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SA EMP Won't Feed H.P.'s

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Let me clarify something here guys. This is an incredible little gun. I bought it brand new and during the initial break-in, I had problems with stovepipes and failures to lock back on an empty mag, as well as casings flying back and hitting me in the head. Every one of these problems completely stopped at around the 200 rd. mark. This gun shoots like a dream and is the most accurate 3" barrel handgun I have ever shot. I can shoot 1.5" groups at 10 yards all day long. The gun is so well made and has such tight tolerances that it requires a break in period to get it running smoothly. It's now totally dependable with FMJ's.

I just hadn't tried hollow points out of it yet because I was not carrying it. I was actually waiting on my K&D holster to get here first. I had some loose 9mm Federal h.p.'s sitting on my shelf in a ziploc baggie and that's what I loaded into the mags because I figured I'd shoot them up first before I loaded something really good into it. It's these rounds that will not feed properly and I'm pretty sure it's because the hole in the bullet is so large that it leaves a thin and kind of sharp edge around it which is catching on the feed ramp.

I've been really busy lately and I still haven't tried any other kind of hollow points in it yet. I have a feeling that when I try something with a thicker and more rounded edge on it that it will feed just fine. I think polishing the feed ramp and using a good oil like Milspec on it will work wonders as well.

I really love this gun and don't think for one minute that this is a problem that can't be easily remedied. I don't want this thread to discourage anyone that might be thinking about getting an EMP. This is a sweet little gun and well worth the money spent. Just realize that it will require a break-in period to get the kinks worked out if you buy a new one.

I'll definitely keep everyone updated as to what happens when I try a different H.P. and/or have the feed ramp polished. :bs:

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  PackinMama said:
I really love this gun and don't think for one minute that this is a problem that can't be easily remedied. I don't want this thread to discourage anyone that might be thinking about getting an EMP. This is a sweet little gun and well worth the money spent. Just realize that it will require a break-in period to get the kinks worked out if you buy a new one.

Your post didn't do it alone for me. It's the countless others that have had the same type of issues. I just can't get into dropping a dime on hit or miss. Each to their own tho.. their still pretty sweet looking.

  • 4 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

I just purchased an EMP in 9mm yesterday. I had read long and hard about the problems associated with any 1911 Micro pistol before the purchase so I was aware going in. However when you put one of these in your hand it just cries out to be had! The purchase was for my wife with the intent she may ;) not like it and I could have another carry pistol.

The first trip out we went through three mags with every read about problem using just hardball. FTF, FTE, and getting brass between the eyes along with fail to holdopen on last round. Now it will get broken down, cleaned, lubed, and oiled, then another try. We'll stay at it. This thing is incredibly accurate for a 3" barrel. You may be interrested in this link. It describes the problems to a tee. http://www.christiangunowners.org/springfield_armory_emp.html

Edited by KarlS

See that's just it. im my mind if I drop a dime or better on a gun. I better not have to keep at it.. that's just nutz! ;)

Total :up::poop::D:poop:

SA should go back to the drawing board on this one.


Yea does seem crazy but I'll give it it's due break in period and see if the problems take care of themselves. Something about a micro 1911 that just wants me to make it work. There are many who take them out and have zero problems. I'm willing to work with it anyway. For CC I have to make sure it feeds HP ammo. I'm not letting my wife carry it until it's right.


Agreed, Karl. That sucks too, because you'd be hard pressed to find a gun that I want more right now. Oh well, guess I better keep looking at those Kimbers.

  KarlS said:
I just purchased an EMP in 9mm yesterday. I had read long and hard about the problems associated with any 1911 Micro pistol before the purchase so I was aware going in. However when you put one of these in your hand it just cries out to be had! The purchase was for my wife with the intent she may ;) not like it and I could have another carry pistol.

