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HCP Revoked

Guest bulletproof

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Not only did the lady expunge the records for that, she also expunged two moving violations from his record.

How does that work? My BS arrest was dismissed and the record may take up to six months to be expunged? And that is with a high dollar lawyer handling the thing.

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Guest bulletproof
How does that work? My BS arrest was dismissed and the record may take up to six months to be expunged? And that is with a high dollar lawyer handling the thing.

I was curious so I asked my daughter who is a probation officer. She didn't have a definite answer for it. It all depends on the judge and/or the court system. Sometimes it is the paper trail that takes six months. Sometimes the judge will say it is dismissed when it is actually 'retired' for six months and then expunged. That's either court system policy or the way a particular judge does things. When it does actually get expunged, the only people who can see it is the FBI and the TBI but it cannot be used against you.

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Sometimes it is the paper trail that takes six months

That is what I was told. I don't know but maybe he ought to follow up on it. I do not think I would trust some clerk to make sure things were expunged.

the only people who can see it is the FBI and the TBI but it cannot be used against you.

That is basically what I was told as well. But further that it would only show up as me having contact with the court but for all they knew it might have been as a witness. And the contact with the court was in no way a strike against me.

Only if I needed some top security clearance would it then show up. So I guess my moonlight career as a CIA agent is now out the window.;)

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No records are ever totally “goneâ€. If you go back to the department that arrested you five years from now, they would likely be able to read what exactly happened in your case and pull all the reports.

The Federal government is not required to honor an expungement.

Some professional licenses require you do disclose arrests regardless of an expungement.

If you ever applied for a job that required an extensive background check, like a cop; the arrests would show up.

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  • 2 months later...

I have a question on this subject. Four years ago, I was arrested for public intoxication. I went to court and paid my fine. Now, I want to get an HCP.

This is where I am confused:

Shall not be an unlawful user of or addicted to alcohol or any controlled substance and the applicant has not been a patient in a rehabilitation program or hospitalized for alcohol or controlled substance abuse or addiction within ten (10) years from the date of application;

Will a PI keep me from getting an HCP? Please give me some advice. Thank you.

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Guest canynracer

were you a patient in a rehab, or hospitalized for alcohol abuse?

I dont think PI counts for this one, but I would call them and ask...I think you may have to give them the court papers that shows all is good in the world with the charge...

I had to send them paperwork from CA for a DUI 10 yrs ago...but I still got it.

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Guest canynracer

you call TDOS handgun office...http://www.state.tn.us/safety/contact.htm#jump

Tennessee Department of Safety

1150 Foster Avenue

Nashville, TN 37243

(615) 251-8590

Fax: (615) 532-3056

as for your paperwork, you will need a court certified copy, so it will have to be from the court you were "convicted" in...call the county records clerk, they will pull it, its like 20 bucks

but make sure you call them, cause the fees are non-refundable once you start the process... the only thing I see might MAYBE be a problem is the lenth of time since you got it...But I dont think even that will be a problem

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Guest canynracer

they may not even need the paperwork, so dont order it till you call TDOS, if they say it wont hinder you, just go for it...if they ask during the 90 day wait, you can overnight it UPS/FEDEX and you will be good.

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Guest TargetShooter84

I think its crazy that a minor misdemeanor can revoke a HCP...but just like ya'll said, its the goverment's system that does the job and decides.

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I think its crazy that a minor misdemeanor can revoke a HCP...but just like ya'll said, its the goverment's system that does the job and decides.

no doubt, some of the disqualifiers seem a bit too stringent.

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Guest HexHead
no doubt, some of the disqualifiers seem a bit too stringent.

Then again, those "disqualifiers" are probably why HCP holders as a group are the most law abiding citizens in the state?

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Then again, those "disqualifiers" are probably why HCP holders as a group are the most law abiding citizens in the state?

And then again, you could piss off someone and they pay an attorney to take out a restraining order and you can never again get an hcp. :)

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