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Kimber or SA?

Guest hi im drummer03

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Kimber uses the Swartz safety (except the SIS models) on everything with II in the nambe (CDPII as an example). It orally inhales to the nth degree. It is the reason, IMNSHO, Kimber doesn't have a lifetime warranty on it's 1911's.

Can you touch on this smore more.To me the parts maybe some of a moot point since there rated for 50k rounds...

It isn't a matter of part life, it's a matter of the design. In THEORY the Swartz safety allows a better trigger pull than Colt's Series 80. The problem being it is a very touchy system. Given "perfect" mating from the factory, it might work a long time. Given parts at the short end of spec, not so much. Float over to 10-8 forum and read up on it. He does better explaining it. Kimber has made 2 mistakes - external extractor and the Swartz safety. Every problem Kimber I personally "know" had issues related to one or the other. I'm yet to see a problem Series I. There is a reason the Series I Kimbers sell for as much or more than the Series II models.

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Have you checked out STI? I shoot a lot of IDPA, and running and gunning tends to expose less than reliable guns. STI dominates all other 1911s in reliability (obviously not a scientific study involved, but I have watched lots of 1911 shooters). I'm thinking about getting a 1911 soon, and STI's Trojan can easily be found for under $1000. Check their website:

STI International, Inc.

This is good advice. I've observed the same exact thing. IDPA isn't kind to finicky guns.

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I looked at the Kimber and SA also then someone suggested a Dan Wesson, read a lot over on the 1911 forum's and decided on the DW. After 600+ flawless rounds I'm very happy with my decision. It was the right gun for the money for ME!!! COOP


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Kimber has made 2 mistakes - external extractor and the Swartz safety. Every problem Kimber I personally "know" had issues related to one or the other. I'm yet to see a problem Series I. There is a reason the Series I Kimbers sell for as much or more than the Series II models.

But, not all Series II guns have external extractors. Many assume that they do.

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For what it's worth, about:2cents:, I traded into a used SA Lightweight Loaded Champion Operator. It's a commander size with 4'' barrel. I absolutely love it! Great shooter, extremely accurate, and once I found my favorite load for it, it has become my favorite of four 1911 45's. The only issue I've had with it was a weak extractor, but after, it was used with no known round count.

I will not comment on Kimbers for I have no personal experiences with them. However, I have heard the comments concerning SeriesI/II pistols.

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Who said they did?

Nobody, but you stated that Kimber's two problem areas are Schwartz safeties and external extractors, and that you had never seen Series I gun act up. Many think that Series I=internal and Series II=external. Your post could lead some to believe this is true. I know what you mean, and you know what you mean, but some may read into your post too much.

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