The first trip out we went through three mags with every read about problem using just hardball. FTF, FTE, and getting brass between the eyes along with fail to holdopen on last round. Now it will get broken down, cleaned, lubed, and oiled, then another try. We'll stay at it. This thing is incredibly accurate for a 3" barrel. You may be interrested in this link. It describes the problems to a tee. Springfield Armory EMP

Hey, that's an awesome review on the EMP isn't it?!!! Darn nice pictures too I think! As a matter of fact, that looks just like my EMP before I put my Esmeralda grips on it. Oh.....wait a minute.......that IS my EMP!!! :);) I wrote that review for Christian Gun Owners. ROFL :up:

That's hilarious that you found my review and posted the link! I wrote that before I ever tried using hollow points through it. It does function perfectly with the FMJ's, just like I said in the review. (Btw, if anyone would like to submit a gun review (pictures and range report a plus!) for consideration of being put on Christian Gun Owners, just go to www.christiangunowners.org and scroll over "Gun Reviews" then click on "Submit a Review." So far, my EMP review is the only one on there.)

KarlS, congrats on your EMP purchase! It's a fine gun and everything will smoothe out after a couple hundred rounds or so. The accuracy of that little 3" bull barrel is utterly amazing! You know that target that I posted a picture of in my review? That EMP can do that at 10 yards with cheap FMJ's all day long! It's a great gun and you'll love it! I would recommend getting a set of custom grips for it. Then you can put the originals up so they stay new and use it with the custom set. I LOVE my grips that were made by "Esmeralda!" She does some incredible stuff with exotic woods!!! Check out this older post for some closeup pictures: http://www.tngunowners.com/forums/firearm-accessories/20958-custom-grips-my-emp-esmeralda.html

I have complete confidence that I can get my EMP to run HP's reliably. I just haven't had the time to polish the feed ramp and try some different ammo. I also want to get some Milspec oil for the feed ramp....I think that'll help too. In the meantime, I'm just carrying it with FMJ's.

I have absolutely no regrets with this gun. My Glock is a useful tool....my EMP is an heirloom that I will proudly pass down to my son.


Wow. Small world isn't it? Nice review PackinMama! Just got done cleaning and going back at it in the morning to try and run another box or two through it. I'll be waiting for that magic rapid fire full mag at the 200 rnd mark. :devil:

LagerHead..Don't jump ship yet!

  KarlS said:
Wow. Small world isn't it? Nice review PackinMama! Just got done cleaning and going back at it in the morning to try and run another box or two through it. I'll be waiting for that magic rapid fire full mag at the 200 rnd mark. :cheers:

LagerHead..Don't jump ship yet!

It's definitely a small world! :poop: Good luck Karl and don't give up! Keep it well oiled during break in with Rem Oil. That will help it loosen up faster (that's what my gun dealer told me at least). I sprayed a little Rem Oil down the slide grooves every three mags that I fired, plus ran a bore snake down the barrel.


Totally agree with PackinMama...these guns are really sweet. With regards to the magazine and FTLock: I had one mag that would do this maybe 50% of the time. Called SA cust service and told them, they sent me another mag free (shipped the same day), with no request to return the defective one. Upon opening the box, there were 2 mags - coolness!

I gotta check outt those Esmeralda grips - nice!!


Day two: Loaded 3 mags with winchester white 115 gr ball. After a complete cleaning and "wetting" the rails it was a totally different experience! Started slow fire through one mag and ran through with no failures and holdopen on last rnd. Ran through two more mags rapid fire with Zero failures. Reloaded all three mags and again rapid fire with zero failures. Completely different gun today! No FTE, FTF, brass between the eyes, and every mag held the slide open on last rnd.

I searched 4 stores for HP and it's becoming scarce again. I found some 124 grn Speer Gold Dot so I'll try again tomorrow on some CC loads. This thing is a kick in the butt to shoot and amazingly accurate!


JMHO, but dropping a grand on a handgun that I would bet my life on should be perfect out of the box. Should not need breaking in, tuning, special mags or ammo. I'm wanting a new Springfield Armory Ultra Carry, but having second thoughts after reading so many "please help" posts on the 1911 Forum concerning SA's and, especially Kimbers. Not knocking any make of 1911 type handguns as I have two, both Colts, and have never malfunctioned in 30+ years. I simply think that an expensive handgun should leave the manufacturer with better quality control to make it reliable.

