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Who wins the SEC championship


Winner of tonight's SEC championship  

48 members have voted

  1. 1. Winner of tonight's SEC championship

    • Alabama Crimson Tide
    • Florida Gators
    • football? i don't watch no stinking football

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I'm no Tebow fan either and I am tired of hearing about him too. But what Titan said was classless and immature, espically from a 37 year old man. The players on the field today layed it all on the line. Tebow could have left UF last year and made millions but he didnt. He stayed because he loves college football. College and high school are the only leagues left where the players leave it all on the field. I bet Titan's opinion would be different if his son was the "freak" crying on the field.

Hey Jason....I've BEEN on the field and been beaten...I've ALSO been on the field and won a national championship ...you want to talk about CLASS and maturity??? Shoot me a PM with your phone number!....we'll "talk" about it.

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Hey Jason....I've BEEN on the field and been beaten...I've ALSO been on the field and won a national championship ...you want to talk about CLASS and maturity??? Shoot me a PM with your phone number!....we'll "talk" about it.

Thats great but what does this have to do with your previous comments?

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Guest 22-rimfire

Tim Tebow is a first class guy. Today, the best team won. Tomorrow could be different. That is college football which is what makes it so much fun to watch.

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Thats great man. I'm really happy for you.:no1:

Anyway, I've made this thread go off course enough. Congrats to Bama on the SEC Championship and good luck in the NC. Thats all I'm saying.

Yep...i agree...i also apologize for the off thread comments...and Yes...way to go BAMA!!!!!!!....

Jason....get to KNOW me before you make comments about my character....just sayin...you know?;)...lol

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Guest 22-rimfire

I love it... we're about a minute away from BCS chaos. Great line!

Added: Oh well... Texas pulled it out with 1 sec remaining.

Edited by 22-rimfire
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ROLLLLLLLLL TIDE !!!! ;):):no1:

Hopefully this will be the last I have to hear about Tebow for a while. The media, like soooo many things, has shoveled bucket loads of teblow crap onto my t.v. for far too long. I mean, c'mon, they go into an orgasmic state talking about him (the announcers) when I am watching a game where 2 teams are playing, neither of which is Florida ????!!!!????

Isn't that like talking about a nascar race and gordon or johnson while they are showing tennis ? lmao

TEBOW TEARS are nothing new by the way. Just google "tebow crying".

First class guy ? really ? how many of us on here know him personally ? I only know what the media tells me through my squawk box and what I see him do on the field, which is what every player does when they are out there, do what they signed up to do.

But not to sidetrack, I hope bama brings one home for the SEC.


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Guest abailey362

the game was great last night, even tough we were sitting in a florida section. The crowd was probably at least 60/40 bama even though the seats were split 50/50

I'm glad we are playing texas so the haters can't cry that we played a team that shouldn't have been in the game


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I don't really have any strong feelings about TCU either way, I just think they are very underrated. I'll almost always root for the underdog though. They are projecting Cincinnati to possibly play Florida in a bowl. Go Bearcats! As for Alabama versus Texas, go Bama!

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I didn't like seeing Tebow cry at the end. After all I don't cry when a SQL Query doesn't go the way I want it to. It's your job.

While it is emotional and it proves they play with heart save it for the locker room or something.

I will say it again.

The SEC Championship was preordained to have Alabama win just as it was preordained that Obama would preempt the showing of A Charlie Brown Christmas because the true meaning of Christmas is "revealed".

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