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Most Useless Gun?

The Rabbi

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The Taurus Judge specifically, and Taurus guns in general. I consider them equal to Jennings, Bryco, and Hi-Points.

I'm not a Taurus fan, never have been. I don't put them in the same class as Jennings either. The Judge IMHO falls into the football bat category.

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And here I will disagree with those that claim the Judge has no value. I can carry a holstered weapon with a .410 shell for no leg and 4 leg varmints while walking on my property. To me that is useful. I can control a Judge better than a BASS which to me is useless because you have a 3 inch chamber and a 1 inch barrel if that. My experience with Kel-Tec weapons leaves me with the desire to not purchase another but they do provide niche weapons such as emergency truck carbines in pistol calibers using Glock magazines.

I would also say that any handgun that requires ammo that needs to be hand loaded or costs more than a buck for practice is useless. I also think that of percussion and other weapons that are designed for show rather than use.

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And here I will disagree with those that claim the Judge has no value. I can carry a holstered weapon with a .410 shell for no leg and 4 leg varmints while walking on my property. To me that is useful. I can control a Judge better than a BASS which to me is useless because you have a 3 inch chamber and a 1 inch barrel if that. My experience with Kel-Tec weapons leaves me with the desire to not purchase another but they do provide niche weapons such as emergency truck carbines in pistol calibers using Glock magazines.

I would also say that any handgun that requires ammo that needs to be hand loaded or costs more than a buck for practice is useless. I also think that of percussion and other weapons that are designed for show rather than use.

Yep, maybe I was a little harsh. The Judge is one helluva snake gun. Doesn't fit any of my uses, but I can see where it has a few applications.

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When I found this ammo:


410 ga. 2 1/2" Supreme Elite™ PDX1 410

It became a more versatile weapon. Rather than load alternate #4 and 000 or 45LC I now have a load that cover most needs in a hand gun although I would not want it a primary carry or go to town gun

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I own a Taurus M85. It shoots OK. Ya know some people don't have the money to lay down on a Sig or Kimber. Taurus is an affordable handgun for those on a budget. Same with Hi-Point and Charter Arms. I have no problem accepting that. I am greatful that I have the money and the liberty to even buy a gun. Think of those poor British subjects. They have to call a "Bobby" to come and rap the perp on the knuckles with a stick. God Bless America where even a poor man can arm himself.

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If the gun makes that "bang!" noise, with a projectile of some sort going downrange when the booger-hook engages the trigger, it's not really worthless, is it? At that point, it's a question of degree. I say that as a full-on gun snob; I only own one semi-crappy gun (PT709...I have no interest in the Taurus wars FWIW), and it's only crappy relative to bigger and better pistols. The rounds still go downrange, so it's not useless - it's just that the nut behind the trigger prevents accurate shooting with it, compared to the nut's other pistols.

I'll second everyone who has said that the most useless gun is the one you don't have, or doesn't work reliably.

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Guest Travtastik

I had a glock G23 that was useless. First time I took it out put about 200 rounds about 8 inchs high and about 10 inches to the left. I thought it was just me but everyone I let try it it did the same thing. We tried shooting of sandbags and it was still not hitting paper. A buddy had a gen 2 and tried his barrel and it was dead on. Sent the gun back to the factory and it came back with a new barrel and rocked.

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