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Inactivity "kick-out"

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Just wondering what the time limit is for "kick-out". I usually keep TGO minimized and check it every 15 minutes or so. Every time I go back to check for new posts, I have to log in again. Can I do something to eliminate the "kick-out"?

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Best thing is delete cookies for TGO only, sometimes get corrupted.

You can delete cookies for individual sites in FireFox, but AFAIK you have to zap ALL cookies in MS Internet Exploder, so you lose other automagic log ins and whatnot too.

- OS

Guest coldblackwind

Really easy. I have the same problem. Just bring TGO up every 5 mins or so, you don't have to do anything, just scroll the page, and you stay connected.

Guest Gun Geek

David, I have started experiencing this as well. It looks like the sessions setting has changed. Not my browser, tried on several different computers and from two locations, work and home. It is definitely is shorter now. Doesnt really affect anyone who is using the remember me check box, but if you dont within 10 -15 minutes you are logged out.

  • Administrator
David, I have started experiencing this as well. It looks like the sessions setting has changed. Not my browser, tried on several different computers and from two locations, work and home. It is definitely is shorter now. Doesnt really affect anyone who is using the remember me check box, but if you dont within 10 -15 minutes you are logged out.

*sigh* Absolutely nothing has changed on the server. I would know. I'm the only person who could change it.


So....from the comment on the OTHER thread about this...i should throw my computer in the trash....get another internet provider and just DEAL with it?

not tryin to be an ASS...but....seems im not the only one...

If THIS is how it is....and how it WILL continue to be....I guess I won't be visiting as often.

Unless I want to pay GEEK SQUAD to come show me how to stay logged in for more than 15 minutes............

Sorry David, but, NO...i repeat NO other sites kick me out like this........

Oh well.....sorry to rant....guess I'll just get over it....:2cents::nervous::drunk:


You guys that are having problems, what browser are you using? I wonder if it's specific to one browser type. Have you experienced the same problem with a variety of browsers? There are browser add-ons that are designed to log you out after a specified time - have one of those installed?

Usually an inactivity logout is server driven, but mine (and a lot of others) don't log out. I know that has to be a pain to have to keep logging back in... hope mine doesn't start doing it :up:

Guest Gun Geek

Batman, I thought it may be that too, So I tried on horrible IE, then firefox and safari. So far it seems to be the same. Like I said it doesnt happen when you click remember me.

David, I am not trying to raise a ruckus was just saying that I started having the issue too. Like titan said it does not occur on other forum sites or cookie/session sites. TGO has always logged me out for inactivity if the remember me was not checked but it seems shorter now. May just be my imagination but, not that it matters as long as I check the remember me I am good to go.

If you are having the problem even with the remember me checked then something else is going on.


I run a vBulletin Forum myself, I see this all the time. It's your browser I would say.

Use Firefox, try to clear your cookies, then sign in. Make sure you have it set not to automatically clear cookies.

Guest jackdm3

My only problems have been that if you hit "New Posts" once and wait less than 10 seconds to click it again, it tells you to wait 2 or 3 seconds.

The other problem is if I make a post and it doesn't show up either for 15 minutes or for several hours/overnight. Something about cache and crap.

I've learned to live with it, though. I feel for you guys.


"You know, the other night I was sticking my tongue in the ... the..."

"Disk drive?"

"Yeah! And while it was getting trapped, it started to reformat the drive all over my tongue. That was the good part. I generally like that. But my cat tipped over the bottle of ... the um ..."

"Isopropyl alcohol?"

"Yeah, that's it. All over the tower. All over my face. In my eyes. But also on my newly stitched tongue from the platter armature. I needed a remedy. So I grabbed the ..."

"I know. The can of compressed air!"

"Yeah! But I missed! It shot all the dandruff and crumbs out from under the keys in my keyboard up my nose."

"Boy, I hate when that happens."

"Yeah, it really smarts."

  • Administrator
So....from the comment on the OTHER thread about this...i should throw my computer in the trash....get another internet provider and just DEAL with it?

not tryin to be an ASS...but....seems im not the only one...

If THIS is how it is....and how it WILL continue to be....I guess I won't be visiting as often.

Unless I want to pay GEEK SQUAD to come show me how to stay logged in for more than 15 minutes............

Sorry David, but, NO...i repeat NO other sites kick me out like this........

