old dirt bike you have at your garage sale, now has to be approved by the federal gov't/pass an expensive certification. Certainly not worth it for one item, or a small business.

A proposed "minor" change to wetlands rules is about to bring any standing body of water - including the puddle in your driveway or the pool in your back yard, under the same regulations governing navigable waterways.

Carbon dioxide, the harmless byproduct of life itself, is now a "hazard" to be regulated by the EPA.

There are hundreds - more likely thousands - of examples. Every one of them comes down to "follow the money", if you dig deep enough. Is it any wonder that more than half of Congress are millionaires, or that they spend tens of millions (in Obama's case more than 600 mil) to get or keep office?

I do agree with the idea that stricter weapon regulation will come about not as a stand-alone bill, but as either a rider to some other regulation or as a harmless sounding rule published in the federal register by some oddball agency or another. Very likely as a health issue, or environmental issue, or some other backdoor.

I see no relief other than getting rid of incumbents and replacing them with people who think the constitution is more than a quaint old piece of parchment. Barring that, some comprehensive law that is consistently enforced regarding "campaign donations", sweetheart jobs, and the other methods the politicians use to squeeze money from the system. Better yet, both.

short answer? Keep your powder dry.

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