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Can you eat hamburger after ribeye?

Guest TurboniumOxide

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Guest TurboniumOxide

Long story short; I bought a Kahr PM9 and I love it and carry it with me everywhere. (Except into incorrectly posted police stations ;)) A few weeks later, I had a few gunbucks burning a hole in my pocket so I bought a KelTec PF9 thinking it would be nice to have a backup in case my Kahr goes down.

Makes sense, right? Well, turns out I have found the first gun that I truly dislike. It looks ok, and works fine, and it is accurate enough and certainly small, but it hurts to shoot. Harsh even, I would say. I came to dislike it, then hated it, and then couldn't even stand the idea of having it in my safe.

So I traded it in on a Kahr PM45 and got a good deal on it. My favorite gun now has a big brother.

I never thought I would find a gun I didn't like. I was wrong.

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I think I'd feel same as you about the hamburger even if I had only ever had flank steak.

I've shot both P-11 and PF-9 and was sort of shocked that guns could be made that would be that harsh and inaccurate and yet still function.

Sort of a marvel in anti-engineering. Sorry, KT fans.

(ps: I'm not a gun snob - I have two Hi-Points!)

- OS

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From a KY fan, I can't disagree about the P11. I've had a p32 for years and found it to be quite good--functions well, pretty accurate for such a short barrel, and an acceptable trigger. So I bought a p11 when they came out. Awful trigger pull and terribly inaccurate. And as you said, very harsh shooting. Sold the gun as fast as I could. Might someday go to the 380, but I doubt it. Not enough difference between them to really make it worthwhile.

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Guest TurboniumOxide

Some of the larger KTs are attractive and one of the more massive might find their way home someday. I'm not a gun snob either; I just like what I like as do we all. But the PF9 was punishing to me. You have to train with any gun that you hope to be able to use under stress and the PF9 made this impossible for me. I am a big thick guy (6-1 300lbs) with big hands. Just my honest experience.

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Guest mikedwood

I understand I got a P9 or a P11. I can't remember which. Anyway I was so excited. Great size, enough rounds. I took it to the range and it ftf every third shot plus it was inaccurate (It's a close up gun is what they say to defend it, I don't buy it) and yes it hurt to shot.

I traded it for a G26 which I figured would be a little better but probably not much, turns out I was wrong the G26 is great all the way around.

Gratz on the new Kahr

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I had a P-40 that functioned fine, but the .40 Death Ray kicked like a sumbitch. I passed it on to another fellow who liked pain. Pretty accurate gun, just felt like I was holding a donkey and kicking it in the balls because I liked the pain of it kicking back. I've been looking at the P32, though. I'd like to have something that won't pull my sweatpants off while walking the neighborhood. You only get one chance to make a first impression, and that ain't a good one.

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I actually enjoyed shooting a PF9. It jumped but didn't bother me at all. Of course I have short skinny fingers so I have more of my "grip-power" available on a small weapon. As far as the hamburger vs steak. As soon as I shot a Sig P220 the writing was on the wall for my S&W4506. By the way I love hamburgers :lol:

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My father bought a KelTec 380 which he really likes. I borrowed it and shot it some, thinking I might want one. It functioned properly, and I could hit with it, but for some reason I didn't like it at all. I decided to stick with my S&W 642. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

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I have a KT P-11 that I carry every day and shoot at least once a week.I must have lucked up, because mine is not that bad as far as recoil ,and is decently accurate for such a compact 9mm. I am 6'3" and 270 with big mitts :cool:

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I have a PF-9 and like it just fine for what it is: a highly concealable 9mm for when my EDC is too big.

I've shot plenty of kahrs and would in no way say they are any better in any way IMO, in fact in my experiences with them, they have been less reliable at double the price. But hey, if you like'em good for you, but they're not "ribeye" and they don't make a PF-9 seem like "hamburger" in comparison... They both make a glock seem like "filet mignon"...

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Guest Bluemax

Can you eat hamburger after ribeye ?

This sounds like a question for my ex wife...seriously, I have a P3AT and a Mk40 both are good guns but the Kahr is in a league by itself

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They say there ain't no such thang as bad publicity, eh?

- OS

Its a little chilly outside. "Now I'm FREEEEEEEEEEE, free ballin, now I'm...free ballin...now I'm freee ballin..."

How about some suspenders? That would really get the neighbors talking.

No thanks. :cool:


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Guest dizzielizzie

I went from a Charter Arms .38 special revolver to a Kahr MK9. Yes - hamburg to ribeye. The revolver sits in the safe for sentimental reasons. The Kahr never leaves my side!

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I went from a Charter Arms .38 special revolver to a Kahr MK9. Yes - hamburg to ribeye. The revolver sits in the safe for sentimental reasons. The Kahr never leaves my side!

Well, in hamburger there's ground beef and ground chuck.

Charter is at least the ground chuck - I'd trust it with my life over time comfortably, with a ground beef KT, not so much.

I still have an old Charter and would feel comfy with it in my pocket tomorrow; or at least as comfy as 5 rounds can feel.

- OS

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I've shot the KelTec's and yes they can hurt the shooters hands, yes they can be inaccurate if the shooter can't handle the the thing. KelTecs' always seem to be hit or miss or at least they used to be that way. I've known 100 or so people that have had the P11 and some say it's a reliable weapon and others gripe about having to keep sending it back to KelTec.

My personal opinion is that the newer models are usually running fine. However, I personally do not recomend carrying one as a main gun. As a back up is totally fine. I'd carry one to back up my G26 if I ever did decide to carry a back up that is. :D Decent little guns that fill a nitch in society. Like cars, sometimes you get a lemon but in most cases, those that do get the lemons, usually end up turning around and getting rid of it.

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Guest pdosafety

I myself love my PM9 but i also just got its baby brother the Kahr P380 and now i am torn between which one i want to carry. Heck i may just carry both since there so dang small. But i myself dont like how the Kel-Tecs shoot.

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