Guest HexHead
  Bigiron said:
JMHO, but dropping a grand on a handgun that I would bet my life on should be perfect out of the box. Should not need breaking in, tuning, special mags or ammo. I'm wanting a new Springfield Armory Ultra Carry, but having second thoughts after reading so many "please help" posts on the 1911 Forum concerning SA's and, especially Kimbers. Not knocking any make of 1911 type handguns as I have two, both Colts, and have never malfunctioned in 30+ years. I simply think that an expensive handgun should leave the manufacturer with better quality control to make it reliable.

If you're looking for a 3" 1911, check out the Colt New Agent. Before I got mine, I scoured the internet, probably read 60-80 various forum pages looking for a complaint. I found two posts in all that with a complaint, and one of them was a result of re-assembling it with the recoil spring in backwards. The recent recall fixed that issue with a new spring with both ends closed.

My New Agent has been 100% from round #1, no issues with it whatsoever.

Colt seems to be the only people that have figured out how to make a sub-compact 1911 run reliably. Go figure. :poop:


Well, I had a couple of FTFs with a Colt Combat Elite in the first few magazines, so apparently they are not immune, either. (And no, not recall related.)


Thankx Hexhead, I'll check out the AGENT. The main reason I mentioned the SA UC is that it is stainless, and ambi. Never owned a bad Colt.


A follow up on shooting SA EMP 9mm: Our initial experience shooting this thing was pretty much what packinmama had run into. After the first outing a breakdown and oil and clean did it wonders. We are under the 200 round breakin and it's feeding ball ammo and 124 grn Spear Gold Dot HP ammo with ZERO failures. I think it's ready to carry! Anyone thinking of purchasing one of these will not be dissapointed. Advise as noted earlier is keep it wet during break in.


Karl, that's good news! I knew if you stuck with it, the EMP would smooth itself out. Isn't it amazing how accurate that little gun is?! :D

Posted (edited)

PackinMama - a question about your grips from Esmeralda. Are they her 1911 compact grips?

KarlS - glad you like it. Put about 100 rounds thru my EMP .40 today, along with 150 thru the Micro-Compact .45. Nary a hiccup or misstep. Life is good!

Edited by GKar
  GKar said:
PackinMama - a question about your grips from Esmeralda. Are they her 1911 compact grips?

KarlS - glad you like it. Put about 100 rounds thru my EMP .40 today, along with 150 thru the Micro-Compact .45. Nary a hiccup or misstep. Life is good!

GKar, If I remember correctly, I think they are the 1911 THIN compact grips....but they have to be modified slightly to fit the EMP's. The ambi safety cut has to be made on the inside of one grip and I believe there might be a couple other small differences as well. Esmeralda would be the best person to ask about that though. When you have a four year old that is constantly talking to you or getting into something, your memory goes FAST! :lol:

When she made mine, she actually made two sets of the same design I asked for and then let me choose which ones I liked the best. It was a hard decision! The main difference was the grain and color of the cocobolo wood. She put the set I didn't take for sale on her website....I don't know if they're still there or not. I do know that she had made a few sets of grips for EMP's before I asked her to do mine. She mentioned that the first set she had done was for a lady also, and that lady actually sent her the stock grips so that she could get the exact pattern from those.


Thanks. I wondered about the thins...seems that would work real well. Lookin hard at a couple of different designs. Very nice work!


good to hear things are looking up. I may just have to try one yet. keep the details flowing on these babys...

  GKar said:
KarlS - glad you like it. Put about 100 rounds thru my EMP .40 today, along with 150 thru the Micro-Compact .45. Nary a hiccup or misstep. Life is good!

Nice! I'm pondering my next purchase..Either of the two you mentioned GKar. I won't thread rob and go in another direction but I'd love to get into a thread comparing the micro in each of the calibers. I'd love to know your opinions on each. Full size 1911's are an addiction in themselves but these micro's are another story.

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