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Conceal Carry Bag/Backpack

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I am currently a onsite computer technician going in and out of business and homes all day long as part of my job and carry a backpack with small 8 inch netbook computer and some other small tools. So looking for a bag ideally with a dedicated conceal pocket and will handle what I already carry on a day to day bases. I am brand new to conceal carry world but realize I cant be first person looking for something like this? Instead reinventing the wheel just thought I would ask. Any recommendations?

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This may be more tactical than you're hoping for, but in black it might blend in more...http://tinyurl.com/yferxal

It has a main section big enough for the netbook, a smaller section designed to take a handgun, and plenty of room for tools or modular add ons for tools.

If this bag doesn't work, the same company may have something else on the website you like better.

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Quick follow up...forgot to mention this from the website:

"The Fatboy's rear slip compartment is now equipped with large loop Velcro patches to accommodate our Hook & Loop Modular Accessories (e.g. #3501 Universal Modular Holster, sold separately). This allows the user to position their concealed carry firearm for a quick strong side draw or weak side cross draw."

So if you want this bag, don't forget to add the holster to your shopping cart.

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