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Most Useless Gun?

The Rabbi

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I know some people swear by them, but i sure had a lot of problems out of a Kel Tec 380 i bought about a year ago. The handgun stovepiped on about every magazine, no matter what brand of ammo i used. I even sent the handgun to a gunsmith for the kel tec 'fluff and buff' and the thing still jammed.

I didn't consider it acceptable for a self defense firearm to have the problems it had, so i traded it towards a S&W Airweight snub.

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Razor, you should send the gun back to Kel-Tec, if it needs it. They will probably even send you a free shipping UPS pickup box. But have someone else shoot it first. The P3AT will stovepipe with limp-wristing. I always warn new users about that.

Oops just re-read your post. I see you traded it. Sorry.

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Guest bkelm18

Yeah, Kel-Tec would have probably replaced it. They have outstanding customer service. I had an issue with mine where the recoil spring popped out through the front of the gun (a problem many P-3ATs had early on), I sent it to them and they replaced the entire slide for free.

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Love my P3AT (2nd gen.). I shoot standard Rem JHP's. Lot of ways to carry: Neck lanyard, belt clip, iwb, pocket holster. I use a Desantis pocket holster. About the size of a wallet and will work in front or back pocket, but I don't like the idea of sitting on it due to the pressure on the slide.

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Air-weight snub nosed revolvers. Any caliber.

Why does training with a firearm which you will defend your life, with less powerful ammunition than you will actually carry in it, for abbreviated range sessions because it is unpleasant to shoot. I wouldn't train with a wiffleball bat and expect to hit homers with a 30/oz Louisville Slugger in a baseball game.

...2nd nominee is the M&P 40c. Could have saved $499 +tax and bought the Glock 27 first.

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Air-weight snub nosed revolvers. Any caliber.

Why does training with a firearm which you will defend your life, with less powerful ammunition than you will actually carry in it, for abbreviated range sessions because it is unpleasant to shoot. I wouldn't train with a wiffleball bat and expect to hit homers with a 30/oz Louisville Slugger in a baseball game.

...2nd nominee is the M&P 40c. Could have saved $499 +tax and bought the Glock 27 first.


The gun is designed for up close and personal encounters. The difference between a full power .38+P and practice ammo is not much, and will feel like nothing in an actual encounter. On the plus side, there are so many reasons why the airweight snub should be the carry gun of choice for the private citizen it is worthy of a thread on its own.

Sorry your personal experience with the 40c told you that you couldnt shoot the gun well. That happens. But its not reflection on the gun. I shot one and did just fine. I would personally take it way before a Glock 27 for it slightly larger size and better trigger.

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Guest Phantom6
I vote for Phantoms Seacamp .32.

Never seen it fired, and what's is more I have never gotten to fire it.;)

Yo, Mike.357, If you promise to play nice I'll let you shoot it. Otherwise you'll have to stand down range and hold the target until all the other kids get a turn first. :D


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Sorry your personal experience with the 40c told you that you couldnt shoot the gun well. That happens. But its not reflection on the gun. I shot one and did just fine. I would personally take it way before a Glock 27 for it slightly larger size and better trigger.


I never said I couldn't shoot it well. Personally I think the 40c's trigger is worse than the unaltered Glock's. Shooting the G27 does not feel like wrangling a greased piglet. The wide slide and slim (med) grip/frame of the 40c makes an unneccessary inconvienence for something I bet my life on. The Glock, much like the 17 and 32 I have been comfortable carrying, fits me better than the 40c.


Yes, the M&P sucks. VIVA el GLOCK!!!

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I never said I couldn't shoot it well. Personally I think the 40c's trigger is worse than the unaltered Glock's. Shooting the G27 does not feel like wrangling a greased piglet. The wide slide and slim (med) grip/frame of the 40c makes an unneccessary inconvienence for something I bet my life on. The Glock, much like the 17 and 32 I have been comfortable carrying, fits me better than the 40c.


Yes, the M&P sucks. VIVA el GLOCK!!!

If there wasn't so much distance between us, I would offer you a trade for a Glock 23.

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Guest gcrookston

anything made by charter arms in the last 15 years... or ever made by Jenson, or Jericho or any other bling-bling $89.00 pocket pistols made of chrome plated pot metal...

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Anything in .25.

People underestimate the .25 acp.

I had a fellow in my shop a couple of weeks ago who told a story how he had bought one because there had been some robberies and he was carrying a lot of cash regularly working for a band.

Sure enough a guy jumps into his car at a traffic light and brandishes a knife and demands money. My customer comes up with the gun and shoots him right in the face. He falls back out of the car dead.

His brother comes up behind and my customer gets out. The brother threatens my customer, who shoots him in the eye, killing him too.

All probably with a Colt Junior or something.

I have a Colt Model N or whatever it is called from about 1914 and I love that little gun. I wouldn't necessarily carry it exclusively for protection but I'd take it over a sharp rock any day.

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  • 2 months later...
Guest bulletproof

2 weeks ago a friend needed money and wanted to sell me their handgun at a really cheap price. Normally I wouldn't even think about buying that kind of gun. They claimed they never fired it. I took it apart to clean it and found

the firing pin is broken. So for me it is a

Raven .25 with a broken firing pin.

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Guest tokarev

"Those cheap ass single and double barrel .45/410 deringers made in Copper Hill."

I bought one of those about about 10-12 years ago as an idea for a snake gun. It works too. Anytime I ever carried it while fishing, I never saw a snake ;-)

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