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Dandridge PD teaches HCP class Bashes Bush and the NRA

Guest cnrotceagle

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Guest cnrotceagle

So, two weeks ago I went to the HCP class at the police department in Dandridge, TN. The class was taught by officer Kenneth Lodwick. He was an ok guy, but throughout the class he kept injecting his politics into his teaching material. He stated that he could not stand the NRA, and the only reason he was a member was the cheap insurance for the class. He also bashed the NRA for supporting the Guns in Restaurants and Parks legislation. He did not like the fact that the NRA supported the Heller case, and he stated that urban areas should be allowed to completely ban handguns if they wanted to.

He bashed President Bush for letting the Assault weapon law expire. He stated that only military and police should be allowed to own "assault" weapons.

It was all I could do not to stand up in class and tell him that he was wrong. I guess was most frustrated by the fact that he was spreading lies and liberal gun control agenda to 30 people some of whom may give credit to what he is saying because he is a police officer. Anyway, he really upset me, and I am considering writing a formal complaint to the PD or the NRA. Do you think that is too much? I am guessing that his viewpoint is overly affected by the crap he sees in the criminal world, but that does not excuse the liberal, 2nd amendment hating filth he was spewing in class. As an officer in the Army, I fully support any law abiding citizens right to own an ar-15, and I completely disagree with his opinions and his sharing his opinions to our class.

--rant off

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At the start of every class I teach, I make a standard disclaimer that although I work full-time for a LE agency, my HCP course is on behalf of my private company, and any editorial comments I may make (and I'll make plenty) are my views only, and do not necessarily reflect the policy or sentiments of my LE employer.

If this guy was instructing the class under the aegis of the Police Department, then I'd agree he went overboard with his soapbox opinions, and you're probably right that a class full of new, uninformed shooters might value his opinion as gospel. In that case, a courteous, well written letter of concern might be in order. (I know there are two sides to every story, but I am taking your version at face value).

I am guessing that his viewpoint is overly affected by the crap he sees in the criminal world,

As for this, I see a fair amount of both criminals and crap in my real job, and I support more criminal control, not more gun control.

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Guest cnrotceagle
As for this, I see a fair amount of both criminals and crap in my real job, and I support more criminal control, not more gun control.

I completely agree with this sentiment. He made no disclaimer at the start of his class.

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Guest HexHead

Complain to the DOS. And a copy to his superior that's he's reflecting poorly on the department.

He's a POS and needs to have complaints in his file.

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Was he in favor of banning LE from possesing handguns in parks or urban areas, also?

So, two weeks ago I went to the HCP class at the police department in Dandridge, TN. The class was taught by officer Kenneth Lodwick. He was an ok guy, but throughout the class he kept injecting his politics into his teaching material. He stated that he could not stand the NRA, and the only reason he was a member was the cheap insurance for the class. He also bashed the NRA for supporting the Guns in Restaurants and Parks legislation. He did not like the fact that the NRA supported the Heller case, and he stated that urban areas should be allowed to completely ban handguns if they wanted to.

He bashed President Bush for letting the Assault weapon law expire. He stated that only military and police should be allowed to own "assault" weapons.

It was all I could do not to stand up in class and tell him that he was wrong. I guess was most frustrated by the fact that he was spreading lies and liberal gun control agenda to 30 people some of whom may give credit to what he is saying because he is a police officer. Anyway, he really upset me, and I am considering writing a formal complaint to the PD or the NRA. Do you think that is too much? I am guessing that his viewpoint is overly affected by the crap he sees in the criminal world, but that does not excuse the liberal, 2nd amendment hating filth he was spewing in class. As an officer in the Army, I fully support any law abiding citizens right to own an ar-15, and I completely disagree with his opinions and his sharing his opinions to our class.

--rant off

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Guest cnrotceagle
Complain to the DOS. And a copy to his superior that's he's reflecting poorly on the department.

He's a POS and needs to have complaints in his file.

Sorry for the noob ?, but was is DOS. Department of ? I was just shocked that he would be saying these things, especially considering his audience. I am not one to normally complain about things (at least not publicly), but I am tired of this crap. I really do not want him pushing that liberal agenda to any future classes.

I guess if you know anyone in East TN considering taking a HCP class. Be sure that tell them not to go to this joker.

On a better note. My wife and I got our fingerprints taken for our HCPs today. The lady said we should get them sometime around mid-January.

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Just wanted to chime in here.

I totally agree with everything the o.p. said,I live in the Dandridge area and I am with familiar with this individual.I am sure his views do not reflect how the rest of P.D. feels about these issues.So without getting too personal lets just say that he has a reputation locally.

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He sounds like the guy that I know in NC that has owned a gun shop for 30 years and is very ANTI NRA and is VERY Pro gun control. He will not sale any pistols or AK AR type semi-auto rifles because, and I quote "I don't sale people killers". But this guy has a hand gun carry permit and carries a handgun. He will sale you a Browning or Remington semi auto rifle and he will sale you all the handgun ammo or 7.62X39 or 223 ammo you want for those "People Killers". He is a die hard Dem. and thinks BO is the greatest thing to ever happen to the US. His wife even looks like Hillery. I just can't understand people like that.