Oh well.....sorry to rant....guess I'll just get over it....:up::nervous::D

Oh, I'm sorry... you're right. I should assume that the other 5,800 members who aren't having a problem are the anomaly and spend even more time working on TGO than I do right now, chasing a problem that doesn't exist, when I know good and well that nothing has changed on our server ... especially since our server has absolutely no control over what your computer does with a cookie file.

Almost 100% of the time when something like this comes up, it's because of antivirus / antispyware / firewall / security software on your computer.

But let's pretend like I know nothing about computers and that I don't support enterprise-scale networks for my day job, and that I have scads of free time to chase down what's wrong with your computer, diagnosing it across the Internet (which is a lot like changing the oil in your car by going in through the tailpipe). For free.


Sorry, I guess I got off on a bit of a rant myself. :doh:

PS: TGO uses the vBulletin default of keeping your session active for 900 seconds (15 mins) without any activity on your part. If 15 mins passes and you haven't clicked a link on TGO or posted a thread or a reply, your session cookie expires. If that happens and you hadn't checked the box at the login prompt that says "Remember me" then you will have to sign back in. And if you have software on your computer that is screwing with your cookie sessions, it won't really matter anyway.

Too many variables that I have absolutely no control over are at play here. Which is why I suggested having a friend who knows more about it than you might, come over and look at it for you. Or barring that, getting tech support from a pro who's in the business of supporting home computers.

  • Administrator

One last thought from me on this subject before I have to get to work...

Tennessee Gun Owners - FAQ

What is 'Automatic Login'?

When you register (and also when you login using the form at the top of the screen), you will be given the option to 'Remember Me'. This will store your identity securely in a cookie on your computer. If you are using a shared computer, such as in a library, school or internet cafe, or if you have reason to not trust any other users that might use this computer, we recommend you do not enable this.

How do I clear cookies?

You can clear all your cookies set by the forum by clicking the 'logout' link at the top of the page. In some cases, if you return to the main index page via the link provided and you are still logged in, you may have to remove your cookies manually.

In Internet Explorer 6 on Windows XP: Click the 'Tools' menu. Select 'Internet Options' from the menu that appears. Click 'Delete Cookies' on the dialog box that appears. It will be in the center area of the 'General' tab.

In Internet Explorer 7: Click the 'Tools' menu. Select 'Internet Options' from the menu that appears. Click 'Delete...', beneath 'Browsing History' on the dialog box that appears. It will be in the center area of the 'General' tab. Click 'Delete cookies...' on the next dialog box that appears.

In Firefox: Click the 'Tools' menu. Select 'Options' from the menu that appears. From the dialog box, select 'Privacy' on the left. Find 'Cookies' on the main pane, and click the 'Clear' button adjacent to it.

In Safari: Go to Preferences, Security, then show Cookies and either select 'Remove all' or select individual cookies and then the 'Delete' button.

In Opera: Go to Tools, Preferences, Advanced, Cookies, Manage cookies then select the name of this site and click the 'Delete' button.

Your cookies should now be removed. You may want to restart the computer and revisit the forums to be sure.

Other browsers may have a different method of clearing cookies. Refer to the documentation for your own browser if you are unsure.


David posted,

"In Firefox: Click the 'Tools' menu. Select 'Options' from the menu that appears. From the dialog box, select 'Privacy' on the left. Find 'Cookies' on the main pane, and click the 'Clear' button adjacent to it."

Note that FireFox has the GREAT feature of being able to selectively REMOVE INDIVIDUAL COOKIES in this same location.

Cookies are listed in folders, alphabetically.

TNgunowers.com folder has 10 or 12 individual cookies, for example. Easiest to just delete entire folder.

This way you don't zap all the other automatic things that cookies do for you on other sites.

- OS



Just wondering what the time limit is for "kick-out". I usually keep TGO minimized and check it every 15 minutes or so. Every time I go back to check for new posts, I have to log in again. Can I do something to eliminate the "kick-out"?


PS: TGO uses the vBulletin default of keeping your session active for 900 seconds (15 mins) without any activity on your part. If 15 mins passes and you haven't clicked a link on TGO or posted a thread or a reply, your session cookie expires. If that happens and you hadn't checked the box at the login prompt that says "Remember me" then you will have to sign back in. And if you have software on your computer that is screwing with your cookie sessions, it won't really matter anyway.

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