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He sounds like the guy that I know in NC that has owned a gun shop for 30 years and is very ANTI NRA and is VERY Pro gun control. He will not sale any pistols or AK AR type semi-auto rifles because, and I quote "I don't sale people killers". But this guy has a hand gun carry permit and carries a handgun. He will sale you a Browning or Remington semi auto rifle and he will sale you all the handgun ammo or 7.62X39 or 223 ammo you want for those "People Killers". He is a die hard Dem. and thinks BO is the greatest thing to ever happen to the US. His wife even looks like Hillery. I just can't understand people like that.

Sounds like he's in business to not sell anything.

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How can the Dandridge police Dept. seriously be letting this moran teach classes?

Heres a thought to ponder... and yes its more then my humblest opinion. We started to push this issue back in 1994 when the sheriffs had all the power but the laws got changed before we had too.

A police Dept. is actually a form of state/city goverment... right? Police Dept's can teach the HCP course in Tennessee, but legally they arent supposed to be in competition with other private businesses over commerce. They can teach the class for free, but thats about it. Its no different then the local county roads dept. going out and paving private driveways at a reduced rate. Think about it...

Now before anyone goes off half cocked and starts telling me about all the Dept's that are teaching it let me say I know they are, but if its pushed thru the AG's office they wont be able to do so and make any $$$$ of the classes.

Back in 94 when we brought this point up to several sheriffs they decided to get out of the business rather quickly. Now several agency's wont let off duty officers teach on police Dept. property because most citys/countys have legal eagles that deem letting an officer use their facilities to teach a private course is an extreme liability.

So i'd call the NRA if you want too but it wont do any good. If you want to push the issue, then now you know the right buttons to push.

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Guest cnrotceagle

I have no problem with police department allowing officers to teach HCP permit classes on their property. My beef is the fact that this guy is taking economic advantage of the NRA and bashing what it stands for. The fact that my wife and I wrote him a check for $120 saddens me. He is entitled to his beliefs, but I would like to discourage anyone else from ever giving money to this guy. I would not lose any sleep if he lost his priviledge to teach the class or if the NRA kicked him out and/or took away their cheap liability insurance from him.

The guy said he had been teaching the class for many years, and there is no telling how many hundreds or thousands of uniformed, new gun owners this guy has been preaching his ignorant opinions to.

P.S. Thanks Bulldog44, I am glad to know that the rest of the Dandridge PD does not feel the same way. I greatly appreciate all of the hard work and sacrifice that law enforcement individuals make on a daily basis. Unfortunately, every group has rotten eggs.

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Guest Muttling

I hope you advise the NRA of his actions and let us know what (if anything) they do. If he's teaching under an NRA endorsement, then I would hope they would take action.

As for his department, I'm not so sure. Is he teaching with his department's endorsement or just being allowed to use their facilities? I suspect that the department does not endorse him or his teaching and this is completely seperate from them. Therefore, his political views would not be an issue for the department to address.

I agree that this guy doesn't need to be teaching HCP courses as he seems to inject his political opinions into the teaching of the laws of our state. His views are irrelevant, all that really matters is what is actually in the laws instead of his opinion of them.

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Guest HexHead

As for his department, I'm not so sure. Is he teaching with his department's endorsement or just being allowed to use their facilities? I suspect that the department does not endorse him or his teaching and this is completely seperate from them. Therefore, his political views would not be an issue for the department to address.

If he's an officer and teaching in department facilities, his actions reflect on the department. For the same reason officers in uniform aren't supposed to make political statements. His chief might not even be aware of what he's saying in those classes. Like I said earlier, I'd report his unprofessional behavior to the DOS who regulate the classes and to his department. Even if they do nothing, he sounds like the kind of cop that needs a letter of complaint or two in his file. I'd write the letter to the DOS and cc: it to his department and the NRA. That way everybody knows who else knows about this.

Edited by HexHead
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How can the Dandridge police Dept. seriously be letting this moran teach classes?

Heres a thought to ponder... and yes its more then my humblest opinion. We started to push this issue back in 1994 when the sheriffs had all the power but the laws got changed before we had too.

A police Dept. is actually a form of state/city goverment... right? Police Dept's can teach the HCP course in Tennessee, but legally they arent supposed to be in competition with other private businesses over commerce. They can teach the class for free, but thats about it. Its no different then the local county roads dept. going out and paving private driveways at a reduced rate. Think about it...

Now before anyone goes off half cocked and starts telling me about all the Dept's that are teaching it let me say I know they are, but if its pushed thru the AG's office they wont be able to do so and make any $$$$ of the classes.

Back in 94 when we brought this point up to several sheriffs they decided to get out of the business rather quickly. Now several agency's wont let off duty officers teach on police Dept. property because most citys/countys have legal eagles that deem letting an officer use their facilities to teach a private course is an extreme liability.

So i'd call the NRA if you want too but it wont do any good. If you want to push the issue, then now you know the right buttons to push.

Very interesting...

As I'm sure you know I believe it was the "competition" thing as to why LE can no longer unlock car doors.

I could see the argument that an officer teaching a class in the PD/SO are competing against other "private" instructors.

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